Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speaks to
during a May Day celebration in Caracas, May 1.
Tal Cual,
President Chavez
'Puts Early End' to Honeymoon with Obama
Hugo Chavez took advantage of International Worker's Day celebrations to put an
early end to his 'honeymoon' with Barack Obama, railing against the 'infamy
of Obama,' demonstrated by a State Department report listing Venezuela as
uncooperative in the battle against terrorism."
Translated By Douglas Myles Rasmussen
May 2, 2009
Venezuela - Tal Cual - Original Article
President Hugo Chavez took advantage
of International Worker's Day celebrations in Caracas to put an early end to his
"honeymoon" with Barack Obama, railing against the "infamy of
Obama," demonstrated, in his judgment, by a State Department report
listing Venezuela as a country that doesn't cooperate in the battle against
"We categorically reject
this infamy of Obama against Venezuela; for if any government has acted against
the governments of Latin America it has been the Empire of the United States,"
the president said at the event held on Urdaneta Avenue, where three
government-sponsored marches converged after passing through various parts of
the capital. Hundreds of buses were provided for the marchers, with people
coming in from the interior of the country.
"I'm taking a stand in
the name of the Venezuelan people, and I reject this ignominy. I ask that they
leave us in peace, because we have resolved to break the chains of centuries
and be free. Venezuela will never again be anyone’s colony. This is a free
people," Chávez said, stressing that his socialist revolution "has
only just begun" and that "within 20 years, the country will begin to
see its fruits."
In his speech, broadcast by
fiat on radio and television, Chávez said that as he conceives of it, in
socialist Venezuela, "there is no place for oligarchs or traitors,"
and he took the opportunity to poke fun at demonstrations undertaken by Democratic
forces, calling them "very squalid" in order to justify the police
response of tear gas.
"I was watching the squalid
people march, truly and lamentably degenerate, as almost always occurs as a counter
to revolutions against hopelessness and their almost futile calls. What's more
- theirs wasn't a march of workers but rather of conspirators, the resentful,
the widows and widowers of the Pacto de Punto Fijo,
and of the widows and widowers of capitalism."
[Editor's Note: The Pacto de Punto Fijo
was an agreement meant to consolidate Venezuelan democracy in 1958. It appears
that Chavez regards the pact as something that favors capitalism and the
The President explained, "that
rally was full of hate," ended in "frustration," and was lashing
out against the forces of order, so the Metropolitan Police and National Guard
were obliged to disperse it, "with a few little pots of tear gas."
"We will not permit acts
of violence. These are of the streets of the people - not the oligarchy or the
counter revolution," the president said.
El Tiempo, Colombia:
'Tropical Napoleon' Melts Before Obama's 'Empire'
El Universal, Venezuela:
Obama is No 'Black in Chavez' Pocket'
Gazeta, Russia:
Latin Americans Will Sooner or Later Come 'Crawling' to the U.S.
Gazeta, Russia:
Castro and Chavez Split Over Obama
El Tiempo, Colombia:
Survey: Obama 'Most Popular Leader' in the Americas
El Espectador, Colombia:
Cuba in Obama's Sights
El Mundo, Colombia:
Obama: A Man Who Takes His Promises Seriously
Estadao, Brazil:
Raul Castro's 'Singular' Reaction to President Obama
La Razon, Bolivia:
President Morales Suspects U.S. Behind Attempt on His Life
Granma, Cuba:
Castro: Easing of Cuba Restrictions 'Positive', But Not Nearly Enough
Granma, Cuba:
Bay of Pigs Led 'Inexperienced Kennedy' to Make 'Misguided Decisions' …
In another aspect of his analysis,
Chávez affirmed that the Venezuelan working class is changing its vision,
because the old capitalist rules that once divided it are becoming a thing of
the past, and he said discussions on collective contracts in the public sector for
teachers and electric companies are continuing, and he promised that that would
soon be ready.
He emphasized that "in
these first four months of the year, additional resources for workers have been
approved - for the rising working class - that class that is transcending
He stressed that during the
first quarter of this year, over 200 billion Bolivars [$93.2 million] were
approved for socialist factories, a strategic project that will continue to
transform Venezuela's economic model.
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 3, 11:49pm]