Obama's Retreat Invites Justifiable Knife Intifada (Rzeczpospolita, Poland)


"The term 'Palestinian terror' used by Rubio in his tweet is justified. However, even if terrorism must be condemned on every occasion, one must be aware that the cruel murders perpetrated by terrorists tend to reflect a revolt against real injustices and genuine harm. … Such is the case with the Knife Intifada, which is something the American right and many people in the world fail to recognize. … Secretary of State John Kerry mentioned this timidly in his recent speech at Harvard University. … but he forgot to mention that the Obama Administration is also to blame for the collapse of 'two states for two peoples.'"


By Mariusz Zawadzki



Translated By Ludmila Gustaw-Edwards


October 31, 2015


Poland – Rzeczpospolita – Original Article (Polish)

"Let the Obama Administration stop blaming Israel for Palestinian terror," tweeted Senator Marco Rubio, one of the most serious Republican candidates for president in regard to the weeks of an ongoing "Knife Intifada." Young Palestinians are attacking Jews in Jerusalem – using mainly kitchen knives and choosing their victims randomly. Oftentimes the attackers are unaffiliated, belonging to neither Hamas nor Islamic Jihad, nor do they execute someone else’s orders, instead attacking spontaneously. They are then killed by Israeli soldiers and police. More than 20 Palestinians who had managed to murder 10 Jews have been killed.


The term "Palestinian terror" used by Rubio in his tweet is justified. However, even if terrorism must be condemned on every occasion, one must be aware that the cruel murders perpetrated by terrorists tend to reflect a revolt against real injustices and genuine harm.


Such is the case with the Knife Intifada, which is something the American right and many people in the world fail to recognize. Secretary of State John Kerry mentioned this timidly in his recent speech at Harvard University, which provoked the ire tweeted by Senator Rubio. (at 00:26:40 - video, right)


"Over recent years the Jewish settlements have massively increased and the current wave of violence is a result of the frustration that causes," said Kerry.



In 1993, in the agreement signed in Oslo - the Palestinians renounced violence and Israel agreed the creation of the Palestinian Authority, which was to be the nucleus of an independent state. Unfortunately, the agreement turned out to be a fiction. In all the years that followed, Israelis settled on the West Bank – in other words, precisely where an independent Palestinian state was to arise.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


At the time of signing the agreement in Oslo, there were 250,000 Jewish settlers on the West Bank and East Jerusalem (occupied since 1967). Today there are three times more - about 750,000. In practice, this means that the project of "two states for two peoples" has collapsed. The Israeli right, for years under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, has achieved its goal - there is no chance for the creation of a Palestinian state. Young Palestinians are aware of this fact and live with a sense of hopelessness, so in desperation resort to knives.


This is not just about the appropriation of territory. Twenty years ago, national income per capita in Israel was about $10,000. Today it is three times as much. The country has developed spectacularly. But what of the Palestinians? In 1995, per capita income amounted to $2000. Now it is a few hundred dollars higher. In East Jerusalem, 84 percent of Palestinian children live in poverty (the data was reported two years ago by the Israeli Association for Civil Rights).


It may be almost a cliche to say that Americans aren't the only people feeling let down by the Obama presidency, but...

Posted by WorldMeetsUS on Wednesday, November 26, 2014


In fact, it is not the fact that the Palestinians have taken up knives that should surprise - but that they waited until now.


Kerry is therefore correct, but he forgot to mention that the Obama Administration is also to blame for the collapse of "two states for two peoples." When Netanyahu announced further plans to expand settlements, all Washington was able to manage were symbolic and utterly meaningless written protests. America, which supports Israel financially to the tune of $3 billion per annum, could protest in a much more meaningful way. But when the Palestinians wanted symbolic recognition at the U.N., the United States - quite non-symbolically - slashed subsidies to the Palestinian Authority.


That is one of the reasons Israelis and the Palestinians will likely always live in a country under a permanent state of emergency separated by military blockades - the former slaughtered by the later, the later discriminated against by the former.

Israel National News, Israel

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Posted By Worldmeets.US October 31, 2015, 1:49pm



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