Presidents Obama and Chavez shake hands in Trinidad: Was
Obama kissing up to Chavez, or did he get the best of him?
like a harp? Debate rages here and in Latin America.
El Tiempo,
'Tropical Napoleon'
Melts Before Obama's 'Empire'
immutable lion, that devourer of all passing prey, was transformed into an
affectionate kitty, the kind that likes to sleep in the laps of children. ... The
only thing missing was for him to sit at Obama's side and ask for tickets to a
baseball game. The North American president will certainly need to see a
urologist. His testicles may have a tear after all the fondling I have revealed
to you."
By Alexander Cambero

Translated By Molly
April 23, 2009
Colombia - El Tiempo - Original Article
Just a few kilometers of blue
water separates Cumana from Trinidad and Tobago; there is a beautiful and
historic relationship that exists between these peoples bathed by the
Caribbean. Since time immemorial, the inhabitants of both places have crossed
the sea to find a peaceful and friendly place.
In the first city founded on
the continent, [Cumana: founded
in 1515], Hugo Chavez again ranted and raved about the empire. He wanted to
turn the ALBA
Summit [Bolivarian Alternative for the
People of Our America] into an effective
response to Barack Obama's emerging leadership. In his speech, he appeared to
be a fearsome lion on the point of devouring his prey; with great firmness he hurled
prodigious amounts of expletives at the North American administration. Many
analysts thought the Summit of the Americas would be a hostile setting for the
first Black U.S. president.
Upon arriving to Trinidad,
everything changed. Hugo Chavez camped out observing Barack Obama for a few long
minutes. When he saw the journalists fan out, he pounced on the White House leader,
looking to get the flashing cameras to capture the moment that he shook
Obama's hand. Then he outdid himself showering Obama with attention. The immutable
lion, that devourer of all passing prey, was transformed into an affectionate kitty,
the kind that likes to sleep in the laps of children.
When Barack Obama
spoke, the first and most sonorous applause came from Hugo Chavez. He didn't
miss a single detail and attempted to take notes on every sentence as if to
confirm that, in effect, he actually agreed with the man he recently branded a poor
ignorant person. His friends from
ALBA looked on with outrage. What happened to the speech of Cumaná? A lion on
Venezuelan territory, he turned into a frenzied admirer to the point of shaming
himself. When he gave Obama a book by renowned Uruguayan journalist and writer
Eduardo Galeano, Obama smiled with irony and looked out of the corner of his
eye, making a gesture of annoyance at the presidential pestering.
The Secret Services must have
exerted themselves mightily to ensure that the number one could go to the
bathroom in peace - without having to put up with crazed fans. Imagine someone in
mid-urination being tortured by the incessant supplication of the tenant of Miraflores
[Venezuela's presidential palace], desirous of a gesture of affection from the
great helmsman of the condemned empire. It's almost better to wet one's pants.
These postures of Chavez are
classic. At the decisive moment, his legs tremble and give out on him.
When on his own, he presents
himself as a giant with powerful tentacles. The moment he senses any risk, he
flees desperately and takes another position, leaving his faithful in the
lurch. Throughout his ten-year misadventure, the examples are multitudinous. They
say that his hatred for Archbishop Baltasar Porras was brought about because
the illustrious prelate observed Chavez crying bitterly on the night of April
11th [the night of the 48-hour
coup in 2002 against Chavez]. What's more, the captain who piloted the
helicopter that transported him to La Orchila (a military base off the coast of Venezuela) is in jail
simply because he witnessed the sobbing of this champion of the revolutionary struggle.
He wailed like a small child who has his candy taken away.
It's not surprising then,
that he has assumed these positions with Barack Obama. Tomorrow he'll say
something else, to the complicit applause of his entourage of admirers - the
same ones who have plundered the people of their money.
The tropical Napoleon has
melted before the empire. The only thing missing was for him to sit at Obama's
side and ask for tickets to a baseball game. The North American president will
certainly need to see a urologist. His testicles may
have a tear after all the fondling I have revealed to you.
Tal Cual, Venezuela:
President Chavez 'Puts Early End' to Honeymoon with Obama
El Universal, Venezuela:
Obama is No 'Black in Chavez' Pocket'
Gazeta, Russia:
Latin Americans Will Sooner or Later Come 'Crawling' to the U.S.
Gazeta, Russia:
Castro and Chavez Split Over Obama
El Tiempo, Colombia:
Survey: Obama 'Most Popular Leader' in the Americas
El Espectador, Colombia:
Cuba in Obama's Sights
El Mundo, Colombia:
Obama: A Man Who Takes His Promises Seriously
Estadao, Brazil:
Raul Castro's 'Singular' Reaction to President Obama
La Razon, Bolivia:
President Morales Suspects U.S. Behind Attempt on His Life
Granma, Cuba:
Castro: Easing of Cuba Restrictions 'Positive', But Not Nearly Enough
Granma, Cuba:
Bay of Pigs Led 'Inexperienced Kennedy' to Make 'Misguided Decisions' …
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 4, 8:29pm]