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Making Russia Feel the Pain for Taking Crimea (El Pais, Spain)


"The U.S. and E.U. have warned that taking Crimea will have " consequences," but they have failed to outline what those consequences might be. ... The message to Moscow must be clear: we cannot maintain normal relations with Russia as long as Russia doesn't maintain normal relations with its neighbors. There can be no business as usual."


By José Ignacio Torreblanca



Translate By Guillermo Gutierrez


March 7, 2014


Spain - El Pais - Original Article (Spanish)

Russian President Vladimir Putin participates in a falg-raising ceremony at the 2014 Sochi Paralympic Winter Games. Is there any prevent Russia from taking Crimea and continueing to the destabilization of Ukraine?


RUSSIA TODAY NEWS VIDEO: Inconvenient Truths - Mainstream media's mistakes on Ukraine, March 7, 00:03:47RealVideo

Russia is now situated in a position of strength: it has not only put Crimea under its definitive control, but with the help of other elements (both in terms of enthusiasm and demonstrations) it has other tools available to keep Ukraine in a constant state of crisis, preventing necessary progress in terms of democratic and economic reform, as well as the achievement of social peace. The U.S. and E.U. have warned that taking Crimea will have " consequences," but they have failed to outline what those consequences might be. In our paper How Can the E.U. Impose Costs on Russia?, we of the European Council on Foreign Relations argue urgently suspending all economic cooperation with Moscow. We propose:


-- The government in Kiev must receive both economic and financial support in its efforts to establish a broad-based governing coalition


-- The correct execution of the May 25th elections as well as political and constitutional changes must be guaranteed


-- European and non-European politicians must strengthen their presence in Ukraine - that goes for representatives of the U.N., IMF, and above all, the OSCE, especially in Crimea, where observers should be sent


-- Raise the pressure on Russia, including by canceling the "South Stream" pipeline agreements and halting talks on visa liberalization

Posted By Worldmeets.US


-- Impose an E.U. travel ban and freeze the bank accounts of members of the Russian Federation Council [the Duma's upper house] that authorized Putin to intervene in Ukraine and threaten to block the accounts of Russian companies in the E.U.


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-- Launch a diplomatic offensive with Russia's neighbors in Central Asia to pressure Moscow and demand that it guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity. No one is secure in Russia's neighborhood


The message to Moscow must be clear: we cannot maintain normal relations with Russia as long as Russia doesn't maintain normal relations with its neighbors. There can be no business as usual.



Der Standard, Austria: Offer Putin Crimea in Exchange for Kosovo Recognition

Sol, Portugal: Ukraine May Awaken 'Ghosts of the Great War'

de Morgan, Belgium: Putin Knows: No One in West is Willing to Die for Sebastopol

Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia: Crimea: the Next Puerto Rico?

Russia Today, Russia: VIDEOS: Roundup of Russian Reaction from Russia Today

European Press Agencies: European Reaction to Developments in Ukraine

Moskovskii Komsomolets, Russia: Report: U.S. to Help 'Oust' Black Sea Fleet from Crimea

Novosti, Russia: Looking Toward the West, Ukraine 'Lies' to the East

Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Ossified Kremlin Misreads Biden Visit to Georgia, Ukraine

Rceczpospolita, Poland: Banish All 'Magical Thinking' Regarding the Russian Bear

Kommersant, Russia: The Kremlin Offers 'an Ultimatum' to America

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: 'Enormous Error' of Bush's 'Georgian Protege'
Cotidianul, Romania:
Georgia Can 'Kiss NATO Goodbye'
Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: Before Georgia - It is Europe that Needs Mediation
Rue 89, France: East Europe Best Not Depend on 'Obsolete' NATO
Liberation, France: Russian President 'Dictates His Peace' to Hapless Europe
Le Figaro, France: Between America and Russia, the E.U. is On the Front Line
Le Figaro, France: War in the Caucasus: Georgia 'Doesn’t Stand a Chance'
Le Figaro, France: A Way Out of the Georgia Crisis for Russia and the West
Le Figaro, France: A Way Out of the Georgia Crisis for Russia and the West
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: Did Russia 'Win' the Georgia Crisis? Not By a Long Shot




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Posted By Worldmeets.US Mar. 7, 2014, 6:59am