
[The Telegraph, U.K.]



Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestinian Territories

America is Now 'Israel's Hostage'


"From the American reaction, which didn't go beyond complaints with us and Biden's one hour late arrival for dinner with Netanyahu, we can see that refraining from eating sweets is the extent of Washington's disapproval."


By Hafez Barghouti



Translated By James Jacobson


March 13, 2010


Palestine - Alhayat Aljadeeda - Original Article (Arabic)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: When his government announced plans to build 1,600 new homes on what is widely percieved to be occupied Palestinian land in East Jerusalem, it was a major slap in the face to visiting Vice President Joe Biden.


AL-JAZEERA NEWS VIDEO: Making sense of the U.S.-Israel dispute, 00:03:04, Mar. 18 RealVideo

Before the announcement of Palestinian consent to indirect negotiations, it was said that, in the event that they failed, the United States would announce the party responsible. It seems that, due to Israel's announcement of a new settlement project, the talks were aborted before they began. But the 1600 settlement units are just the tip of the pyramid of a huge project that includes the construction of 50,000 housing units for settlers in occupied Jerusalem in the coming years. It's not true that, as Israelis claim, Netanyahu - a man who advocates a huge settlement expansion, is angry about the announcement or didn't know about it.


Every project and every stone that is moved goes through his office and that of his war minister, Ehud Barak. Consequently, lies about his resentment and lack of knowledge are only meant to stymie American Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. envoy Mitchell, and push the Palestinian side into a corner by forcing it to refuse to resume negotiations.   



Israel isn't, as it claims, interested in peace talks. The more the Americans have strengthened their alliance with Tel Aviv and acted as donor and middleman, the more Israeli extremism has deepened; and as Israel has sped up settlement projects, it has intentionally embarrassed Washington, suggesting that the two diplomacies - American and Israeli - are one.


This was actually confirmed by Vice President Biden, when he spoke of reaching a settlement with Arabs who are concerned about Iran. Within just a year, by working inside the U.S. Congress and the Obama Administration, the Israelis have succeeded in pushing the road map and the understandings reached at Annapolis off the table. Within this context, Tel Aviv has pulled these settlement projects out of its pocket and thrown them in the face of Vice President Biden, who was turned into a hostage of Judea when, so as not to be seen as closing the door on American obedience to Israel, he couldn’t rebuke his shameless hosts.



[Hoje Macau, Macau]



Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestinian Territories: Israel Uses 'Diplomatic Terror' Against U.S.

Dar al-Hayat, Saudi Arabia: Israel 'Drains the Viagra' from America's Credibility

Jerusalem Post, Israel: EDITORIAL - Now Israel Must Rebuild U.S. Trust

Haaretz, Israel: Netanyahu Must Choose: Ideology or U.S. Support

Haaretz, Israel: Netanyahu - Row with U.S. 'Shouldn't Have Happened'

Israel National News, Israel: Applause for Biden 'Worries' Knesset Speaker


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Now the Americans can say that Israel is responsible for the failure of indirect talks before they began. But we doubt their capacity to say so publicly, because previous reports prepared by American generals who monitored the implementation of the terms of the first phase of the road map weren't published at the request of Israel, after Israel failed to comply with any of its provisions.


The follow-up meeting of the Arab Monitoring Committee, which said it would announce which side is responsible for the failure of Palestinian reconciliation [between Hamas and Fatah], has now decided to delay the announcement. Washington’s situation is no different from that of the Arab Monitoring Committee, so don't expect a change in the American position because of plans for settlement projects amounting to 50,000 housing units. From the American reaction, which didn't go beyond complaints with us and Biden's one hour late arrival for dinner with Netanyahu, we can see that refraining from eating sweets is the extent of Washington's disapproval.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US March 21, 7:12pm]


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