International Herald Tribune, France

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Guns in America: A 'Political Fiasco' (L'Express, France)


"The assault weapons ban - the type of semi-automatic rifle used so infamously in Newtown - was jettisoned last month. The complexity of the bill, in particular when it comes to the designation of 'assault weapons,' and industry pressure, for whom these toys, so similar to military M16s, are a commercial cash cow to be milked, contributed along with the NRA to this alarming political retreat."


By Philippe Coste



Translated By Pierre Guittard


April 10, 2013


France - L'Express - Original Article (French)

President Obama, touring the country to press for 'common sense' gun control, listens for a response from the audience in Hartford Connecticut, in his latest impassioned plea to lawmakers to act: will it do an good?

BBC NEWS VIDEO: How a U.S. liberal learned to love guns, Apr. 4, 00:02:58RealVideo

Nine out of 10 Americans favor stricter controls on the purchase of firearms. Since the horror at Newtown, the famous "background checks" have come to be seen as the most logical and easy step to take to make it harder for the imbalanced to buy guns. But will members of Congress, particularly in the Senate, accept the consequences of democracy, with Obama crisscrossing the country calling for "common sense" restrictions? Absolutely not.


Thirteen Republican senators, including the party's minority leader [Mitch McConnell], have even decided to block debate precisely on the pretext that such controls could help compile a future national registry of people carrying firearms, which is deemed detrimental to constitutional freedoms. Clearly, given the low turnout of poor Americans during legislative elections, the opinion of a majority of voters weigh little against the minority of organized activist extremists financed by local chapters of the NRA, or simply by the party's radical fringe which have so much influence during party primaries.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


So as the 2014 elections draw closer, many Democrats are expressing caution. Especially those in western states (like Harry Reid, Democratic leader in the Senate) and members of the House of Representatives. The only chance for Democrats to regain a majority in the House is to target districts previously held by Republicans. Hence their moderation on the issue of firearms.


Thus the assault weapons ban - the type of semi-automatic rifle used so infamously in Newtown - was jettisoned last month. The complexity of the bill, in particular when it comes to the designation of "assault weapons," and industry pressure, for whom these toys, so similar to military M16s, are a commercial cash cow to be milked, contributed along with the NRA to this alarming political retreat.


But the general public is not so alarmed. It favors, as we know, controls on buyers; but much less so when it comes to banning gun sales (only 43 percent). Failing to grasp the pig picture, it tends to rely on a point put forward by allies of the NRA, which is that it would be better to ensure that existing gun laws are more vigorously enforced. This is false, because such laws are almost comically ignored. And no matter. If by some miracle, the Americans, after the shock of Newtown passes, really wanted to send a message about their prevailing "gun culture," they would head to the polls during legislative elections, and make it known with their votes.


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Elsevier, The Netherlands: How in the West and East, Mass Murderers are Bred
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Hurriet, Turkey: Shooting at Fort Hood and the Role of Muslim Clerics

The Telegraph, U.K.: British Muslims Debate the Fort Hood Killer




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Posted By Worldmeets.US Apr. 10, 2013, 12:19pm