
[El Ahram, Egypt]



El Pais, Spain

U.S. Ends War it Couldn't Win; Leaves Behind Ruined Nation


"This war's toll of dead and wounded will forever serve as an indictment of those who unleashed it, spurning the law and international institutions in the name of values that they betrayed while at the same time invoking them."




Translated By Halszka Czarnocka


August 20, 2010


Spain - El Pais - Original Article (Spanish)

The United States has put an end to a war that never should have begun. And it has done so under conditions that won't permit a declaration of victory or a concession of defeat, because the alleged reasons for invading Iraq were false, the strategy on the ground was misguided, and the objectives were vague and intangible. Since the weapons of mass destruction that served as an excuse for this war proved to be a deliberate manipulation, its advocates came to justify it as an attempt to bring democracy to Iraq. In other words, they tried to hide their vile methods behind a noble cause


This war's toll of dead and wounded will forever serve as an indictment of those who unleashed it, spurning the law and international institutions in the name of values that they betrayed while at the same time invoking them. More than 100,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed in the conflict, in addition to 4,700 coalition soldiers, most of them American. Furthermore, the United States has spent around $800 billion on the venture, and Iraq is now a ruined country with little hope of stability.




Iraq News Agency, Iraq: Iraq's 'Kurd' Army Chief Serves His American Masters

The Telegraph, U.K.: Top Army Officer Warns Iraq Not Ready Until 2020

The Independent, U.K.: U.S. Troops Say Goodbye to Iraq

Guardian Unlimited, U.K.: Iraq is 'Half Built with the Roof Off'

Guardian Unlimited, U.K.: Fears Rise as U.S.-Backed Fighters Defect to al-Qaeda

Debka File, Iraq: U.S. Ends Iraq War, Leaves Two Civil Wars 'On the Boil'


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To put things in perspective, the frivolity of the decisions that led to this war, contrived during the Azores Summit between Bush, Blair, Aznar and [European Commission President] Durão Barroso [March, 2003], is proof of how easily democratically-elected leaders can unleash a futile tragedy, putting the world on the brink of catastrophe - particularly when inspired by a lethal mix of messianic megalomania and ideological fantasy.



President Obama has ignored voices calling for prolonging the presence of U.S. combat forces beyond August 31 - the deadline he committed himself to during his election campaign and which he now looks likely to meet ahead of schedule. Keeping the troops there longer would not have guaranteed that Iraqi forces would be able to assure the nation's security - and would only have postponed the moment they would have to confront a problem that no one else can. The U.S. isn't withdrawing the 50,000 troops tasked with training Iraq's new military.


Since the March elections, political forces in Iraq have yet to reach agreement on forming a new government. This is one of the reasons cited by those in favor of delaying a U.S. withdrawal. But this can also serve the opposing argument: as long as U.S. troops remain in Iraq, elected leaders needn't pay required attention to their own immediate responsibilities. Their country was the victim of a grave act of violence not even the presence of a tyrant like Saddam Hussein could justify. Whether that act of violence keeps them from handing victory to those who, after seven years of fighting Americans, won't hesitate to turn their weapons on Iraqis to subjugate them again, is now in their hands.




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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, August 24, 10:35pm]


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