Russia Finally
Begins Expelling America's NGO 'Missionaries' (Izvestia, Russia)
"The National
Endowment for Democracy does essentially what the missionaries did, with the
difference that they aren’t demanding that the natives change their religion,
but instead move toward 'democracy' (the modern form of colonization).They seek
a change in political affiliation and at the same time a rejection of national
tradition. In fact, NED missionaries are essentially turning up at foreign
monasteries with a charter to demand that the natives abandon their own charter
for a new one brought by outsiders. … They win souls and reinforce their
influence with dollars. Dollars are handed out under the broad aim of 'supporting'
or 'spreading' democracy."
Politician and writer
Edward Limonov asks who the National Endowment for
Democracy really works for.
The American NGO the National
Endowment for Democracy [NED] was finally added to the list of
organizations unwelcomed to work in our country. It happened only last week.
It should have happened a long time ago.
I remember the birth of this organization. Its English name
- The National Endowment for Democracy – is for some reason missing something
important from its title: any reference to the U.S. government. But these two
little letters are important as they would clearly indicate its origins, raison d'etre and
the country on whose behalf it disseminates propaganda and exports democracy to
so-far non-democracies.
In 1983, the fluttering NED bird emerged from the hands of
devout anti-communist, former actor and exalted President Ronald Reagan, who at
the time led the crusade against the Soviet Union.
Remember when he called the USSR the "Evil Empire?" [video, upper, right].
This man, the founding father of the NED, was a passionate
anti-communist at a time when there were no real communists left in the USSR. That
wuss Gorbachev was already in power.
Despite the fact that the NED organization is administered
not by members of the U.S. government but by a council of dull former
bureaucrats and university professors - none of whom speak Russian - its funds are
drawn from the American state approved by the U.S. Congress. Every year the NED
receives U.S. budget appropriations.
So what do they do - these people of the NED?
Vicious tongues suggest that the NED has taken over some of
the CIA's responsibilities for undermining the political systems in countries objectionable
to the United States. Without a vicious tongue, however, let’s take a look and
try and understand what they’re doing.
This is what I think they’re up to.
Have you ever read a book about Catholic missionaries in
Africa, China or South America? I’m sure you have. Modest and quiet, bony hands
gripping prayer books, wearing cassocks and waving incense, these warriors of
faith arrived on wild coasts in rickety ships to meet distant peoples
completely alien to them to entice them from their national beliefs and impose
someone else's.
With their beliefs they imported the European way of life
and the European psyche, so by the time warships loaded with European colonizers
arrived off the same coasts the inhabitants either didn’t defend themselves or when
they put up resistance it wasn't too much.
The Missionaries were
They successfully introduced another god into the souls of aboriginals
and in thus brought entire countries and peoples under the control of European
civilization - even entire continents and archipelagos in the case of South
America or The Philippines. They had tremendous success in China until they were
finally ejected by the emperors. They even managed to get a toehold in Japan,
but some of the shoguns profited them from doing their work and forced them to
So the NED does essentially what the missionaries did, with
the difference that they aren’t demanding that the natives change their religion
but instead move toward "democracy" (the modern form of colonization).They
seek a change in political affiliation and at the same time a rejection of
national tradition. In fact, NED missionaries are essentially turning up at
foreign monasteries with a charter to demand that the natives abandon their own
charter for a new one brought by outsiders.
They win souls and reinforce their influence with dollars.
Dollars are handed out under the broad aim of “supporting” or “spreading"
Is it possible that American citizens, now under arrest in Cairo, were involved with a plot to partition Egypt into four...
Googling the English-language NED Web site, I couldn’t
find a single report about Russia. I did this yesterday and have the impression
that details about Russia have been deleted. Yet there remained
some eloquent words about Ukraine from 2012.
I will not bore the reader with a long list of Ukrainian
organizations that have received financial aid from the NED, but allow me to
highlight the main benefactors receiving NED grants.
I is striking that a majority of these grants were received
by the following types of organizations:
-Regional youth organizations
-Voter committees
-Journalistic associations
I name just a few here in order for you to understand the
-The Volynskaya Youth
(Human Rights NGO)
-Sumi (Youth
-Odessa Voters Committee
-Young Cherkashians (Cherkasskaya region)
-Cherkasskiy Voters’
-Chernigovskaya Youth
-Chernovtsiy Voters
Centre (Employment Center)
-Bukhovinskoe Agency (regional development)
-Dnepropetrovskiy Youth
-Organizations in Sumiy,
Kherson, Kharkov, etc.
The sums range from $25,000 to $50,000 - but there are larger
amounts. It’s not about the sums but more the thoughtful elegance with which
they’ve patronized the type of Ukrainians they need most. These are the people
who went on to take part in the Maidan demonstrations
in Kiev, either as activists, journalists or angry voters.
Posted By Worldmeets.US
They stood for an American style democracy against the Berkut (Ukrainian special police).
In 2011, the NED actively supported Arab youth movements who
soon later participted in the Middle East Arab Spring
revolutions of 2011.
So we need not limit ourselves to the NED for inclusion on
the list of undesirable organizations - we should decisively expel all the missionaries
from Russia.
And never allow them to return! Let them forget the path to
our doorstep.
*Eduard Limonov is a Russian writer, political dissident and founder of the National Bolshevik Party. An opponent of Vladimir Putin, he is one of the leaders of The Other Russia political bloc.