Muslims: Informed sources report that Egypt
is the place to win the heart of the Muslim world.
Kuwait Times,
For an Obama on
the Make, Egypt is the Wise Choice
Saudi Arabia is the geographic and historic heart of Islam, Egypt is its sensitive
and emotional center. Now is a time to flirt. And when you want to flirt with
the Muslim world … you flirt with Egypt!"
By Meshary Alruwaih
May 14, 2009
Kuwait - The Kuwait Times - Original Article (English)
The competition between major
Muslim capitals is over. President Obama has made up his mind and will deliver
his speech to the Islamic world in Cairo on June 4. Cairo went up against other
Muslim capitals like Riyadh, Jakarta, Istanbul and Ankara. Obama's decision has
sparked controversy over the roles and standings of Muslims states, since many interpret
it as an answer to the question, "When I want to talk to the Muslim world …
who should I talk to?"
And when an American
president answers this question, it is assumed to be an implicit recognition of
the leading role of the country chosen. That was exactly what the competition
among Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and Indonesia was all about.
Every one of those capitals has
its pros and cons, but if you ask me, I might lean toward the Saudi Capital of Riyadh.
First, because Saudi Arabia is the heart of Islam where the two holiest Islamic
sites are located. Secondly, delivering his speech in the capital city of the
nation where 15 of the 19 men who carried out the New York attacks would have significant
symbolic meaning.
But Egypt has its
attractions, too, particularly for someone like Obama who like to insert an
emotional dimension into his speeches. If Saudi Arabia is the geographic and
historic heart of Islam, Egypt is its sensitive and emotional center. If
Obama wants not only to be heard, but liked and perhaps one day loved in the
Islamic world, then at this stage, Egypt is the best choice.
Public opinion in Egypt has
its own logic and rationale, yet sentiments on the streets of Cairo usually spread
quickly to other parts of the Islamic world. At this point, it is these
sentiments that Obama is after. The time for fully-formed ideas and actions to
improve relations between the U.S. and Muslims is still to come.
Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestine:
As Palestinians Await Obama's Speech, We Must Unify
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
Don't Be Fooled By Obama's Egypt Speech
Amal Al Ummah, Egypt:
Egypt's Comments on Israeli Nukes a Betrayal of Muslims
Al-Arab al-Yawm, Jordan:
World Must Not Fall for Obama PR Onslaught
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama: A Humble Leader Worthy of His Great Nation
Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Obama Interview with Al-Arabiya Cause for Arab Shame
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria
Arab Leaders Prefer to 'Listen to Obama's Fables'
Al Watan, Oman:
When 'Hussein' is the Most Beautiful Word
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Stars, Stripes and the Muslim Crescent
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Arab Leaders Should Heed Obama's Words
Financial Times Deutschland, Germany:
Obama's Brain Twister: Selecting a Muslim Venue
Now is the time for first
impressions, time to break the ice, time for shy and friendly eye-contact, for
nice words and charming compliments - now is a time to flirt. And when you want
to flirt with the Muslim world … you flirt with Egypt! I don't for a moment share
the view that Obama's choosing Cairo makes Egypt, even implicitly, the leader
of the Muslim world. But for a man who's looking for love, Egypt is the most
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 20, 12:49am]