Mass murderer Dylann Roof Thursday: Is a U.S. foreign policy centered on
violence without responsible for an arms race among U.S. citizens within?



The 'Unbridled Arms Race' Among U.S. Citizens (La Jornada, Mexico)


"The superpower is a structurally violent state in which the use of force as a means of resolving differences serves as an example to every citizen. No country in history has been responsible for as many aggressions, direct or indirect, against other nations: military invasions, bombings, occupations, the sponsorship of terrorist acts, sabotage, blockades, destabilization, assassinations and extrajudicial kidnappings are just some of the methods the United States has used to impose its interests on dozens of countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, including several times, Mexico."




Translated By Guillermo Gutierrez


June 20, 2015


Mexico – La Jornada – Original Article (Spanish)

In reaction to the massacre perpetrated Wednesday at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, U.S. President Barack Obama referred again to one of his administration's pieces of unfinished business: the need to regulate the sale of firearms in his country, where more than 80 people die from gunfire every day. The president said he has had to deal with this problem too many times and regretted that innocent people have to die because someone with intent to do harm has easy access to a gun or rifle.


Although murders with firearms are lamentably common in the United States, the slaughter committed against the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church had the acute uniqueness of being an unequivocal hate crime perpetrated by a White against a religious congregation of African-Americans and the determined intent harm to members of their minority. In a year marked by massive protests against the killings of young black men by White police officers, the crime on Wednesday may be a sign of a hardening of ancient ideologies of hate which may now be subsumed beneath political correctness, but have never been eradicated from the minds of many in the White majority of our neighboring country.

'Thank Allah the Virginia Killer Wasn't Muslim' (Kitabat, Iraq)

[Click Here to Read]


The fact is that these massacres, triggered by distinct motivations, have periodically occurred in kindergartens, churches, shopping centers, universities and even U.S. military installations. Given this reality, Obama urged his fellow citizens to reflect on why such monstrous violence doesn't occur with the same alarming frequency in other developed countries. This question evokes and retrofits one expressed by his predecessor George W. Bush following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: "Why does the world hate the United States so much?", whereas the question posed by his Democratic counterpart boils down to: "Why do United States people hate each other so much."


There is an answer that both Obama and Bush that the political and business classes and huge sectors of U.S. society refuse to acknowledge: the superpower is a structurally violent state in which the use of force as a means of resolving differences serves as an example to every citizen. No country in history has been responsible for as many aggressions, direct or indirect, against other nations: military invasions, bombings, occupations, the sponsorship of terrorist acts, sabotage, blockades, destabilization, assassinations and extrajudicial kidnappings are just some of the methods the United States has used to impose its interests on dozens of countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, including several times, Mexico.


This warring barbarism directed at the outside world has a domestic counterpart in the excessive, abusive violent impunity practiced by the state against its own citizens and communities. Whereas in a democratic nation, the legitimate use of violence must be understood as an exercise of government in exceptional cases only, events ranging from an epidemic of police killings to the oft-mentioned criminalization of entire sectors of the population have become common, everyday affairs for federal, state and local authorities in our neighbor country. This is amply demonstrated by the disproportionate percentage of Blacks and Latinos imputed and behind bars.

Posted By Worldmeets.US



In this context, it's no coincidence that there is an unbridled and even paranoid citizen arms race: the phenomenon reflects the belief in the alleged legitimacy of violent methods on the part of a large section of the population. This explains why registration applications for the purchase of firearms amount on average to more than 16 million per year. Paradoxically, state institutions are far more concerned with combating terrorism outside the country than curbing the insatiable acquisition of instruments of death on its own territory. This although the chances of a U.S. citizen being killed in a terrorist attack are one in 3.5 million, whereas the odds of being killed by a person with a gun is one in 22,000.


In the most recent tragedy, Obama addressed the issue of guns in a routine and formalistic manner. Although his remarks were essentially correct, they lack credibility because he is expressing them at the end of his presidency with an opposition Congress, a diminished capacity to act and declining influence.



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[Posted By Worldmeets.US June 20, 2015, 8:45am]







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