Salvadore Allende, the democratically elected President of Chile,

was killed in a CIA-sponsored military coup. His government was

toppled on September 11, 1973. For many in Chile, Latin America

and around the world, that day is at least as dark as September

11, 2008 is for people of the United States. It is Henry Kissinger,

Richard Nixon and the CIA that they hold most responsible.



Bottup, Spain

The September 11 that Washington Ignores … 1973


"It's not about that overworked  - and at the same time completely unclear - September 11th, the little workhorse that keeps the most backward sectors of the political right in the United States in power that we want to talk about."


By Sebastián Liera


Translated By Douglas Myles Rasmussen


September 11, 2008


Spain - Bottup - Original Article (Spanish)

the 'Tribute in Light' over the World Trade Center site. Like no other day on the calender, 9-11 remains like an open wound to Americans and people around the world. But for Latin America and especially Chile, September 11 brings to mind, first and foremost - the bloody dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, brought to power in a CIA coup on 9-11-73.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: One of the victims of Pinochet's human rights abuses talks of the General's crimes, Dec. 11, 2006, 00:02:00 RealVideo

On that day - the first of the 17-years that Chile's military dictatorship lasted - it was more than a man of the moral and political stature as Salvador Allende that died in combat . We can say without fear of being wrong that neo-liberalism  - the justification and practice of the most savage and criminal part of the already criminal and savage capitalism - can find no better occasion to express itself as a global system - that condemns all of humanity to repeat, over and over again, on a morning without a future - than the two September 11ths that the calendar gave us in 1973 and 2001.


[Editor's note: On the Latin-American left, the word neo-liberalism is synonymous with capitalism run amuck, and control of the economy by a few well-connected individuals with ties to the United States. In essence, the term implies a reliance on free-markets and free-trade rather than government interventionism .]


The majority of the propagandistic, self-proclaimed communications media, especially the electronic, will devote many hours and bytes of the available electromagnetic spectrum in concession to the "memory" of just the second of these dates: that of the tragic attack on the part of - it is said without being satisfactorily proven - the Taliban-al-Qaeda organization on the so-called "Twin Towers" which housed the global headquarters of the World Trade Center in New York.



But it's not about that overworked - and at the same time completely unclear - September 11th, the little workhorse that keeps the most backward sectors of the political right in the United States in power that we want to talk about. Instead, we wish to discuss the other September 11th, when the Chilean armed forces, ordered by the Commanders-in-Chief of the Army, Air Force and the Navy, the general director of Carabineros , the felons Augusto Pinochet , Gustavo Leigh , José Toribio  and César Mendoza , attacked the La Moneda Palace [the office of the Chilean presidency ].


General Augusto Pinochet and his henchmen, no

doubt some of those mentioned above, just after

the coup that brought down Chile's democratic

government. This ushered in one of the darkest

periods of that nation's history. To put it bluntly -

the world was in the midst of the Cold War, and as

one U.S. president said, he was 'our sonofabitch.'


On that day - the first of the 17-years that Chile's military dictatorship lasted - it was more that a man of such moral and political stature as Salvador Allende had died; the construction of a people's government was also canceled, a promoter and defender of collective rights, a custodian of social freedoms and individual guarantees, an advocate of non-intervention, a respecter of sovereignty and the self-determination of peoples, the guarantor of a state rules by law and genuine justice, freedom and democracy as premises. It was on that day that neo-liberalism began. 


Allende, always acting with the mandate of his people, had begun structural reforms to a legal system whose postulates - to put it in his own words - reflected an oppressive social order: "Our legal system - the way social relations between Chileans are ordered - today answer to the demands of the capitalist system … Our legal system must be modified … It depends in large measure on the realism of Congress, that capitalist laws be succeeded by a socialist legal code, in accordance with the socio-economic transformations that we are implementing, without allowing a violent break in the code of justice to open the door to excess and arbitrariness that we, responsibly, wish to avoid."


It was under this new legal relationship that the Chilean people and their leader, theor companion Allende, understood that "an economic structure characterized by private ownership of the basic means of production, concentrated in a small group of companies in foreign hands and a negligible number of domestic capitalists, is the very negation of democracy." So the copper, iron, steel, saltpeter, iodine industries, the banks and industrial companies and the distributors and services, were nationalized.


Economic democracy was accompanied by political and social democracy, opening the door for large segments of the population to fully exercise their political, collective and religious rights and liberties, as well as their freedom of expression and association - which all included, among other characteristics, the open participation of women. 




Intense work was done to ensure universal access to health care and education, retirement and social security laws were amended, land reform were undertaken that hurt large land-holders under the creation of the Campesino councils [councils of rural poor], Land Reform Centers and Production Centers run by the foeld workers themselves; a law for indigenous people was enacted that fundamentally emerged from the Indian community itself; city workers (of both genders) spoke through a Central Unica [a large labor union ] that was part of the government. The "rebellious but constructive will" - as Allende would say - "of my nation's young people," to understand that "revolution" isn't just a word, that socialism cannot be imposed by decree because it is a process of social development (one that is permanent, Celia Hart  would say, remembering Lev [Marxist theorist Leon Trotsky ]), and to undertake its historic duel-mission: "to act and prepare to act."


Henry Kissinger is greeted by General Augusto Pinochet at his

office in 1976. Engineering Pinochet's rise to power - just like

the CIA-sponsored coup of 1953 against Iranian Prime Minister

Mohammed Mossadegh - may have looked good to some at the

time, have resulted in a black mark on the reputation of the U.S.


Nevertheless, on September 11, 1973, the United States - the principal champion of the dubious benefits of neo-liberalism - put an end to the "Chilean way of socialism," and let it be known that it would not allow those of us who live in its "backyard" to follow any other path than continuing to remain one of its colonies. All that is left is what our people still have to say on the matter; all that is left, as Marcos said, is all that is left.


[Editor's Note: Marcos refers to Philippine despot Ferdinand Marcos, a friend and ally of Chilean dictator, General Augusto Pinochet ].



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 14, 7:30pm]


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