ISIS murders Coptic Christians: Seen in Egypt as a matter of restoring

national self-esteem, the country is the first Arab nation to go to war

against the group, restoring Paris to its role as mediator for Washington.



French Influence Soars with Egypt's War on Daesh (Champress, Syria)


"The Egyptian strikes on Daesh hasten the next anticipated war in the region, particularly since they are inextricably linked to the purchase French Rafale fighters. The $5.2 billion deal could help President Fattah el-Sisi obtain what he's been asking for: international authorization from the U.N. for action in Libya. The controversial aircraft deal strengthens relations between Cairo and Paris and restores to France a role it last played during the Mubarak presidency: as a balancing element in the strategic alliance between Cairo and Washington."


By Wa'el Abdul Fattah*



Translated By Nicolas Dagher


March 2, 2015


Syria – Champress – Original Article (Arabic)

Few expected the first foray into the Libyan maze to be made by Egypt.


The war hasn't truly begun but the Egyptian airstrikes are the first sign that the encroachment of the Islamic State from Iraq and Syria into Libya will not be tolerated.  Contrary to claims by the princes of terrorist conquest at Daesh, the widely-used nickname for Islamic State, will not be allowed to repeat its Levantine foray on the North African coast.


Egyptian state media call it an "airstrike" as a way diminishing negative public reaction to notions of a major war. More recent coverage has used the term "raid" as an even more neutral characterization, while still other outlets describe it as an "aggression" (against Libyan civilians) or an attack (on Libyan sovereignty). That's the other side of a media polarization designed to conceal the reality that Daesh militants have reached Libya, settled on its shores and turned them into a theater of blood.


The killing of 21 carefully-chosen Coptic Egyptians had a target audience: an Egyptian public in which sectarian lust already exists. They portrayed the slaughter as revenge for the captivity of Kamilia, the wife of a Coptic priest who has been at the center of a struggle between Christian Patriarchal authorities and Islamic Salafists since she disappeared from her home and was alleged to have converted to Islam as a way of freeing herself from a marriage almost impossible to break. At the time (July 2010), the Church relied on the power of the Mubarak government to restore her to the convent, which ignited demonstrations among Salafists under the theme of "I Want My Sister Kamilia ..."



The patriarchal struggle over Kamilia [contested video above] obscured her individuality by painting her as a "sheep lost from the herd," making it easy for Daesh to use her name during their performance on the beaches of Sirte.


"Decapitation is the ultimate tyranny," writes anthropology researcher Frances Larson of the University of Durham in her book Severed: A History of Heads Lost and Heads Found, which she discussed in a recent interview with the Boston Globe (an Arabic translation will soon be published in Cairo's monthly magazine The World of the Book). She calls beheading a "brutal show of power."


This is what's been happening in Syria and Iraq and now Libya since the advent of Daesh, which stamps out all individuality by turning people into victimized members of the "herd." This resulted in the kidnapping of 21 Egyptians, selected by Daesh because they were Copts. For propaganda purposes this suited Daesh by appealing to a larger public that already has Daeshist tendencies. These lie in wait for the right moment to emerge and destroy the current tyranny by relying on another with the fragrance of "heavenly salvation," the euphoria of a "prophetic mission" and the excitement of group violence marketed like a sporting event which every day attracts tens of thousands more to the bloody and romanticized world of Daesh.

Posted By Worldmeets.US,


So the air strikes mark the beginning of an inevitable war to reclaim Egyptian self-esteem. By targeting storage sites and buildings belonging to Daesh or the Libyan allies it has been able to attract (such as the group Ansar Al Sharia, which is responsible for kidnapping most of the beheaded Egyptian Copts), Egypt's military has sent an unmistakable message that could undermine some of Daesh's magnetic appeal among Libyans. They also sent a message to Daesh: border holes between Egypt and Algeria can be plugged under the sponsorship of the Gulf allies, particularly the UAE. The infiltration of death squads and tools like money, weapons and logistics, which have turned the Libyan coast into a launching pad for Daesh violence, can be stopped.



Quryna, Libya: Attack on U.S. Consulate and Citizens Must Never Be Repeated
Al Watan, Libya: If the Prophet Can be Insulted, the Holocaust can be Questioned
Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria: Why Insulting the Prophet Always 'Pays Off Big'
Der Spiegel, Germany: Muslim Protests Show Limits of Free Speech
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: Islam in Turmoil: Religion as 'Ersatz-Identity'
Al Watan, Libya: Libyan Fatwa Court Calls Attack on Americans an 'Offense to Islam'
The Independent, U.K.: Obama's Foreign Policy of Reconciliation Lies in 'Tatters'
Independent, U.K.: 'Inside Story' of U.S. Envoy's Assassination
Debka File, Israel:
Al-Qaeda Chief Zawahri 'Personally Ordered' Murder of U.S. Envoy
Independent, U.K.: 'Provocateurs' East and West Know: Politics and Religion Don't Mix ’
Telegraph, U.K.: Arab Spring Turns Sour for United States
Telegraph, U.K.: Ambassador Chris Stevens: Man of Drive, Passion
Independent, U.K.: Fear and Loathing: Another Unholy Row about Islam
Guardian, U.K.: Attack in Libya Underlines Threat of Salafi Islamists
Guardian, U.K.: It Should Have Been Clear - Deposing Qaddafi was the Easy Part



The Egyptian strikes hasten the next anticipated war in the region, particularly since they are inextricably linked to the purchase [French] Rafale fighter aircraft. The $5.2 billion deal could help President Fattah el-Sisi obtain what he's been asking for: international authorization from the U.N. for action in Libya. The controversial aircraft contract strengthens relations between Cairo and Paris and restores to France a role it last played during the Mubarak presidency: as a balancing element in the strategic alliance between Cairo and Washington. With its comeback, France seeks to be a key factor in navigating the Libyan maze through regional players like Egypt. With the participation of Egypt, beyond the significant role played by a country with notable military force, its makes it harder depict the war as religious (Christian vs. Muslim).


Egypt, despite its sectarian feuds, has a strong national identify that is beyond the reach of countries ruled on tribal or religious grounds and renders it capable of withstanding the bombardment of images soaked in the passions of minority groups.


Without getting into a time-consuming debate about the search for a moderate form of Islam, the approaching war is based on new arrangements that may have begun on Libyan territory spearheaded by the idea of Egyptian "national identity;"and Cairo may resort to the old habit of resolving domestic tensions by entering a foreign war. Daesh, on the other hand, rather than rebuilding the region by fostering coexistence among religious minorities, has imposed a war to "restore the sword of Islam" that would wipe out all religious minorities. That would be hell itself.


*Wa'el Abdul Fattah is an Egyptian writer on foreign affairs





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Le Monde, France
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AWD News, U.K.:
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Guardian, U.K.:
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Publico, Portugal:
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Sol, Portugal:
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Kitabat, Iraq: America's 'Promise': To Leave Iraq in a State of Civil War
Kitabat, Iraq: Wake Up Iraqis!: The Americans Never Intend to Withdraw!
Kitabat, Iraq: America's War: From One Dictatorship to Another



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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, March 2, 2015, 8:45am]
















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