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Obama's Loose Lips May Sink Anti-ISIL Ship (L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon)


"Transparency is all well and good, except precisely in time of war - and we have never seen a power parade its own shortcomings so stupidly. It is already hazardous to tell the enemy about air strikes you are planning against him: failing to intimidate, such a warning in effect gives him time to parry. Yet there are still more hazards. The virtuous Obama, with the concern he has for the lives of his Marines, would be well-inspired to follow the advice of the exceptionally devious Richard Nixon: never tell the enemy what you will do, or what you won't ..."


By Issa Goraieb



Translated By Martyn Fogg


October 5, 2014


Lebanon - L'Orient Le Jour - Home Page (French)

A fault confessed, as the saying goes, is half redressed - even if granting half forgiveness is very difficult in the case of such an inveterate, incorrigible and habitual offender as Uncle Sam.


By definition, the secret services of all countries (let alone a superpower) are supposed to scrutinize the outside world in minute detail, inform the political authorities of whatever they discover, and make recommendations for or against eventual action, whether about initiatives to be taken in the open or clandestinely. However, in the recent history of the United States, there have been many cases in which the torpor of the secret services, or conversely, their excessive zeal, has resulted in enormous errors of judgment based squarely on misinformation. Thus President John F. Kennedy, eager to overthrow Cuban Fidel Castro, ordered in 1961, based on wildly optimistic information provided by the CIA, the catastrophic Bay of Pigs invasion. The same CIA presented erroneous reports if not outright lies to George W. Bush, in a similar hurry to be done with Saddam Hussein, that the dictator had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.


Barack Obama is good natured - a rather agreeable change from the frenzied war-mongering of his predecessor. But is decidedly too much made of this? Not long ago, the head of the White House stupefied the world by acknowledging that he had no strategy to deal with the Islamic State. With inspiration having finally arrived, America then put together a vast coalition of about 40 countries, engaged, to varying degrees, in the fight against this scourge. However, a new turn of events came about last Sunday: this time, during an interview with CBS [watch below], the president admitted to having been doubly mistaken: once by underestimating how the gravity of the chaos in Syria would generate a phenomenon as dangerous as IS; and a second time in overestimating the capacity of the Iraqi Army to resist the jihadist tidal wave. In any event, was this such a courageous confession? We're not sure, because in fact, Obama only confirmed a staggering mea culpa that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had recently owned up to.




How could the legendary CIA, with its 25,000 or so agents, its satellites and surveillance drones (not to mention its moles scattered across every continent), fail to detect in time, and adequately evaluate the development of a cancerous tumor that for some months already we have seen growing before our eyes? Hadn't former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shouted until hoarse demanding in vain the granting of massive aid to the democratic opposition in Syria, only to end up exasperated and handing in her notice?

Posted By Worldmeets.US


When all is said and done, the Obama Doctrine is an odd mixture of naivety and pragmatism (or perhaps duplicity?) Above all, isn't it the Assad regime that benefits most from air strikes against the terrorist hordes? In its conviction that the solution in Syria, like elsewhere in Iraq, can only be political and not military, Washington doesn't deny this. Add the assertion, many times reiterated, that in no case will the United States send troops on the ground, and the result is a Syrian tyranny, beyond all of its hopes, trumpeting at the U.N. General Assembly [see below] that the whole world is coming around to its views.


Transparency is all well and good, except precisely in time of war - and we have never seen a power parade its own shortcomings so stupidly. It is already hazardous to tell the enemy about air strikes you are planning against him: failing to intimidate, such a warning in effect gives him time to parry. Yet there are still more hazards. The virtuous Obama, with the concern he has for the lives of his Marines, would be well-inspired to follow the advice of the exceptionally devious Richard Nixon: never tell the enemy what you will do, or what you won't ...




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Posted By Worldmeets.US October 5, 2014, 9:45am















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