
Presidents Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega: Are these

men and the philosophies they espouse just old news?



El Nuevo Diario, Nicaragua

'Revolutionary Gerontocracies' Should Grab Obama's Hand


"The governments and parties of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are lost in the past, and don't recognize Barack Obama’s presidency as an opportunity to redefine the terms of relations between the world power and our countries … This doesn't mean we should swoon into the arms of imperialism and submit to its august majesty like a Jewish masochist surrendering to an Arian dominatrix. Not in the least!"


By Artemio Cruz


Translated By Halszka Czarnocka


June 18, 2009


Nicaragua - El Nuevo Diario - Original Article (Spanish)

From upper left: Bolivian President Evo Morales; former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro; Venezuela President Hugo Chavez and Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega: Are these men too steeped in failed old totalitarian ideologies to learn some new political tricks?


BBC NEWS VIDEO: How Nicaragua has changed since becoming a peaceful country, December 5, 2008, 00:10:43 RealVideo

At the University of Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt, on June 4, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech that, together with the one he gave in Ankara, Turkey on April 7, turned out to be two extraordinary pieces of oratory. But beyond the rhetoric, they constitute a new outline for a foreign policy based on cultural integration through tolerance and understanding of the other, a reconciliation of the parties in conflict, the defense of human rights, the preservation of the environment and the building of peace.


The speeches and the policies they espouse are the children of North American pragmatism, but also the vital, libertarian and democratic visions of Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman [photos below]. The policies have been thought out for the Middle East and its surrounding areas, but they undoubtedly possess nutritious tidbits for the goose as well as the gander. Geopolitically, the Middle East and its surroundings are “hot” areas; and in practice, the most important starting point for the unleashing of war or the preservation of peace anywhere in the world. I don’t think I exaggerate when by means of analysis and synthesis - I derive evidence of a new foreign policy for the United States of America - based on the above-mentioned principles.


Ralph Waldo Emerson; Henry David Thoreau and

Walt Whitman: Are these men the intellectual source

of President Obama's core foreign policies?


These principles - integration, human rights, peace-building - are the foundations of the most progressive and revolutionary vision of contemporary humanity and it is perfectly plausible that they should be embraced in a responsible and consequential way by the greatest military power in the world. The United States, like any great power, has its own geostrategic, economic, political and ideological interests; it would be naive to think that the new U.S. leadership is formulating these lines out of a pure love of art and with a total Kantian lack of an agenda [Emmanual Kant photo, left]. They are doing it simply because neither they nor the world can bear it any longer. Our ecological presence has reached its self-destructive limits and we confront a precarious geopolitical situation within a suicidal system of war and peace. The shepherds (us) have to grip our staves, as the harvest time (in the biosphere) is over.


Because of this, I find it naive, backward and malevolent that the governments and parties of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are lost in the past, and don't recognize Barack Obama’s presidency as an opportunity to redefine the terms of relations between the world power and our countries - countries of dependency, secular poverty, obsolete, reactionary and backward ideologies, anchored in a nearly-evaporated meta-totalitarian past that is frankly headed toward extinction. This doesn't mean we should swoon into the arms of imperialism and submit to its august majesty, like a Jewish masochist surrendering to an Arian dominatrix. Not in the least! We are talking about recovering the historical perspective that, since the dialectic of Heraclites, via Hegel and Marx, has taught us that things and people change, they are not immutable.



That Colonel [Hugo] Chávez has come to know Marx-Engels-Lenin-Mao at a rather mature age is not reason enough to prevent him from minting a self-styled socialism of the 21st century. But after the socialisms of the 20th century and now, those small contemporary manifestations of that immortal Frankenstein (totalitarian socialism which is bureaucratic and estranged), we know this produces only horror at the thought of its possible realization.


Without going too far, this very same Chávez is living proof that human beings change, because when he was busy trying to suppress revolutionary movements in Latin America, some of us risked our skins for the cause of liberty, equality and the well-being of the Continent's masses. Why shouldn’t the Organization of American States - the former Yankee Ministry of Colonies - change, if its leadership has changed? Why can’t the United States of America change? Are they immutable entities? Or is it simply that some don’t want them to change - so they don't have to change?


The causes of liberation and revolution are not well served by totalitarian ideologies. They are a total failure, leading only to holocausts, gulags, and Pol-Pot like regimes. All of this recent political phenomena offer concrete evidence and proof.  


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These and other fruits of any ideology of totalitarian and dictatorial propensities, which practice with shameless impunity the violation of human rights, the contamination of the environment, and that advocates violent solutions to conflicts, that damage with fraud the fragile balance of democracy, or that dogmatically believe that members of any party or totalitarian populist are superior to the rest of the population. Corruption is engaged in for the illicit personal enrichment of their people and families and for the sake of perpetuating the power of a leader, family or party on the altar of stability, thinking that this is the best thing that can happen to any society; and finally, at a fart or an insult, they are ready to beat the drums of war and start a civil war or international conflict. 



Fortunately, in Latin America, the revolutionary gerontocracies will soon be replaced with new blood, new vision and new leadership. I have no doubt that attempts to revive the Stalinist gerontocracy of Latin America, in the world where there is no room for a milestone passed due to its own failure, are just the senile tantrums or senile immature shrieks of an age that in its Alzheimer's, believes it lives in eternal adolescence. Old Karl Marx himself taught us that ideology is the worst opposite of reality. Mirror, mirror on the wall … Who is the best and prettiest revolutionary of them all?



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de Volkskrant, The Netherlands: Muslims' Great Fear: 'Obama Can't Do It'
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L'Express, France: Prince Obama and His Muslim Cinderella

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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 24, 3:49am]