'Diplomatic Efforts in the Caucuses'
[Hoje Macau, Macau]
Kommersant, Russia
The Kremlin Offers
'an Ultimatum' to America
"It's important to refrain
from any steps that could directly or indirectly be regarded by the current
Georgian leadership as encouraging their revanchist ambitions or that could lead
to a repetition of this tragic scenario."
-- Russian Foreign Ministry
spokesman Andrey Nesterenko
By Mikhail Zygar
Translated By Igor Medvedev
August 15, 2008
- Kommersant - Original Article (Russian)
The international
conflict over Georgia continued to escalate yesterday. U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice went to Tbilisi, where she said that through its actions
Russia is only deepening its isolation. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in effect criticized the United States, saying
that its approach to the crisis needs to be balanced. Meanwhile, the French
Foreign Ministry announced that a peace plan worked out by French President
Nicolas Sarkozy would soon be submitted to the U.N. Security Council. The
trouble is that Georgian President Mikheil
Saakashvili has yet to sign it.
President George
W. Bush’s announcement on Wednesday [Aug. 13] evening about a
"humanitarian aid operation" to Georgia caught Russian authorities
off guard. But a highly-placed source in the Kremlin told Kommersant
that, "This is not yet a major crisis." So it was decided that
President Medvedev would issue no official response to Bush, and that Moscow
would respond only through Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
On Wednesday he criticized Bush’s speech, saying that Georgia is an American
project and issuing an ultimatum to Washington: a real partnership with Russia
or its "virtual project" in Georgia.
In an interview Wednesday
with radio station Echo of Moscow, Lavrov
clarified those thoughts further. The minister said that, "There are far
more serious situations in the world over which we can't avoid partnership and
where we really need to cooperate," apparently hinting at Iran. "How
they are going to isolate us, I don’t know," he added, noting that threat
of unpleasantness at the World Trade Organization doesn't worry Russia.
"No one there is going to accept us, anyway," he observed. "Of
this, I am more and more convinced. Time and again - and excuse the expression
- they have played with our heads. They sign a bilateral protocol, everything
seems fine, and then some new questions are raised."
tensions continued to worsen yesterday. Each statement issued by Russian or
American officials has been harsher than the last. Thus U.S. Secretary of
States Rice, having held talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on her way
to Tbilisi, said that reports from Georgia that Russia is violating the
ceasefire agreement were "not encouraging," and that these incidents,
"only serve to deepen the isolation into which Russia is moving." In
Tbilisi, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza
repeated Rice’s thoughts, saying that Russia would cause major damage to itself
as well as South Ossetia and Abkhazia, if it should recognize them.
Spokesman for the
Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrey Nesterenko,
responded by saying that for the U.S., "it's important to refrain from any
steps that could directly or indirectly be regarded by the current Georgian
leadership as encouraging their revanchist ambitions or that could lead to a
repetition of this tragic scenario." In turn, Russian Deputy Chief of the
General Staff, Anatoly Nogovitsyn, expressed concern
over the nature of the goods being supplied by the U.S. to Georgia. "Let
us ask the American side and it can invite you [the media] to see whether what
they are providing is humanitarian cargo on those transport planes. Why shouldn't
they lift the curtain on what they've actually delivered?," he asked.
After yesterday’s
talks between Rice and Sarkozy, the French Foreign Ministry announced that a
six point peace plan, developed by the French president and approved by
President Dmitry Medvedev and [Georgian President] Mikhail Saakashvili would
soon be submitted to the U.N. Security Council. Nevertheless, Kommersant
has learned that the Georgian President has yet to sign the document. This may
be due to the fact that the plan provides for the introduction of additional
Russian peacekeepers and security measures before a decision is reached on an
international mission to the conflict zone. By signing the plan now,
Saakashvili would be giving tacit approval to the presence of Russian
peacekeepers which he now describes as occupiers. The Georgian authorities
prefer that the U.N. Security Council adopt a resolution as quickly as possible
and that it establish an international peacekeeping mission in the usual way.
evening, Rice had already arrived in Tbilisi. Following her talks with Mikhail
Saakashvili is likely to be a unified American-Georgian position on the peace
plan and possible Security Council resolutions.
Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev will hold talks with German
Chancellor Angela Merkel in Sochi today [Thursday]. The topic of discussion was
scheduled beforehand to be a new concept of European security, proposed by
President Medvedev. But given current events, all such ambitious Kremlin
projects are being postponed indefinitely. The Russia President will have to
discuss with Merkel ways out of the current crisis.
Posted by
Yesterday [Aug.
13], German Foreign Minister Steinmeier in effect criticized
the U.S. position, saying that a balanced approach was needed to resolve the
crisis. "We need to criticize what needs to be criticized, and we have
always done so in the past, including in relation to Russia," he said.
"But we should also pursue a policy that is sensible and realistic. If the
E.U. really wants to play a stronger role in the region, if the E.U. wants to
be a stabilizing force, then the lines of communication must be kept open to
Tbilisi and Moscow."
Rceczpospolita, Poland
Banish All 'Magical
Thinking' Regarding the Russian Bear
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
'Enormous Error'
of President Bush's 'Georgian Protege'
Cotidianul, Romania
Georgia Can 'Kiss
NATO Goodbye'
Financial Times Deutschland, Germany
Before Georgia - Its
Europe that Needs Mediation
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany
Georgia: The Proxy
War that Could Go Global
Rue 89, France
East Europe Best
Not Depend on 'Obsolete' NATO
Liberation, France
The Russian
President 'Dictates His Peace' to Hapless Europe
Le Figaro, France
In South Ossetia,
'Kosovo Backfires'
Le Figaro, France
Between America
and Russia, the E.U. is On the Front Line
Le Figaro, France
War in the Caucasus:
Georgia 'Doesn’t Stand a Chance'
Kommersant, Russia
The Kremlin Offers
'an Ultimatum' to America
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US August 15, 7:45pm]