[Al-Masry Al-Yom, Egypt]
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt
Don't Be Fooled By
Obama's Egypt Speech
"President Obama will visit
Egypt - the heart of Arabism and the Islamic world - and direct an address to
Muslims. But the real target is America, its people, its interests and its image,
even if his speech is packaged with the outlines of principles and values. For
Obama's beautiful words will bring no real benefit to the people he
By MP Mostapha Mohammad*
Translated By Nicolas Dagher
May 12, 2009
Egypt - Amal Al Ummah - Original Article
The administration of
President George W. Bush has the distinction of managing to pit Arab and Muslim
opinion against the America regime and its policies, while simultaneously, with
its arrogant, stupid, selfish policies, generating the highest state of
animosity and hatred between the Arab and Muslim world and people in other
[Editor's Note: The name of this
publication, Amal Al Ummah,
means, The Hope of the Nation, and is the official newspaper of the
Muslim Brotherhood. According to Wikipedia, the
Muslim Brotherhood is a "trans-national Sunni movement and the largest
political opposition in many Arab states, particularly Egypt. It is the world's
oldest and largest Islamic political group, founded by Egyptian schoolteacher
Hassan al-Banna in 1928." The author of this article, Mostapha Mohammad, like all Muslim Brotherhood members of Egypt's parliament,
ran as an independent, since the group was declared illegal as a political party
in the 1950s. During parliamentary elections in 2005, these
"independents" won 88 seats (20 percent of the total) to form the
largest opposition bloc.]
That anger and hatred is felt
particularly strongly in our Arab and Muslim worlds because of America's
complete alignment with the Zionist enemy and Zionist security, even when it
comes at the expense of the actual owners of the land [the Palestinians], their
rights and their security; the invasion and destruction of Iraq after the lies and
fabrications of the administration were proven to be so; and due to the U.S.
administration's malicious intent, which was apparent when it publicly called for
spreading democracy while in fact it disregarded the truth about its own
assassination of that institution with its support of dictatorship when it
serves its own interests, as when it refused democracy when it brought Hamas to
The decay of American policy,
with its superficial calls for democracy, became obvious with the desecration
of human rights at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo
in Cuba; with its opposition to the Iranian nuclear program and its neglect of
Israel's nuclear program; and Israel's use of internationally forbidden weapons
[white phosphorous] against women and children of the defenseless Palestinian
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[NZ am Sonntag, Switzerland]
These are just a few of the Bush
Administration practices that reveal the true essence this government, which has
been motivated by the pursuit of its own interests and
not the principles and values it pretends to defend.
Operating on the same
principles as the Bush Administration and pursing the interests of America
rather than the victory of any principles or values - or love for Arab and
Muslim peoples - President Obama and his administration are working to beautify
America's image in the Arabic and Muslim worlds.
So it is in this context that
the American president has made comments about Islam and the Muslim world; released
Guantanamo detainees or transferred them to their home countries for trial; and
spoken about human rights at Guantanamo. Similarly, it is in this context that
Obama recently visited Turkey, which is considered the most democratic Muslim state.
Al-Arab al-Yawm, Jordan:
World Must Not Fall for Obama PR Onslaught
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama: A Humble Leader Worthy of His Great Nation
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama Interview with Al-Arabiya Cause for Arab Shame
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria
Arab Leaders Prefer to 'Listen to Obama's Fables'
Al Watan, Oman:
When 'Hussein' is the Most Beautiful Word
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Stars, Stripes and the Muslim Crescent
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Arab Leaders Should Heed Obama's Words
Financial Times Deutschland, Germany:
Obama's Brain Twister: Selecting a Muslim Venue
America has not withdrawn
from Iraq, has not apologized to the Iraqi people for the barbaric destruction
inflicted on that country by the U.S. military; has not withdrawn from
Afghanistan to leave the fate of that country to its people; and is still
dropping bombs on Pakistan.
Posted by
In addition, it has not exerted
any real and effective pressure on the Zionist enemy to restore the rights of
the Palestinian people or in practice, pressure any of the dictatorial regimes
in the Middle East to encourage the democratic process. The Obama Administration
has done nothing of the sort, and I doubt that it will. All it has done is
utter beautiful words, which what Obama will do when he visits Egypt … utter
pleasant words and greetings.
So in that same context, President
Obama will visit Egypt - the heart of Arabism and the Islamic world - and
direct an address to Muslims. But the real target is America, its people, its
interests and its image, even if his speech is packaged with the outlines of principles
and values. For Obama's beautiful words will bring no real benefit to the
people he addresses.
This is what Barack Obama has
inherited and is why the hatred of Arab and Muslim people is rising by the day.
Mohammad is an independent member of the Egyptian Parliament and member of the
Muslim Brotherhood
[Posted by
WORLDMEETS.US May 14, 10:55pm]