Iraq: A mistake so great, it is impossible for Jeb, Hillary,, to avoid its shadow.



For Jeb, Hillary and the Rest, There's No Escape from Iraq (El Nuevo Diario, Nicaragua)


"In 2003, Hillary Clinton was a senator who voted in favor of the invasion. Recently she said at a campaign rally: 'My support for the Iraq War was a mistake. It's as simple as that.' … At an event in Reno, Nevada, a student told Jeb Bush: 'Your brother created ISIS.' … George W. Bush was a president with questionable knowledge who wanted to destroy, after centuries of history, the very birth passage of the West and the United States itself. He attempted to close a circle with the ultimate act of brutality in the very cradle of Western history and culture."


By Jorge Bautista Lara



Translated By Noelia Padron


July 31, 2015


Nicaragua - El Nuevo Diario - Original Article (Spanish)

There is a place called Mesopotamia - land between two rivers [Tigris and Euphrates], which gave life to one of history's most ancient and beautiful legends: The mythical Epic of Gilgamesh, literature's first hero. Historians date it as the most ancient tale containing mention of a universal flood. Gilgamesh, son of a goddess and a priest, ruled the city of Uruk for 126 years. His epic lives on even today, as a reflection of the universal desire to escape death.


Mesopotamia is not a country, nor is it a people, but rather many peoples who either integrated themselves there or passed through over the course of the centuries in ways that have been lost in the mist of time since 4000 B.C. It's better to say that this is a region that gave birth to the Bible, the Quran, The Arabian Nights, mathematics and calculus. It is the birth canal of Western history and the place where writing was invented.


According to biblical reference it is the land of Mount Ararat - where Noah’s Ark came to a stop. The Kurds call it the "The Mountain of Fire" and the Turks "The Mountain of Pain."


It is said that in these lands can be found the tombs of Abraham, Isaac, Sarah … and that within this lands were built Babil, Babel and the magnificent Hanging Gardens of Babylon.


The two rivers provide a frame for this historical pendulum: the Euphrates, which in Greek means "delight," and the Tigris, which means "arrow," referring to its fast waters. Mesopotamia was born and developed in the historic space created by the beauty of every culture that came and contributed; and the arrow signifying the destruction that they jointly imposed with repeated invasions that one by one, created its cultural heritage today.


Mesopotamia today is comprised of three countries: Turkey, Syria and Iraq.


In 2016, elections will be conducted in the United States. The candidates' campaigns have begun - some sensibly and others verging on media spectacle.


Hillary Clinton intends to be the candidate of the Democrats: In 2003, with the invasion of Iraq, she was a senator who voted in favor of the invasion. Recently she said at a campaign rally, to distance herself from that historic error: "My support for the Iraq War was a mistake. It's as simple as that." At the time, President George W. Bush wanted to demonstrate the unquestioned uni-polarity of the United States.



His brother Jeb Bush (former governor of Florida) is also campaigning: the would-be third member of the Bush family to win, as both his father and brother were presidents. During an interview with the Fox News channel, he said that would have followed the same path as his brother and would have invaded Iraq [watch above].


Up to now his rallies have all concluded with mention of the Bagdad nightmare. The burden left by his brother is creating a real drag. He has backed down and clarified that he doesn't want to respond to "hypothetical questions" about things he would or would not have done - and that "knowing what we know now I would not have invaded Iraq." Today it's no secret that although the conflict was consummated, the arguments for invading Iraq were patently false.


When the Romans penetrated Mesopotamia, they did a lot of military campaigning, burying legion upon legion - thousands upon thousands of soldiers paid with their blood in these foreign lands. From 53 BC to 218 AD, Marc Anthony and the emperors Nero, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus all passed through. That lesson and the cost it imposed on the Roman Empire should have been enough, with some brief study, to demonstrate the price of entry. Nobody comes and goes in and out of the land of God as if it were one's own. As the United States has the most prestigious universities in the world – this is inexplicable. 


Anyone who spends a little time studying the issue understands what's happening in Iraq today. At an event in Reno, Nevada, a student told Jeb Bush: "Your brother created ISIS."

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Was today's Islamist terrorism intentionally created by the United States as a way of implementing 'Washington's desire...

Posted by WorldMeetsUS on Friday, July 31, 2015


So a young man - a student - reminded Bush that if his brother had studied the question just a little, he would have known what the product and result of the Iraq invasion would be – which is the reality the Middle East is living with right now.


This paradox is such a shame! He was a president with questionable knowledge who wanted to destroy, after centuries of history, the very birth passage of the West and the United States itself. He attempted to close a circle with the ultimate act of brutality in the very cradle of Western history and culture. If that is the lesson to be drawn from history, then we have hardly evolved at all. We remain in a primitive age.


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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, July 31, 2015, 3:36pm]


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