Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu hold their
first meeting since the elections last November. Palestinians are
that President Obama will be, as most Muslims perceive
it, more even-handed in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian
Obama and Netanyahu at White House CLICK HERE TO WATCH
Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestine
As Palestinians Await Obama's Egypt Speech, We Must Show Unity
"Now we are a house divided. We
are in the utmost difficulty. … Because of the conflicting regional powers whose
influence has so penetrated our area, and due to our domestic difficulties, of all
of the parties eagerly awaiting Obama's speech, Palestinians are the most sensitive
to his words."
By Yahi Rabah

Translated By James Jacobson
May 18, 2009
Palestine - Al-Hayat
Al-Jadeeda - Original Article (Arabic)
U.S. President Barack Obama
will be in Cairo on the 4th of June, when at the venerable Al-Azhar University,
he will deliver a historic address to the Islamic world.
Until then, the Palestinian
dialogue [Fatah-Hamas], the so called dialogue between militants
and moderates - and dialogue in the region in general, await the words of Barack
Obama. This is so because in terms of embracing policies of stabilization, American
relations with allies and opponents in the region appear to be the deciding
factor. The U.S. is similarly pivotal in regard to whether we are headed toward positive engagement or obstruction in the peace process.
The two-state solution, although
it has a good deal of regional support, still isn't welcomed by everyone
[Israel and Hamas]. For there are those who believe establishing a Palestinian
state would diminish their own influence or at least puts a check on their own
activities - activities which they believe serve their stated or hidden
long-term interests. [The author, who is writing from the West Bank and is
presumably a member of Fatah, appears to be talking of Hamas, which now governs
the Gaza Strip and opposes a deal with Israel.]
Since the establishment of the Palestinian
Liberation Organization, Palestinians have tried and succeeded many times -
but have failed many times as well. [The Fatah is one of ten parties in the
PLO. Hamas is not a member].
Now we are a house divided. We
are in the utmost difficulty. And it's only natural that this weakness would
influence our national dialogue and reconciliation efforts. Meanwhile, the
perception of our vulnerability affects us negatively in the intense regional powerplay now taking place. We need a clear and united international position and real
international support that includes programs and mechanisms that are practical
and timely. Without this we will continue standing in line, slowly
disintegrating and headed toward an even darker fate.
Macau, Macau]
Posted by
Because of the conflicting
regional powers whose influence has so penetrated our area, and due to our domestic
difficulties, of all of the parties eagerly awaiting Obama's speech, Palestinians are
the most sensitive. At the moment, dialogue among ourselves is scuttled
before it begins, dates for the holding of dialogue seem to recede further and
further in time and the progress that we talk of and that we believe has
already occurred may end up being a mirage that evaporates in thin air.
Perhaps a last bit of advice
is in order here: That we, who are waiting in line, should try not to harm
ourselves and our national plans. It's enough for us to deal with the harm being
done by others.
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
Don't Be Fooled By Obama's Egypt Speech
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
Egypt's Comments on Israeli Nukes a Betrayal of Muslims
Al-Arab al-Yawm, Jordan:
World Must Not Fall for Obama PR Onslaught
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama: A Humble Leader Worthy of His Great Nation
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama Interview with Al-Arabiya Cause for Arab Shame
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria
Arab Leaders Prefer to 'Listen to Obama's Fables'
Al Watan, Oman:
When 'Hussein' is the Most Beautiful Word
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Stars, Stripes and the Muslim Crescent
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Arab Leaders Should Heed Obama's Words
Financial Times Deutschland, Germany:
Obama's Brain Twister: Selecting a Muslim Venue
[Posted by
WORLDMEETS.US May 19, 8:19pm]