team is shedding crocodile tears over the fate of civilian population of eastern
Ukraine and preparing the world for intervention under that pretext. The Russian
president, a former KGB officer, is hostage to his own cult, which is having a
collective orgasm over Crimea. He cannot show the nation, which stands firmly
behind him, any form of weakness. Will he unflinchingly lead another generation
of young Russians to their deaths? Will he be toppled in a palace coup, with
power being assumed by another, even more aggressive team?"
What cynicism. Russia appeals for humanitarian aid for the
victims of a civil war she has herself incited. In Ukraine, before it is too
late, Russia must be stopped. And when Putin orders his troops to enter Ukraine,
it will be too late.
It would be a casus
belli, but I have a hard time imagining NATO reacting the way the Americans
and British are responding to jihadist massacres in Iraq: with strategic
airstrikes and the airdropping food for refugees.
Putin's team is probably counting on NATO planes not
engaging in a fight with the separatists, and even more on NATO leaving alone
the “humanitarian” armored columns bound for Ukraine on the Kremlin's orders.
Posted By Worldmeets.US
The media don't seem to understand the seriousness of the
situation. The notorious Vladimir Zhirinovsky has taunted that when Russia attacks, nothing
will be left of Poland and the Baltic states, and the Kremlin says nothing to
contradict him. There is no more pressing issue in Europe today than stopping Russian
expansion. The first act, the Crimea annexation, has been compared to Hitler's
annexation of Czechoslovakia under the ruse of protecting the German
Now Putin's team is shedding crocodile tears over the fate
of civilian population of eastern Ukraine and preparing the world for intervention
under that pretext. The Russian president, a former KGB officer, is hostage to
his own cult, which is having a collective orgasm over Crimea. He cannot show
the nation, which stands firmly behind him, any form of weakness. Will he unflinchingly
lead another generation of young Russians to their deaths? Will he be toppled
in a palace coup, with power being assumed by another, even more aggressive
The unpunished Anschluss of eastern
Ukraine is an invitation for Russia's further expansion. Is there a red line
anywhere? Who will determine it? Who will defend it?
Perhaps these questions run too much ahead of developments,
a somewhat neurotic result of the experiences of my generation and that of my
parents. Yet I cannot pretend not to have had those experiences. My historical
memory is longer than my calendar life. After the outbreak of both world wars, few
people foresaw that they would last more than a few weeks. On the contrary,
there was even a mood of patriotic euphoria.