Kayhan, Islamic Republic of Iran

Kayhan, Islamic Republic of Iran

Obama is a 'Global Menace;' and 'Threat to Islam'


Are President Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown plotting to take over all of the world's energy reserves, attack Iran and destroy Islam? That is the claim of this visceral op-ed article from Iran's state-controlled Kayhan newspaper.


By Kian Mokhtari


January 4, 2010


Islamic Republic of Iran - Kayhan - Home Page (English)

Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh (above) blames Iran for stoking unrest in Yemen's Shiite south, where there has been a movement for seccession.


PRESS TV, IRAN: U.S. considers a new war in Yemen, Jan. 1, 00:03:02RealVideo

According to eyewitness accounts, on Wednesday Dec. 30, two unmarked U.S. transport planes landed in the dead of night in Yemen's capital of Sana'a. The aircraft dropped off a number of U.S. troops and then departed. Although there are no credible reports of additional troops or equipment arriving, rumors are rife among locals that a number of American cargo planes have arrived with equipment that included “very thin helicopters,” perhaps referring to Cobra helicopter gunships, which have been used extensively by U.S. Marines for close air support and “counter-insurgency” operations.


And as predicted (Kayhan, Viewpoint column, Dec. 30) Britain has announced that it will join the U.S. intervention in Yemen.


10 Downing Street has announced that Prime Minister Brown and U.S. President Obama have agreed to fight “terror” in Yemen and Somalia. The two countries, both with proven reserves of gas and light sweet crude oil, are located in highly strategic locations: at the mouth of the Red Sea, which leads to the Indian Ocean.


After sending Special Forces to “train” the Yemen military and conducting air raids in the north and south of the country, America is already tangled up in war in Yemen.


On December 18, ABC News quoted U.S. administration officials, who let it slip that Nobel Peace Prize laureate Obama had ordered air strikes on Yemen; This after a December 17 air raid north of the capital, Sana'a, under the pretext of neutralizing an "imminent attack against a U.S. asset.”

Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Jan. 4


On January 2, the attacks killed scores of civilians, just as President Obama announced a massive failure of “American intelligence”!


The next day, CBS Television carried reports of recent U.S. attacks on supposed al-Qaeda positions in Yemen, including cruise missile strikes. CBS also quoted Sebastian Gorka, a U.S. expert on special operations stationed in Yemen , who said, "It was cruise missile strikes in combination with military units on the ground."


At least the statement at last confirms local Yemeni accounts of the not-so-secret arrival of American combat troops in Yemen, which comes in addition to U.S. personnel in training and supporting the Yemeni army.


And thus the attempted Anglo-American takeover of the world's energy reserves, which began with illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, is entering a new phase.


Where will it all lead and when will it stop?



 [Het Parool, The Netherlands]  



Yemen Times, Yemen: At Protest, Al-Qaeda Warns Yemenis Not to Resist    

Kayhan, Iran: A 'Small Number' of Iranian Flock 'Led Astray'  

Kayhan, Iran: America and Britain are Behind Iran's So-Called Unrest  

Kayhan, Iran: Nuclear Power and Israel's Inexplicable Abuse of Iran  

Kayhan, Iran: Brazil Welcomes Ahmadinejad; Keeps Distance from 'English World'

Estadao, Brazil: Brazil's Foolhardy Treatment of America and Embrace of Iran  

Kayhan, Iran: America and Britain are Behind Iran's So-Called Unrest

Die Welt, Germany: Ahmadinejad Announces Iranian Plans to 'Administer the World'

Estadao, Brazil: Brazil's Foolhardy Treatment of America and Embrace of Iran

Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria: Arab World 'Impotent' but to Witness Iran's Ascent


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To most experts, the answer is obvious, although the world of Islam hasn't caught on to the “audacity” of Obama's plan. About 1,000 years ago, the world of Islam failed to grasp the goal of the First Crusade: to capture al Quds [Jerusalem]. As a result, the defense of Holy Lands was disorganized. The Crusaders took the city and exacted a most horrifying revenge on both Jewish and Muslim communities.


But the latest escapade by the U.S., Britain and their satellite nations threatens the energy security of the entire world, as well as the sovereignty of dozens of powerful nations that are dependent on the Middle East for their energy needs. The latest Anglo-American move not only threatens the world of Islam, it should be considered a menace on a global scale and dealt with as such.


An independent, highly-dedicated body of men, who are known to be capable of giving U.S. forces a bloody nose, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. is clearly on the mind of warring Noble Peace Prize winner Barack Hussein Obama.   

Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Jan. 4


So we hear that new sanctions targeting the Revolutionary Guard are being discussed by the White House. This must be because taking on these men of the force on the battlefield would result in an experience similar that of the Zionist entity in its 34-day war against Lebanon in 2006.


Anglo-American forces and their militant political agencies seem hell-bent on realizing their dreams. But the facts on the ground speak of a disorganized, disjointed, and badly confused campaign bound for hell due to a failure of intelligence.

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Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Jan. 4, 4:45pm


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