GOVERNMENT': Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman is
seen chasing an
Arab child.
[Rosa El Youssef, Egypt]
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria
Arab Leaders
Prefer to 'Listen to Obama's Fables'
if one chooses to give credit to the smiling Obama, we shouldn't expect changes
to the policy of blind support for Israel. Our leaders will listen religiously
to Obama during his trip to Egypt - not to verify that the U.S. has decided to
make a serious commitment to Middle East issues, but to ensure that he will not
enter into an untimely discourse on democracy."
By K. Selim
Translated By Sandrine Ageorges
May 11, 2009
Algeria - Le Quotidien d'Oran - Home Page (French)
Arab officials
"await" Barack Obama’s address to the Islamic world, to be delivered
on June 4th during a visit to his Egyptian "ally." They are sure to
hear words of a soothing nature, such as: "The United States is not at war
against Islam and only wants the best for the region's people." We will
certainly hear him reiterate the two-state option [for Israel and Palestine]
and even more strongly, Obama will encourage Arab and Muslim countries to
normalize relations with Israel.
Such utterances by the
president of the United States are predictable. Even if one chooses to give
credit to the smiling Obama, we shouldn't expect changes to the policy of blind
support for Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu arrives in Cairo today
[May 11], and although he agreed not to bring along his foreign affairs, Avigdor Lieberman, so as not to offend Egypt, he raised his bid higher: he announced in
the clearest possible terms that Israel will not withdraw from the Golan Heights. And as
usual, on the eve of Netanyahu’s visit with the Raïs [Egypt's leaders],
one Zionist organization has announced a vast project to "Jewdaize"
East Jerusalem which would entail the destruction of Palestinian homes.
Therefore, on June 4th,
President Obama will talk of peace and Arab leaders will pretend to forget that
the United States continues to support an Israeli state that refuses it and
only wants war. We will closely follow what leaders of Egypt - the great
"moderates" in the face of eternal Israeli arrogance, say in response
to Netanyahu’s statements. But one shouldn't expect any sparks - since Egypt is
permanently constrained by its alliance with the United States. Tel Aviv will
continue to go on about the threat from Hezbullah, Iran and the ghostly Shiite
arc [Iran's sphere of influence]. A minimum of autonomy should lead Arab
leaders to condemn the Israeli statements and petition the American
"Godfather" to own up to his responsibilities - even without waiting
for Obama’s June 4th speech.
But, and we are rehashing
what we cannot forget, the Arab states have made the "strategic
choice" for peace. Never mind that Israel has consistently made the
strategic choice for war, occupation and the cleansing of the
Our leaders will therefore
listen religiously to Barack Obama during his trip to Egypt. They will listen -
not to verify that the United States has decided to make a serious commitment
to Middle East issues, but to ensure that he will not enter into an untimely
discourse on democracy. "Everything that has happened up to this point is
irrelevant," says the leader of the Israeli government. And what has
happened so far isn't much: a road map, Annapolis, discussions with
Syria with Turkish mediation. This is already quite clear.
Posted by
But apparently, our
leaders prefer to listen to fables told by a Tony Blair, envoy of the Middle
East Quartet [the U.N., E.U., U.S. and Russia]. Blair, who remained conveniently
silent during the carnage in Gaza ... has prepared a new plan for the Quartet - how surprising! - in which the key concern
is to find the best way to stop the Iranian nuclear program, strengthen Arab
"moderates," and make a few vague statements about the Palestinians
while concealing the issue of the Golan.
It would never even occur
to our Arab leaders to say, like Israel, that everything that has occurred up
to now is not particularly relevant - notably an "Arab peace plan"
that no one takes seriously. No, that would lead in the direction of a logical
conclusion: those who advocate resistance aren't wrong. But instead of telling
this to the courteous Obama, leaders of the moderate Arab world prefer to
listen to his fables.
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 13, 6:45pm]