President Biden receives award from Georgia President
in Tbilisi, Georgia, July 22. Much of Russia's media
reported that he visited Ukraine and Georgia to dismiss or
he and Ukraine's Victor Yushchenko to step down.
Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia
Ossified Kremlin Misreads
Biden Visit to Georgia and Ukraine
it possible to find any hint of Biden 'firing' the presidents of Ukraine and
Georgia on his visit? Of course yes - but only under certain conditions. And
those conditions entail bathing in one's own delirium."
By Matvei Ganapolskiy
Translated By Yekaterina Blinova
July 23, 2009
Russia - Yezhednevniy Zhurnal
- Original Article (Russian)
On the topic of U.S. Vice President
Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine and Georgia, most analysts in Russia's official media
claim that what's referred to ironically as the "Washington Province Party
Committee,” plans to remove the Ukrainian president, as well as the Georgian
one, from their posts. It is said they have failed to live up to the confidence placed in
[Editor's Note: The "Washington
Obkom," which translates as the "Washington Province Party
Committee," is a conspiratorial Russian expression that refers to a
supranational group that secretly rules Russia and the post-Soviet States from
Washington - with the help of unnamed Russian elites].
Of course, there's reason for
this. Everyone
quoted Vice President Biden's national security advisor, Tony Blinken: “Our
hope is that these leaders who really, many of whom were part of inspiring not
only their own people, but the entire region - the entire world - not so very
long ago, will, in their day-in and day-out action, live up to the promise of
the revolution and make the hard choices and work together.”
That's some quote. Even certain
respectable media outlets, considering the source, concluded that Mr. Biden
intended to explain to those presidents that they shouldn't cling to power and that
its time to hand over the reins to others. What more “difficult decision,” could
there be for a president than to relinquish his warm seat of power?
But ponder this and you'll
see that Tony Blinken's comments can mean almost anything. And one can add that
any decision a president takes at a time of crisis is “difficult,” especially
if it concerns issues in the social sphere. And it's hard to imagine that among
the promises a president would make would be to immediately resign when the
country experiences difficulty - or under orders of the vice president of the
“country in charge.”
In any case, Mr. Biden's schedule
in Kiev didn't at all resemble a party committee session with all the inevitable
activities that would entail: a visit to Holodomor Memorial and talks
about investment, nuclear power and modernizing the gas system.
Then Mr. Biden and Mr. [President]
Yushchenko went to a café. Of course, we might assume that the American visitor
wanted to poison the Ukrainian president there, which is habitual for the
latter [photo below]. But they both left the café together. By the way, people
don't usually visit a café with others they want to fire.
Victor Yushchenko before and after the attempt
poison him to death with dioxin during the 2004 election - the
of what is now known as the 'Orange Revolution.'
And then the U.S. vice
president said: “I come to Kiev, Mr. President, with one simple,
straightforward message that I don't want anyone to misunderstand. That is, the
United States is committed to a strong … and prosperous Ukraine. Your success,
Mr. President, we believe will be our success.” Simple words. The only problem
is managing to “understand” them. With that, some leaders in neighboring countries
[Russia] are having great difficulty.
Of course, perhaps these
words are a typical part of “person-to-person diplomacy.” Perhaps. But let us accept
that the Americans and we here in Russia - and the entirety of Europe - badly
need a prosperous Ukraine rather than a nation coming to pieces. I think a
unified Ukraine is indispensible to all of us - except for those who want to
chop a piece of it off for themselves.
But there's another quote that
may describe more specifically the goal of Biden's visit. Biden said:
“Ukrainian politicians must cooperate in order to overcome the economic crisis,
even under conditions of a presidential campaign … compromise is not a sign of
weakness, it is evidence of strength.”
These words are right on
point. “color leaders” still can’t learn to cooperate civilly with the
opposition. And if you don’t "wish death on your neighbor’s cow,"
then isn't cooperation and sometimes even “peace enforcement” with your
neighbor a highly respectable and necessary mission? That well and good. But in
order for this to happen, the neighbor must be sure that such cooperation doesn't
result in a part of its territory “coincidentally” declaring its independence.
[Reference to the way Russian "peace keepers" overran Abkhazia and
South Ossetia last year].
So is it possible to find any
hint of Biden “firing” anyone on his visit? Of course yes - but only under
certain conditions. And those conditions entail bathing in one's own delirium.
Which isn’t hard [for Russian
-- First, one must develop a
hatred for all “color revolutions,” because one in your own country could
threaten you personally.
-- Then you would have to
listen to your insane advisers, who say that Yushchenko and Saakashvili are
part of Washington's project, having forgotten whose project you are yourself.
-- Then you would wait many years
until these “murderous regimes” are about to collapse [Georgia and Ukraine].
-- Then, tired of waiting, do
all kinds of things to push the process of collapse and chop off a huge piece
of its territory [reference to Russia's invasion of Georgian regions of Abkhazia
and South Ossetia].
-- Then, completely fail to
comprehend the fact that the politeness that marked President Obama during his
visit to Moscow isn't weakness, but indifference. "Here's the way it is: if
you want to, come with us. If not, that’s your problem."
But Russia only understands systems
of power that produced itself: there is a “first” and there is a “second.” And
Russia is "first.” The implications of this model are clear: No summit of
the Commonwealth of Independent States has ever attracted more than half of all
their leaders.
Izvestia, Russia:
Shall We Say to Hell With Joe Biden?
Moskovskij Komsomolets, Russia:
Russians Ask: Does Joe Biden Really Speak for Obama?
But the joys of insanity are
so sweet. So if after Obama’s visit, the vice president comes to see the “color
leaders,” he must be coming to “remove” them. Why else? In the Kremlin's way of
thinking they can be removed - because in the first place, they were “designated.”
How else? This is the thinking Russia is used to. Because here there are no
elected officials - only designated ones. Any of them can be removed at a moment's
Now Mr. Biden’s is on the
second part of his visit in Tbilisi (Georgia).
[Georgian President] Mikhail
Saakashvili is disappointed. Speaking to the Georgian Parliament, he said he
was frankly disappointment to say that the chances of joining NATO are "nearly
dead,” and that a return of Abkhazia and South Ossetia is unlikely.
And that may in
fact be how it is.
But is that why Moscow thinks
Biden has come to beat someone already “on his knees?”
In Kiev, Joseph Biden said
that the United States, "supports the entry of Ukraine into NATO - if the
Ukrainian people express that desire. [translated quote]”
Against this backdrop, to
believe Biden is visiting Georgia to "remove" Saakashvili, where they
long ago expressed the wish to join NATO, is a self-deception.
It is a self deception of
those who don't understand that for the Obama Administration, free elections
and the legitimacy of the process are synonymous with a healthy country.
This kind of self deception
is readily shared only by those who don’t grasp systems of power system
different from their own archaic ones.
Such self-delusion pleases
only those who believe that Russia is too great and prosperous to be governed
by those who have been elected by the people.
by WORLDMEETS.US July 27, 4:40am]