La Jornada, Mexico

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Price of Hamas' 'Phychological Victory' Not Worth Paying (Folha, Brazil)


"I'm not sure that the majority of Israelis compare their lives in Israel with what it would be like if they moved to one of the major capitols cited. Rather, my sense after many trips to the region is that there is a growing national pride for having to live as they do under fire. ... Palestinians are also besieged and paying a price - not just psychologically but with their lives. All so Israel can soothe the nerves of its own people."


By Clóvis Rossi*



Translated By Brandi Miller


August 2, 2014


Brazil - Folha - Original Article (Portuguese)

La Jornada, Mexico

One of the rockets Hamas fired at Israel did more damage than the other 2,158 launched between June 8 to June 22 combined.


That one hit a house in the town of Yehud, a little over two miles from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, which led the North American Federal Aviation Administration to cancel all flights to Israel, a move followed by a good portion of European carriers.


The main damage wasn't financial, even if the Israeli tourism industry feels the blow, since it's the height of summer in the northern hemisphere, and by extension, tourist season.


The suspension of flights struck at the heart of Israeli morale, based on the testimony of columnist Aharon Lapidot of Israel Hayom (Israel Today), currently the largest circulation newspaper in the country - ultraconservative and ultranationalist.


Lapidot wrote that the North American agency's decision "is a dramatic move, which has already swept up almost all the other foreign airlines and increased the sense of siege and isolation among many Israelis."


Another Jewish analyst goes in somewhat the same direction, but refers to Hamas rockets in general, and not just those that led to the suspension of flights (initially for 24 hours, but extended for another 24).


That would be Ariel Ilan Roth, Executive Director of the Israel Institute, a research center based in the United States that monitors Israel.


For Roth, the strategic objective for Hamas is to shake Israelis' sense of normalcy: "It is only possible for Israel to exist as a flourishing and prosperous democracy under the garrisoned conditions of persistent conflict when its citizens are able to maintain the illusion that their lives are more or less similar to what they would aspire to have in London, Paris, or New York."


I'm not sure that the majority of Israelis compare their lives in Israel with what it would be like if they moved to one of the major capitols cited. Rather, my sense after many trips to the region is that there is a growing national pride for having to live as they do under fire.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


I remember once having entered a chat room for Jews before traveling to cover an election there, and stating that I'd like to get in touch with ordinary people instead of talking to the usual suspects (politicians, officials, academics, etc.). The first response I received: "In Israel there are no ordinary people."


Let's set aside the side note and return to Ilan Roth, who thinks that if his premise is correct, "Hamas has already won." It won because, "it has shattered the necessary illusion for Israelis that a political stalemate with the Palestinians is cost-free for Israel." Even more, "It has shown Israelis that, even if the Palestinians cannot kill them, they can extract a heavy psychological price."


The problem with his reasoning is that the Palestinians are also besieged and paying a price - not just psychologically but with their lives. All so Israel can soothe the nerves of its own people.

Clovis Rossi is a special correspondent and member of the Folha editorial board, is a winner of the Maria Moors Cabot award (USA) and is a member of the Foundation for a New Ibero-American Journalism. His column appears on Thursdays and Sundays on page 2 and on Saturdays in the World Notebook section. He is the author, among other works, of Special Envoy: 25 Years Around the World and What is Journalism?




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Posted By Worldmeets.US August 2, 2014, 8:59am