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'A Virginia Tech Massacre every day.'             [Calgary Sun, Canada]



Kitabat, Iraq

'Thank Allah the Virginia Killer Wasn't Muslim'


"The blood which flowed following the crime at Virginia Tech was of a very rare kind: we Arabs and Muslims had absolutely nothing to do with it!!"


By Abdul Razaq Al Rebai


Translated By Jenny Oliver


April 18, 2007


Iraq - Kitabat - Original Article (Arabic)

The blood which flowed following the crime at Virginia Tech was of a very rare kind: we Arabs and Muslims had absolutely nothing to do with it!!


American police continue to investigate the motives behind the incident at Virginia Polytechnic Institute - in which a gunman opened fire killing 32 students and faculty members before turning the gun on himself - and will likely find a thread that links us [Muslims] to this heinous crime. This was a crime that has made everyone tremble with anger - including President Bush. In a case like this, speculation abounds, which is why we praise Allah, and give him our thanks that the gunman was not a Muslim! The crime overwhelmed police and at first they asserted that this was an act of terrorism. But God was kind to his Muslim worshipers when he did not make the killer one of us. Thus, the charges against us were dropped!


We also praise Allah and thank Him that the gunman was not of Arab descent, as the investigation has confirmed that the killer was from South Korea. What if the gunman had been Iraqi or Sudanese? The whole world would have been up in arms over it!


As long as we Arabs and Muslims are far away from this case, "it's springtime and the weather is marvelous," as the late Egyptian singer and actress Suad Husni  once observed. But our innocence complicates matters for the investigators, and they are now caught up in a whirlwind of questions.


How could it be that this expert killer isn't a member of our [Muslim] clan? Not one of our cousins? Not even one of our neighbors? Especially since the specifics of this repugnant crime correspond to us: The Virginia Tech killer murdered innocent people, just as bad men killed innocent people on September 11, 2001. The killer committed terrible evil on a university campus, and we certainly have no taboos about slitting throats in order to preserve our existence!


The Virginia Tech killer murdered students of science. We Arabs and Muslims are an ignorant and backward people, and we fight against education from cradle to grave, or so the Western media likes to say!



The fact that we are innocent of this horrific crime, but accused like the wolf of spilling Joseph's blood*, means that it's possible for servants of God from other nationalities and races to be terrorists! Just as it's also possible for us to be innocent of the horrible crimes of which we are accused. Americans can be mistaken when they point the finger at us, as happened when Iraq was accused of possessing weapons of mass destruction during the days of the old regime. This was the reason that war was waged against Iraq, and only later did the American politicians confess that they had made a mistake!


[*According to the Quran and the Old Testament, Joseph was the great grandson of Abraham, the first monotheist - and Jew. According to both Holy Books, Joseph's many brothers were jealous of his favor with their father Jacob, and so they decided to throw him into a pit. They told their father he'd been eaten by a wolf, and to support their claim they produced Joseph's shirt, which they had covered in sheep's blood. The author is arguing that Muslims - like the wolf - have been wrongly accused of murder].


Unfortunately, this "intellectual" error has resulted in extensive damage across the width and breadth of Iraq and since 2003 has displaced 4 million people!


There is no power and no strength, except in God and in compassion for the victims of Virginia Tech, who were murdered as a result of a romantic quarrel. [Some initial reports after the crime suggested this]. Considering the motives, the crime and the killer, it's fortunate that there's not a single Arab face, hand or voice!

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Arabic Version Below


دم يوسف في جامعة فرجينيا


كتابات - عبدالرزاق الربيعي


قد يكون الدم الذي سال عقب جريمة جامعة فرجينيا من الدماء  النادرة التي سالت ولم نكن لنا بها نحن العرب والمسلمين ناقة ولا جمل بل ولا دخل من قريب أو بعيد !!

رغم ان   الشرطة الأمريكية لاتزال تحقق في الدافع وراء الحادث الذي وقع في المعهد الفني بجامعة فرجينيا عندما أطلق مسلح الرصاص على 32 طالبا وأعضاء هيئة التدريس

بالكلية وأرداهم قتلى قبل أن يصوب سلاحه على نفسه  وتحاول ان تجمع الخيوط لعلها تجد خيطا يربطنا بهذه الجريمة البشعة التي ارتعدت لها فرائص الجميع

بما فيهم الرئيس الأمريكي  بوش وفي مثل هذه الحالات تكثر

التكهنات  وأيا كان السبب فنحن نحمد الله ونصلي له شاكرين  ان المسلح لم يكن

مسلما والا لما داخت الشرطة بالأمر ولقيدت الجريمة ضد (ارهابي ) لكن لطف الله بعباده المسلمين جعله ليس منا  وبذلك أسقطت التهمة !!

ونحمد الله ونشكره ثانية ان المسلح  لم يكن من أصل عربي فالتحقيقات أكدت انه 

من أصل كوري جنوبي - ماذا لو كان المسلح عراقيا أو سودانيا ؟ ألم يكن من

الممكن أن تقوم الدنيا ولم تقعد !!!؟-

  ومادمنا نحن العرب والمسلمين في منأى عن القضية "فالدنيا ربيع والجو بديع

 " كما ترى المرحومة سعاد حسني وهذا مازاد الأمر تعقيدا على المحققين , ودوخهم ووضعهم في دوامة من الحيص بيص !!

فكيف يكون هذا القاتل المحترف ليس من عشيرتنا ولا من أبناء عمومتنا ولا حتى

من جيراننا  !!!؟ خصوصا ان كل المواصفات المتعلقة بالجريمة البشعة تنطبق

علينا فالمجرم قتل أناسا ابرياء ,كما حصل في واقعة 11 سبتمر سيئة الذكر , وهو

أساء للحرم الجامعي , ونحن أيضا ليست لدينا محرمات من قطع الأعناق الى قطع

الأرزاق  !!

والقاتل أجهز على طلبة علم ونحن قوم متخلفون وجهلة ونحارب التعليم من المهد

الى اللحد كما يروج الاعلام الغربي!!

ومادمنا أبرياء من هذه الجريمة تهمة الذئب من دم يوسف فهذا يعني ان عباد الله في

أرضه  من الأقوام الأخرى والجنسيات الأخرى يمكن لهم ان يكونوا ارهابيين أيضا

!!كما يمكن لنا أن نكون أبرياء من جرائم بشعة قد تحصل على هذه المعمورة ونتهم بها نحن وبالمقابل  من الممكن  يمكن ان يكون الحدس الأمريكي مخطئا , كما حصل في الصاق تهمة امتلاك العراق أسلحة دمار شامل أيام النظام السابق وكانت سببا لشن حرب عليه ليعترف الساسة الأمريكان أنهم أخطأوا !!

وخطأ ( الشاطر)  بألف خصوصا اذا سبب هذا الخطأ (دمارا شاملا ) في بلد كبير

كالعراق بلغ النازحون منه  لحد الأن ومنذ عام 2003 م أربعة الاف لاجيء !!

والحبل على الجرار ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله والرحمة لضحايا جامعة فرجينيا الذي

راحوا ضحية مشادة وقعت بين زوجين شابين  حول مزاعم بالخيانة وتعددت

الأسباب والجريمة واحدة والقاتل  ليس عربي  الوجه واليد واللسان !!


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Friday Prayers in Qatar: Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi blames Virginia Tech shooting on America's culture of violence. [click photo to watch].

—Al-JAZEERA TV, QATAR: At Friday Prayers in Qatar, Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi discusses the Virginia Tech massacre, and expresses relief that the killer wasn't Muslim, Apr. 20, 00:03:01RealVideo

'Wave of Violence in America's schools.'

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