Growing German awareness of CIA and NSA activities in the country

is buffeting U.S.-German relations in ways not seen since the 1940s.



U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt: America's Spy Center in Germany (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany)


"'Consulate General' has the ring of glamorous balls, ceremonial welcoming addresses, or even of people who issue passports and visas. It doesn’t sound like a control center for abductions, where the logistics of secret prisons are planned, or that functions as a postal cover address for CIA operations and secret service agents. ... The U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt, with about 900 employees, is not only the largest consulate in the world, it also houses one of the largest branches - outside of the United States - of the Langley-domiciled CIA."


By Christian Fuchs, John Goetz, Frederik Obermaier, Bastian Obermayer, and Tanjev Schultz


Translated By Stephanie Martin


November 22, 2013


Germany - Sueddeutsche Zeitung - Original Article (German)

Secret War: A book about Germany's central role in America's 'war on terror' by Christian Fuchs and John Goetz.


DEUTCHE WELLE NEWS VIDEO: Germans express growing disenchantment with the United States and President Obama, Nov. 22, 00:01:59 RealVideo

From here, secret prisons are planned, kidnappings organized, and the occasional horse delivered to Afghanistan. The U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt houses one of the largest branch offices of the CIA in the world. The research center for U.S. espionage in Germany.


FRANKFURT: It’s no surprise that people around the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt are nervous. But is it really so suspicious when someone strolls by and even stops now and then? Or, to rephrase the question, is it so suspicious as to require not one, but two police vehicles and U.S. security people dressed in black? Really?


One finds the consulate in the north of Frankfurt, in a building that once housed the largest American military hospital in Europe. Today, the building looks more like a fortress: high walls, barbed wire, tank traps, cameras, and men with machine guns, who patrol with measured paces. It doesn’t take long for the police patrol: “What are you doing here?” the officers ask. The American security men join the group.


On the other hand:  It is no wonder one is nervous here.  The Consulate General’s office plays a unique role in the NSA's global surveillance scandal, and is a key element of surveillance when it comes to Germany. Here, in the middle of Frankfurt, a branch of the “Special Collection Service,” a joint CIA-NSA unit, is allegedly located, a unit that, among other things, supposedly eavesdropped on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone. This has emerged from a document in the collection of whistleblower Edward Snowden.


Long before the cell phone surveillance affair, it is clear that Germany's government knew agents were operating from within the U.S. Consulate General. It’s hard to find another explanation for the fact that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution had a helicopter take a low, circular flight over the building in August to take high resolution photographs. With the aid of this - by diplomatic standards, a remarkably aggressive act - the protectors of the Constitution were attempting to ascertain whether surveillance technology had been installed on the roof, similar to that suspected at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin. A spokesperson for the Interior Ministry says, “individual properties in certain foreign countries” are “viewed on a routine or as-warranted basis by the Office of Constitutional Protection” within the framework of “counterintelligence.” A clear message.


"Counterintelligence": the word leaves little room for interpretation. “Consulate General,” on the other hand, has more the ring of glamorous balls, ceremonial welcoming addresses, or even of people who issue passports and visas. It doesn’t sound like a control center for abductions, where the logistics of secret prisons are planned, or that functions as a postal cover address for CIA operations and secret service agents. Up until a few weeks ago, no one would have suspected the existence of a secret listening post in an embassy.


The U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt, with about 900 employees, is not only the largest consulate in the world, it also houses one of the largest branches - outside of the United States - of the Langley-domiciled CIA. Frankfurt is America’s capital city of espionage in Germany. CIA agents, NSA spies, military intelligence personnel, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Secret Service work here. Within a 20-mile radius of the city, the Americans have also established a dense network of outposts and front companies. But the U.S. Consulate General, according to everything we know, is the central office. Is all of this top secret? Not so much. Even police officers around the consulate openly say that there are CIA people sitting inside.

The U.S. Consulate General's Office in Frankfurt Germany: the

largest U.S. Consulate - and one of the CIA's largest centers of

operation outside U.S. soil.

[Click Here for Jumbo Version]


One would like talking to the U.S. Consulate General [Kevin C. Milas] about this, so as to get some explanation. But the consul general, so they say, won’t be available for the next few weeks. Nor, unfortunately, will it be possible to visit the Consulate. That’s a shame, because there would be so much more to discuss than issues and concerns surrounding the NSA. There is so much more to marvel at than just the main building. To the right of the Consulate’s main entrance, there is an additional driveway, also with an armed guard: “Warehouse” is written above the archway. Every few minutes, vans pull up here and guards use mirrors to check the undersides of vehicles for explosives. Only then are they allowed to pass. Trucks are directed to an enormous, flat-roofed building, with heavy-duty pickup trucks parked in front. Behind the pickups are heavy-duty overseas transport containers awaiting transport. This is the largest U.S. logistics center outside of the United States. From here, the military, CIA, and other agencies, supply their units in many parts of the world.


From here, agents in Afghanistan and Pakistan are supplied, and probably those in Yemen and Somalia. They are supplied with ordinary items, and with quite extra-ordinary ones: When the CIA had special missions to complete in Afghanistan - horses, including saddles and feed - were purchased in Frankfurt, says a former head of the CIA in Germany. The Frankfurt Regional Support Terminal procured whatever was needed. Even in the case of delicate requests: After September 11, 2001, when the Americans were trying by all means necessary to detain the attackers responsible, Frankfurt received a particularly difficult request.


Researching the Dagger Complex


Long-time CIA man Kyle Foggo, nicknamed “Dusty,” was supposed to draw up plans for three secret prisons. At these “black sites,” the CIA interrogated many high-ranking terror suspects. From Frankfurt, Foggo made certain that interrogation rooms looked the same, regardless of whether they were located in Romania, Morocco, or Poland: plywood walls, slip-resistant floors, and a plastic chair. Same appearance, same size. The prisoners weren’t to recognize what country or prison they happened to be in at that moment - that would make it harder to prove that the CIA was guilty of human rights violations. Only equipment for water boarding, a long board on which victims are strapped, a bucket of water, a towel, so the victim of torture doesn’t actually drown - were not delivered from Frankfurt, but purchased locally. Foggo, the man who organized all this at the time, was then officially attached to the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt.


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Frankfurt plays a prominent role in America's intelligence architecture, or more broadly: the greater Frankfurt area. Many key locations can be found here. For example, the mysterious “Dagger Complex” near Darmstadt-Griesheim. There, secluded behind a small grove of trees, is the military arm of the NSA espionage troupe: the U.S. Army’s intelligence service - the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Also located here: The NSA folks from the “European Cryptologic Center,” the “principal analysis and reporting site in Europe,” at least that’s what a 2011 report from the NSA says. Countless pieces of data are filtered here by more than 200 employees, sorted, and if necessary, decoded and then evaluated, with, among other tools, the analysis software “XKeyscore,” which became public as a result of the NSA scandal.


From outside of the building, it's hard to tell that millions of dollars have been invested in it over recent years - the ventilation system providing the only clues: The most important part of the Dagger Complex, the so-called Ice Box, is situated underground. From there, surveillance and interceptions have been organized since the American spies were drawn there from Bad Aibling in Oberbayern in 2004. Since then, Hesse has become even more important for the Americans, because despite public outrage over the spy program, it is unlikely to diminish in importance in the future.


We've long since left the area, but the police contact us by phone: What were we doing near the Dagger Complex? We explain: research. In a friendly, joking manner, the police officer says, “There’s still an empty cell in Guantanamo.”


1500 U.S. Secret Service Professionals in Three Shifts


Soon the Americans will no longer need their German helpers in Darmstadt. There are plans to close the complex and relocate the employees to the Lucius D. Clay Kaserne in Wiesbaden. There they'll run into colleagues from the NSA and INSCOM, as this is INSCOM's primary location. Sounds like a place one should take a closer look at. But a visit? “Unfortunately not possible at the moment,” comes the response, “Nor would a telephone interview be possible.”


One learns more from the U.S. database for government contracts: According to the database, a $124 million high tech control center for intelligence analysis is being built here. Approved for bidding: Only U.S., security-cleared firms. Just under 12,000 square meters are planned, in which probably more than 1,500 “intelligence professionals" will work in three shifts.


The German heart of America's surveillance mania will be in Hesse. Why here?  There are many answers: its central location, many well-developed U.S. sites, a major airport. Perhaps also simply because Hesse has long been more American than the rest of the nation. Traditionally, a majority of U.S. troops stationed in Germany were located in Hesse. During the Cold War, 100,000 soldiers were on guard at Rhein-Main Air Base, organized the Berlin Airlift from Wiesbaden, reconnaissance flights over the Soviet Union began here, and from here, thousands flew into the Gulf War or to Afghanistan.


Most military flights are now handled at the nearby U.S. military airport at Ramstein. In 2003, Islamist Abu Omar, previously abducted by CIA agents in Milan, was transferred at Ramstein. Omar was taken to Egypt, where he disappeared into a torture prison for more than a year. Twenty-three U.S. agents were later convicted in absentia for multi-year sentences - a symbolic triumph of a nation under the rule of law: the United States, of course, didn't extradite the agents. The abduction was partly organized in Frankfurt. Investigators followed the trail to a Frankfurt hotel, an shady moving company at the airport, as well as to the: Consulate General.


Here the threads come together, and they lead to almost every U.S. intelligence agency operating in this country. Their staff decides who can board a plane at Frankfurt Airport - and who cannot. Officially, however, they make only "recommendations."


Homeland Security's men have apparently moved from their Frankfurt Airport office to the Clay military base in Wiesbaden. There, NSA agents and military spies from INSCOM sit together, and analysts from the Dagger Complex will soon be moving. Now all that's missing are people from the Secret Service. On business cards presented by two special agents as they arrested an Estonian hacker, however, the address was different: U.S. Secret Service, Frankfurt Resident Office, Gieβener Straβe 30.  The address of the U.S. Consulate General.    


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Posted By Worldmeets.US Nov. 22, 2013, 5:49pm






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