After Cuba, has U.S. spying on Brazilians and their President Dilma

Rouseff been set aside? Folha columnist Clóvis Rossi writes that the

Dilma Administration is ready to bury the hatchet.



After Snowden, Cuba, a New Honeymoon for U.S. and Brazil (Folha, Brazil)


"Before the spying episode, Brazil-U.S. relations had never been better. … For Dilma, the significance of Cuba normalization goes well beyond U.S.-Cuba relations. In her view, a new dynamism - more productive and constructive than the eternal criticism of Washington over its attitude toward Cuba - will infuse multilateral meetings in Latin America. It will therefore set a tone that in 2015 will mark relations with the United States."


By Clóvis Rossi*



Translated By Ricardo Farinha


January 21, 2015


Brazil – Folha – Original Article (Portuguese)

Even before the productive first meeting between President Dilma Rousseff and Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had written to his then-Brazilian counterpart Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, suggesting he urgently travel to Washington to begin to trace the agenda for Dilma’s state visit.


It is well known that the visit should have taken place last year, but was suspended due to the spying episode directed against Dilma.


Figueiredo failed to respond to Kerry because he didn't know how long he would remain in office. Yet Kerry's suggestion remains a good one for newly-appointed Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira.


Moreover, the contours of the visit began to take shape at the Dilma-Biden meeting.


Dilma made it clear that she doesn't want a visit she described as “black tie,” that is - full of pomp and circumstance. She wants substance, she told Biden.


Jornal Do Brasil, Brazil:
Chancellor Tells Kerry: 'Terminate' Spying on Brazilians
O Reporter, Brazil:
Brazil Passes NSA-Driven Internet Law, Seeks Global Action at NetMundial
Epoca, Brazil: America's 'Undemocratic' Surveillance is More Invasive than China's
Estadao, Brazil: Warning to Brazil Lawmakers Before Meeting with Snowden
Folha, Brazil: NSA's Great Power Challenge to Brazil
Folha, Brazil: 'In His Heart,' Obama Knows Rousseff is Right about Spying
Folha, Brazil: Dilma Postpones Her U.S. State Visit; Saves Face for Both Sides
Epoca, Brazil: President Rousseff: Snowden Documents Show U.S. Economic Espionage
Epoca, Brazil: After NSA Scandal, Brazil Seeks Reduced U.S. Control Over Internet
Carta Maior, Brazil: Invasions of Privacy and the Tools of Terror Maintenance
O Globo, Brazil: Adjusting to Our 'Brave New World' of Liberty
O Globo, Brazil: NSA Targeted Latin American 'Trade Secrets'
O Globo, Brazil: Brazil 'Gravely Concerned' Over Massive NSA Espionage
O Globo, Brazil: Leading Brazilians Condemn U.S. Surveillance Against the Nation
O Globo, Brazil: President Rousseff's U.S. State Visit Imperiled By NSA Spying



The vice president took up the theme and reminded her that the United States has a clear agenda it wishes to develop with Brazil. What's missing is the agenda Dilma wants to pursue so relations can reach an even higher level, which is a desire Dilma expressed to Biden.

It may have been mere courtesy, but if it there is substance as well, this is a relevant characterization. After all, before the spying episode, Brazil-U.S. relations had never been better. Therefore, to climb a step is not trivial.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


According to the president, the conversation she and Biden had dealt with the theme that cooperation should be much more dynamic. Dilma mentioned trade, recalling that China has supplanted the United States as Brazil's largest trading partner.


The president also mentioned the area of defense, where she said much more can be done. One of my own speculations that was not a topic of conversation: I would imagine that on the defense issue, Dilma wants to include the battle against organized crime, which is for the most part driven by drug trafficking.


For the United States, defense relates chiefly to the fight against terrorism; for Latin American countries, it means battling drug trafficking. That's where my speculation ends and I return to our conversation.


Dilma also showed an interest in the field of innovation, citing the enormous capacity of the United States in this area, especially in science and technology. The conversation began with Dilma praising the "courage" of President Barack Obama for normalizing relations with Cuba, calling it a "historic" gesture.


Biden returned the caress by volunteering that on the eve of the announcement he had tried to call Dilma to warn her, but that he couldn't reach her because the Brazilian leader was in Argentina for the Mercosur summit.


For Dilma, the significance of Cuba normalization goes well beyond U.S.-Cuba relations. In her view, a new dynamism - more productive and constructive than the eternal criticism of Washington over its attitude toward Cuba - will infuse multilateral meetings in Latin America. It will therefore set a tone that in 2015 will mark relations with the United States.

Clovis Rossi is a special correspondent and member of the Folha editorial board, is a winner of the Maria Moors Cabot award (USA) and is a member of the Foundation for a New Ibero-American Journalism. His column appears on Thursdays and Sundays on page 2 and on Saturdays in the World Notebook section. He is the author, among other works, of Special Envoy: 25 Years Around the World and What is Journalism?





Folha, Brazil: With Return of Cuba, Washington is Back in the Americas Fold

El Universal, Mexico: Cuba is Alive. The Castros Can Retire. Hurray Cuba!

O Globo, Brazil: Havana and Washington Shuffle the Latin American Cards

Vermelho, Brazil: Cuba's Unprecedented Triumph Over Adversity

El Universal, Mexico: Obama's Cuban 'Electoral Coup'

Opera Mundi, Brazil: Demonization of 'Cuban Five' Shows U.S. is the Real Terror Threat

Folha, Brazil: U.S. Republican Triumph Plunges Americas Summit into Crisis

La Jornada, Mexico: Loughner and Carriles: Two Terrorists, One U.S. Double Standard

Juventud Rebelde, Cuba: In Miami, It's Better to Be a Terrorist Than a Poet

Le Figaro, France: Bush Refuses to Extradite 'Friendly' Criminal to Venezuela

Granma, Cuba: Cubans Insist That Washington Shields An International Terrorist

Granma, Cuba: Castro Says U.S. Implicated in 1976 Airline Bombing

Bolvariana de Noticias, Venezuela: Obama 'Must Extradite' Carriles

Adelante, Cuba: Posada Carriles and Al Capone: How U.S. History Repeats Itself

Adelante, Cuba: America's Favorite Terrorist Goes Free
Guardian, U.K.: Raul Castro Tells CELAC Summit: Fight Poverty; Lock Out United States
La Razon, Bolivia: CELAC Condemns U.S. Blockade of Cuba; Elects Raul Castro
El Espectador, Colombia: Not All CELAC Nations Agree with Anti-Imperialist Chavez  

El Universal, Venezuela: Hugo Chavez Declares Monroe Doctrine Dead  

El Tiempo, Colombia: What Good is Our New, U.S.-Free 'Community'?  

Estadao, Brazil: In Latin America, Rhetoric Triumphs Over Reality  

La Razon, Bolivia: Latin America Has Excluded the U.S. … So What Now?

ABC, Spain: Hugo Chavez Calls Terrorism Indictment a U.S.-Spanish Plot  

Folha, Brazil: Latin American Unity Cannot Be Dependent on Excluding the U.S.  

La Jornada, Mexico: Latin America's March Toward 'Autonomy from Imperial Center'

La Jornada, Mexico: Militarization of Latin America: Obama 'Ahead of Bush'

O Globo, Brazil: U.S. Navy Shows That What U.S. Can Do, Brazil Can Also Do  

Clarin, Argentina: Resurrected U.S. Fourth Fleet Creates Suspicion Across South America

Le Figaro, France: U.S. Navy 'Resurrects' Fourth Fleet to Patrol Latin America

Semana, Colombia: Hugo Chávez Isn't 'Paranoid' to Fear the U.S. Marines




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Posted By Worldmeets.US January 21, 2015, 5:49pm








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