President Nicolas Maduro: A 21st century version of Marie Antoinette,

he, his predecessor and their cronies have reaped incredible wealth

even as lately, Venezuela's population has sunk deeper into poverty.



Criminal Chavistas Plunder Venezuela; Aid Jihadi Networks (El Tiempo, Colombia)


"Chavismo, which ascended to power as a plea for honesty in a country exasperated by corruption in the old parties, has in 15 years squandered an unprecedented bonanza: more than $550 billion in oil profits. Yet the poverty rate rose by 10 percentage points in the last four years! … Obama has Caracas in his cross hairs for supporting jihadist networks, which include giving Venezuelan passports to terrorists and providing bank accounts for this network of corruption. To be an accomplice of Maduro is to be complicit in political repression, corruption, and indirectly, aiding jihadi terrorism; nothing more and nothing less."


By Mauricio Vargas



Translated By Halszka Czarnocka


March 25, 2015


Colombia - El Tiempo - Original Article (Spanish)

"To be rich is bad; it is inhuman I would say!" once exclaimed Venezuela President Hugo Chávez. He forgot to explain that so radical a definition didn’t apply to members of his family or those belonging to leaders of his revolutionary movement, now led by Nicolás Maduro. Journalistic and judicial investigations in Venezuela, Spain and the United States have put the focus on the enrichment of kindred of Chávez and other leaders of the Bolivarian Revolution.


The parents, brothers and daughters of the late president apparently own 17 estates in Venezuela, the value of which is estimated at $10 million, along with $200 million in foreign bank accounts. This explains the luxuries - a fleet of Hummers, gold and diamond rings, expensive watches with sapphires - sported by a family which before Chávez seized power, had only a farm in Barinas. According to the opposition National Assembly members, at the time of the president's death the family fortune exceeded $550 million.


Chávez' example spread to other revolutionary leaders. Three former deputy ministers, a former intelligence chief and a high-ranking executive of [state] oil company PDVSA figure in a money-laundering scheme involving an Andorran bank that has recently been investigated and shuttered, together with its sister-bank in Madrid. U.S. and Spanish anti-laundering agencies talk of more than $4.2 billion, an amount that can only be the result of the shady dealings of these privileged sons of the Revolution.

Venezuela Now Needs Brazilian Moderation, Not U.S. Belligerence (Folha, Brazil)

[Click Here to Read]


Herve Falciani is a systems engineer who worked for years in the Swiss branch of HSBC Bank. On his list, created when he copied thousands of documents related to secret bank accounts of people from many countries, appear companies set up by PDVSA that were used as private piggy banks by its senior management, such as Alejandro Andrade, who rose from being a member of Chávez' bodyguard to be National Treasurer and then president of the Economic and Social Development Bank of Venezuela. Venezuelan deposits in these accounts amounted to $31 million, a majority of which is suspected to be of corrupt origin.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Diosdado Cabello, a strongman of the Chavista Congress, is similarly tarnished. A German bank reported to Venezuelan authorities and to European anti-laundering bodies it has deposits of over $21 million under Cabello's name.


These cases of corruption are heinous crimes as ordinary Venezuelans wait in long lines in search of toilet paper, diapers and food staples. Chavismo, which ascended to power in 1998 as a plea for honesty in a country exasperated by corruption in the old parties, has in 15 years squandered an unprecedented bonanza: more than $550 billion in oil profits. Yet the poverty rate rose by 10 percentage points in the last four years!


However, responsibility for this rests not only with the corrupt Chavistas. It extends to those in UNASUR [Union of South American Nations] and several foreign ministries in the region who criticize Barack Obama for pointing out the scourge of corruption in this regime and its repressive policies toward its opposition. Obama has Caracas in his cross hairs for supporting jihadist networks, which include giving Venezuelan passports to terrorists and providing bank accounts for this network of corruption. To be an accomplice of Maduro is to be complicit in political repression, corruption that has plundered the once bountiful coffers of the country, and indirectly, aiding jihadi terrorism; nothing more and nothing less.




Folha, Brazil: For Venezuela, it's Time for Brazilian Moderation, Not U.S. Belligerence

El Universal, Venezuela: Barred for Life: 'Terrorist Gringo Cowboys' Go Home!

Tal Cual, Venezuela: Maduro Says Coup Efforts by U.S. and Opposition 'Defeated'

La Hora, Venezuela: Visa Restrictions on U.S. Citizens: Think Again, President Maduro!

La Jornada, Mexico: Yes Indeed: Venezuela Coup Attempts are Aided by Washington

El Universal, Venezuela: CNN Host Advises Venezuelans: 'Don't Believe Falsehoods'
Carta Maior, Brazil: Toppling of Salvador Allende Sizzles on Streets of Venezuela

El Espectador, Colombia: U.S.-Backed Chilean Coup Led to Sarin Gas Attacks

Argen Press, Argentina: The CIA is Alive and Well in Latin America

Bottup, Spain: The September 11 that Washington Ignores … 1973

El Universal, Venezuela: Maduro Accuses CNN of Preparing Ground for 'Gringo' Invasion

Pagina 12, Argentina: Venezuela Calls U.S. and Canada More Repressive

BBC News, U.K.: Venezuela Threatens to Expel CNN Over Protest Coverage

Global Times, China: Demonized by the West, Hugo Chavez was a Friend to China

Mehr News Agency, Iran: Ahmadinejad: Chavez Will Be 'Resurrected with Christ the Savior'

Guardian Unlimited, U.K.: Claim that Chavez will be Resurrected with Jesus 'Went Too Far'

El Nacional, Venezuela: Maduro Asserts: U.S. 'Infected' Chavez with Deadly Illness

Novosti, Russia: With Chavez' Death, Communist Chief Sees a U.S. 'Cancer' Plot  

La Voz Mundo, Venezuela: Facing Reelection Fight, Hugo Chavez Plays 'Obama Card'

Diario de Cuyo, Argentina: Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama: A Common Electoral Challenge  

El Tiempo, Colombia: What Good is Our New, U.S.-Free 'Community'?  

Estadao, Brazil: In Latin America, Rhetoric Triumphs Over Reality  

La Razon, Bolivia: Latin America Has Excluded the U.S. … So What Now?

ABC, Spain: Hugo Chavez Calls Terrorism Indictment a U.S.-Spanish Plot  

Folha, Brazil: Latin American Unity Cannot Be Dependent on Excluding the U.S.  

La Jornada, Mexico: Latin America's March Toward 'Autonomy from Imperial Center'

La Jornada, Mexico: Militarization of Latin America: Obama 'Ahead of Bush'

O Globo, Brazil: U.S. Navy Shows That What U.S. Can Do, Brazil Can Also Do  

Clarin, Argentina: Resurrected U.S. Fourth Fleet Creates Suspicion Across South America

Le Figaro, France: U.S. Navy 'Resurrects' Fourth Fleet to Patrol Latin America

Semana, Colombia: Hugo Chávez Isn't 'Paranoid' to Fear the U.S. Marines  

Tal Cual, Venezuela: President Chavez 'Puts Early End' to Honeymoon with Obama

El Universal, Venezuela: Obama is No 'Black in Chavez' Pocket'

Gazeta, Russia: Latin Americans Will Sooner or Later Come 'Crawling' to the U.S.

Gazeta, Russia: Castro and Chavez Split Over Obama

El Tiempo, Colombia: 'Tropical Napoleon' Melts Before Obama's 'Empire'

El Tiempo, Colombia: Survey: Obama 'Most Popular Leader' in the Americas

El Espectador, Colombia: Cuba in Obama's Sights

El Mundo, Colombia: Obama: A Man Who Takes His Promises Seriously

La Razon, Bolivia: President Morales Suspects U.S. Behind Attempt on His Life




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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, March 25, 2015, 10:35am]





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