[Al-Arabiya, United Arab Emirates]
de Volkskrant,
The Netherlands
Muslims' Great Fear: 'Obama Can't Do It'
will need the magic rod of Moses and divine power of Jesus to breathe life into
Palestinian sovereignty. … Muslims had
tears in their eyes when Obama spoke to them from Egypt, but the overriding
feeling was: 'Obama doesn't yet know Israel.'"
By Kader Abdolah

Translated By Meta Mertens
June 8, 2009
The Netherlands - de Volkskrant - Original
Article (Dutch)
Obama has kept
another of his election promises; he went to Egypt to speak to the Muslim
world. Thanks to him, America has a new character. His presence in the White
House has given easterners a good feeling.
I expected Obama's
words of reconciliation to the Muslim world, and especially Iran, to soften Iran's
powerbrokers toward America. But just the opposite occurred - their reaction
was even tougher than during the Bush Administration.
I've discovered
something else: Bush never baffled Muslims. They saw in him the wrong leader and
felt that his invasion of Iraq and the crimes of Abu Ghraib legitimated their
hatred for him.
When it comes to Obama,
Muslims are confused. He went to Egypt and said to the Muslim world: " I carry with me a greeting of peace from Muslim
communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum.
And he promised a new beginning.
Those words scare
people because they were so fresh and strong, but simultaneously dangerous.
They almost seemed like forbidden words. Why greetings from Muslims in America?
And the rest of the Americans? Hadn’t they greeted Muslims as well?
Obama put himself
in a vulnerable position. His speech was a relief for millions of Muslims, but
I also heard other sounds: “He can’t do it. Those in America won’t let him. He
doesn’t get it.”
As far as I know
and have read, I understand the following about the eastern world: Obama is a
special man, but he cannot with a simple "Salam Elikum," sweep away
the crimes that in recent decades, America has committed in the Middle East.
However, there are three things that unite Muslims all over the world: Allah,
the Koran and Palestine.
He is a unique person
being, but he doesn’t know America and he's in too deep to see it. If you sit
too close to a rock, you can no longer see the mountain. Obama hasn't seen America
from a distance; so he doesn’t understand this mountain.
In his loving
words there is cause for concern. They love Obama - but they're afraid that if
he gets too close to the east - he'll get burned.
Obama needs a
miracle to make a new beginning with the Muslim world.
In Egypt, the president
addressed the Muslim world. It's useful to keep in mind that Muslims from
different countries have nothing to do with one another. They hardly know one another.

[Al-Arabiya, United Arab Emirates]
Saudi Arabia, for
example, has nothing to do with Iran. In the last eight hundred years,
virtually no Saudi Arabian has journeyed to Iran.
Islam in Egypt is
completely different than that in Pakistan.
The Islam of
Morocco has nothing to do with that of China.
Obama will need
the magic rod of Moses and divine power of Jesus to breathe life into
Palestinian sovereignty.
Muslims had tears
in their eyes when Obama spoke to them from Egypt, but the overriding feeling
was: “Obama doesn't yet know Israel”
If he turns up
the volume against Israel any further, perhaps they fear that Obama will lose
his head
Keep moving,
Al Madina, Saudi Arabia:
With Obama, a 'New Beginning'
Kitabat, Iraq:
Thank You, Mr. Obama. We Hope Our Leaders Got the Message
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria:
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L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
'Hussein' is for Bold
L'Express, France:
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Die Welt, Germany:
Can the Words of Obama Begin to Change the World?
Liberation, France:
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Liberation, France:
Obama: Speaker of Verities
The Nation, Pakistan:
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Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
If America Can Change, Why Not Egypt?
Al Araby, Egypt:
Five U.S. Presidencies is Too Long for Mubarak
Kuwait Times, Kuwait:
For an Obama on the Make, Egypt is the Wise Choice
Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestine:
As Palestinians Await Obama's Speech, We Must Unify
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
Don't Be Fooled By Obama's Egypt Speech
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
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Al-Arab al-Yawm, Jordan:
World Must Not Fall for Obama PR Onslaught
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama: A Humble Leader Worthy of His Great Nation
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama Interview with Al-Arabiya Cause for Arab Shame
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria
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Al Watan, Oman:
When 'Hussein' is the Most Beautiful Word
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Stars, Stripes and the Muslim Crescent
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Arab Leaders Should Heed Obama's Words
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 10, 4:19am]