'Western Media in Gaza'

Al Jazeera, Qatar

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Gaza Polls: 'Oh, America ... Oh, Empire of Contradictions' (Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, Palestinian Territories)


"The Palestinian elections took place according to America's expressed wishes, its open encouragement, and strict oversight, but as soon as the less than mysterious results became clear, we found the world's shepherd of democracy turned against our Palestinian brand, and punishing all of our people for their democratic decision. ... Tell us, what are the democratic elements that the United States wants, so people can understand them ahead of time, and so that these people don't pay the exorbitant price that the United States demands. ... Oh, America ... Oh, empire of contradictions."


By Yahya Ribah


Translated By Aja Ishmael


August 3, 2014


Palestinian Territories - Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah - Original Article (Arabic)

When America urges others to espouse democracy and democratic elections, what is it really asking for, what is it saying? As part of our effort to contribute to finding out how the world arrived at the current woeful pass, we offer you a column from the Alhayat Aljadeeda translated and posted on April 3, 2006, in the wake of the Gaza elections held in January that year. As you'll see, after holding polls 'superior in execution, form and content' to those in many other nations, and which were demanded by the United States, columnist Yahya Ribah expresses consternation at the fact that once again, Gaza Palestinians found themselves on the wrong side of the 'shepherds of democracy' in Washington. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and recall 2006. George W. Bush has settled in for a horrifying second term, Condoleezza Rice has taken over from Colin Powell at the State Department, the Iraq insurgency against U.S. occupation is in full swing, and Israel has invaded Lebanon, aka/ Operation Just Reward."


Condoleezza Rice is denying widespread expectations that the United States will retreat from its support of democracy in the world, even after that very democracy has put parties in power that America disapproves of!!!


If that were true, namely, if America insisted on supporting democracy in the world, we would truly be the happiest people, but regrettably, when we look around us, we see the exact opposite, because support for democracy by the United States of America is selective. She supports this party and opposes that one, supports Orange Revolutions in a number of countries around the world, then puts the screws to, boycotts, and fights, the democratic experience in other countries. A perfect example of this selectivity and double standard is America's position on Palestinian democracy. Superior in execution, form and content to the experience in many other nations, Palestinians have thus far endured nothing but resistance, denial, provocation, threats, and boycotts from the United States.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


The Palestinian elections took place according to America's expressed wishes, its open encouragement, and strict oversight, but as soon as the less than mysterious results became clear, since many signs had pointed to this outcome [the election of Hamas], we found the world's shepherd of democracy turned against our Palestinian brand, and punishing all of our people for their democratic decision. This also places additional insurmountable obstacles in the path of Palestine's political system. What's more, not content with the damage she has inflicted on her own, Washington has called on the entire international community to follow its example!!


The double standards of the United States are not limited to democracy, but have expanded in recent days to include the field of danger that threatens human life across the planet, meaning nuclear weapons. And all of this, at a time when the United States is leading a destructive battle against Iran's national project and against the merest inkling of progress in certain Arab countries, while it openly concludes a nuclear treaty with India!! Furthermore, it defends Israeli nuclear production with unrivaled intensity!!! Moreover, the United States of America carries out the destruction of states, peoples and communities on the basis of intention alone, i.e. that such states, peoples, and communities intend (in the future) to possess a nuclear weapon! So it carries out pre-emptive wars against such states, peoples, and communities … with Iraq the grossest revelation of these American double standards.

Palestinians under daily attack from Israeli occupiers and

financial siege from U.S. and E.U.: 'We will live free or die

standing like trees. We kneel only to our creator.'

Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestinian Territories

[Click for Alhayat Aljadeeda Cartoons]


Getting back to our scene … Hamas, which won the elections and formed a government, didn't descend on us from another planet. Rather, it is a part of the Palestinian body politic. Whether under the name of the Muslim Brotherhood or the Islamic Resistance, it was always there, a part of the tissue and the give and take of Palestinian life.


So why does Washington hold this misunderstood and unjustifiable position? And tell us, what are the democratic elements that the United States wants, so people can understand them ahead of time, and so that these people don't pay the exorbitant price that the United States demands. We have seen that the U.S. is always able to understand Israel, in any perverse action that it may carry out, even if it publicly murders Palestinians every day, or openly steals their land, or imposes a suffocating encirclement, transferring them to small, isolated areas with checkpoints between each and every one, which are now being transformed into border crossings, or rather, international crossings!!


We know with certainty that power has its own special logic, and its own democracy that serves its own interests, and its own laws that do not recognize the rights of the weak!! We know all of that with certainty, but what we don't know is what America wants us to believe when it talks, and how to trust it where it counts … Oh, America ... Oh, empire of contradictions.


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Kitabat, Iraq: America's 'Promise': To Leave Iraq in a State of Civil War
Kitabat, Iraq: Wake Up Iraqis!: The Americans Never Intend to Withdraw!

Kitabat, Iraq: America's War: From One Dictatorship to Another




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Posted By Worldmeets.US August 3, 2014,9:19am






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