[The Telegraph, U.K.]
Kitabat, Iraq
Thank You, Mr. Obama. We Hope Our Leaders Got the Message
"Any American president is
called upon to annihilate all of the other peoples of the world for the sake of
removing the danger to his own. This is in contrast to our rulers who are only
concerned with their personal comforts, worldly possessions, and complete
dependence on ways and means that will keep them in power until they die."
By Ali Abd al-Khaleq
Translated By Jenny Oliver
June 6, 2008
Iraq- Kitabat -
Original Article (Arabic)
It is ever so shameful and
disgraceful that the American President, Barack Obama, speaking from the capital
of an Islamic country, delivered an hour-long lecture to the Muslims of the
world about Islam, its virtues and morals, and the way to treat one another in
accordance to its rules and laws.
Obama has given a candid
lesson to Muslims and Arabs on noble deeds, morality, religious freedom, and
the rejection of violence and sectarianism. And he inspired a spirit of
compassion, tolerance and unity among peoples and for the individual. Despite
my objections to this method, which was designed to shame our own leaders who
invoke religion and tolerance, I appreciated his words. I found myself in one
of the ancient Islamic universities before a man who spent his life studying
the religion of Islam.
I tried to believe all of his
words, and how I hoped that they originated in his heart and not his mouth.
Everyone knows the American policy toward the peoples and particularly Arabs to
whom they gave the name of “third world” - and how he endorses his predecessors
by following the policies they couldn’t finish.

A news stand in Karbala, Iraq, June 6. Watch a BBC
report on
the reaction
from the Muslim world. click here or photo
to watch
The issue in his speech that
I was in full agreement with and that no one can dispute, was his strong
concern for the security, well-being and comfort of his own people. Any
president of the United States is called upon to annihilate all of the other
peoples of the world for the sake of removing the danger to his own. This is in
contrast to our rulers who are only concerned with their personal comforts,
worldly possessions, and complete dependence on ways and means that will keep
them in power until they die. And this leads us to the most important point
that Obama addressed.
The really important issue,
ladies and gentlemen, is that he gave pointed advice to the presidents,
leaders, kings, and emirs of the Arab countries. His advice was that they pay
attention to the concerns of their people who put them in the chairs they sit
upon - and not to ignore the promises they proclaim during their election
In conclusion, I wish to take
issue with President Obama on one point. That is his failure to mention the
corruption and the theft of public money by these governments. Perhaps he said
it to himself or perhaps he whispered it in their ears while meeting them in
one of their splendid palaces or great estates.
Therefore, thank you Mr.
President Obama. All of us hope that your words sprang from the heart. And we
hope our leaders and politicians got the message.
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Stars, Stripes and the Muslim Crescent
L'Orient Le Jour, Lebanon:
Arab Leaders Should Heed Obama's Words
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 8,