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'United Global Front' Defeats America in Snowden Affair (Huanqiu, China)


Does the eventual securing of Edward Snowden in Russia demonstrate the strength and wisdom of growing strategic ties between Moscow and Beijing? According to this editorial from China's state-run Huanqiu, the two countries, adhering to a kind of burden-sharing arrangement, worked to further the interests of Moscow by boosting its diplomatic clout, exposed America's moral hypocrisy on data security without significant harm to China's interests, and won a victory on behalf of all parties except, of course, the U.S.




Translated By John Chen


August 8, 2013


People's Republic of China - Huanqiu - Original Article (Chinese)

Russian President Vladimir Putin, the modern embodiment of Machiavelli's The Prince in action.

RUSSIA TODAY, RUSSIA: Cold War Thinking? 'Obama's reaction on Snowden asylum infantile', Aug. 7, 00:05:00RealVideo

U.S. President Barack Obama has announced he will participate at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg this September, but has canceled his one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A meeting between Russian and U.S. defense and foreign ministers will also go ahead in Washington on Friday. Although Obama has canceled his Moscow summit with Putin in "retaliation" for the Snowden incident, this is relatively insignificant. The U.S. is apparently prepared to swallow the fact that Russia has granted National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden a year of asylum. Russia has impressed the world, which regards the Kremlin as the "overwhelming winner" and the White House the "absolute loser."


The perception of Russia as winner is correct. In fact, the Snowden case constitutes a victory for a global "united front" - every country involved save the United States has won. Washington, after a show of bravado, in the end failed to achieve Snowden's extradition. By contrast, Moscow demonstrated its national character of decisiveness and boldness and successfully kept Washington at bay.


Many netizens ask, "Why couldn't China be like Russia?"They believe we should have sheltered Snowden, but that China only showed "hesitation and weakness."


We believe that if China had "actively sheltered" Snowden, it  would have meant a major change in China's diplomatic posture toward the United States. If we had done so, China would have had to undertake a variety of risks. This is unlike the current situation between Russia and the U.S. In China's case, the U.S. has far more opportunity and means to retaliate, even if it wouldn't have been the end of the world.


So China chose a more non-interventionist approach, and now that some of the smoke has cleared, that seems to have been for the best. In regard to the Snowden case, some of China's objectives have been achieved. The moral hypocrisy of America's national policies have been exposed, Snowden has not been extradited to the United States, and international opinion is outraged over America's duplicitous data security policies. All without any major impact on Sino-U.S. relations.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Meanwhile, Moscow has demonstrated its diplomatic mettle toward Washington, boosting in diplomatic status even though a chasm still separates in two in terms of actual strength. Moscow was willing to take the lead in the Snowden case, and it has the experience to do so. This fits Beijing's interests perfectly.

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Everyone knows that Sino-U.S. competition will determine the nature of global relations in the 21st century. But China's strength still lags far behind that of the United States. As China's comprehensive strategic partner, Russia carried the flag in the Snowden case and stood at the forefront of the confrontation, demonstrating the invaluable flexibility provided by multipolar geopolitics. Russia's performance deserves respect from China and Hong Kong, from which Snowden flew to Russia where he was ultimately given refuge. Everything smoothly fit into place and China has consolidated its position.


China is not in direct conflict with the United States, but it has the capacity to partner with others to restrict the abuse of American power. In the Snowden case, we did not have to directly confront the United States, which served the long-term interests of China's diplomacy.


Washington may have been forced to  swallow its pride this time, but that doesn't mean it fears Moscow. Russia took in Snowden and the U.S. didn't get what it wanted, but if Obama had canceled his participation at the G20 and the meeting between foreign and defense ministers, what would that have achieved? Similarly, Washington is unlikely to fear Beijing, and Beijing need not fear Washington. What Beijing should be most concerned about is how to maximize its own national interests in its relations with Washington.


In Russia, Snowden will have more opportunity  than in many countries to continue working in cyberspace. Russia's largest social networking site has offered him work, Russia's parliament has invited him to help develop data protection legislation, and a range of enjoyable opportunities seem open to him. The curtain on these humiliating events for the United States is far from falling.


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Posted By Worldmeets.US Aug. 7, 2013, 9:39pm