Former CIA Hand Luis Posada Carriles …
Adelante, Cuba
America's Favorite
Terrorist Goes Free
Has the Bush Administration just
released a known terrorist who had a hand in - among other things - the death
of John F. Kennedy and the destruction of a passenger aircraft with 73 people
aboard? According to this article from Cuba's state-controlled Adelante, Luis Posada Carriles,
who has just been set loose in Miami, is just such a man.
By Rolando Sarmiento Ricart
Translated By Douglas Myles Rasmussen
April 22, 2007
- Adelante - Original Article (Spanish)
To give a more precise
description of his professional profile, Luis Posada Carriles
is an expert at setting off C-4 explosives
with a very short fuse, who goes from Bush to Bush, and whose detonations have
not been silenced or hampered by the outrageous justice system in the United
States or its famous Patriot Act.
And it's a fact that the
terrorist Posada Carriles, who has confessed to so
many crimes, including the explosion in mid-flight of a Cubana
Airlines plane with 73 passengers aboard, is an overall deadly threat to any
nation, even the United States. This is the man that the Administration of
George Bush is seeking to "judge" for his little immigrant lies, told
in his quest to enter the land of the Anti-terror Gladiator.
It is very well-known that
Posada Carriles, in Washington D.C. - the very heart
of the United States, capital of the world's most powerful nation -
participated in a bombing attack that killed Chile's former minister of foreign
affairs, Orlando Letelier
and his North American associate, Ronnie Moffitt.
Sources very close to the
terrorist also implicate him in the conspiracy
to kill the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
Nevertheless, the present administration in the "White House" - in
quotes - welcomes this new bin Laden with the assurance that he is no threat to
anyone. It would be good to remember that the inveterate dynamiter, in a 1998
interview with The New York Times, named himself as the chief organizer
of a series of bombing attacks on hotels, shops and a diverse array of civilian
installations in Cuba during the summer of 1997. These acts of deadly vandalism
resulted in the death of Italian tourist Fabio Di Celmo
and wounded some others, among them children.
How many young victims would
there have been after the sinister attack that he planned and organized on Paraninfo University on the campus of the University of
Panama, in yet another attempt to end the life of Cuban President Fidel Castro?
[It has been reported that the CIA tried to kill Castro 638 times
]. Thanks to Cuban
intelligence, he was apprehended in time by Panamanian authorities and declared
guilty, but was pardoned by President Mireya Moscoso
just days before the end of her term in
August, 2004. Today the ex-President is enjoying the fruits of her valuable
contribution to terrorism ... in the United States.
When Papa Bush and Baby Bush
publicly declare themselves defenders of United States democracy and foes of
global anti-terrorism, their noses grow increasingly longer before a U.S.
public that with ever-more force and vigor, is hearing and joining in the
growing global indignation that condemns the release of this terrible murderer.
People in the U.S. are also joining in the growing chorus calling for the
immediate release of the five young Cubans who fought to prevent the innocent
spilling of blood both in and out of Cuba, as has been attested to by Posada Carriles' resume of pardoned crimes.
[Editor's Note: The
"Miami Five," Fernando Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernandez,
Ramon Labanino and Rene Gonzalez were dispatched by
the Cuban government in the early nineties. Their task was to infiltrate the
anti-Castro Cuban exile groups in Miami, who were believed to be engaged in
acts of sabotage against Cuba.
their case has taken on the same national
significance in Cuba as did that of Elian Gonzalez].
Whether he is freed or
jailed, if he flees once again or if he peacefully stays on in the dust of
Florida: it's only a question of time [before history catches up with him]. But
he knows a lot about the Bush family and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
for which he could be de-protected, de-cared for and de-looked after by the
very same people that once created him and now sustain him.
"Killing the dog will
cure it of rabies" as George W. might say in an alcoholic fit to his Iraq
and Afghanistan "anti-terror" advisers, but ... how?
[Editor's Note: Perhaps the author is suggesting that in Bush's mind, you can eliminate the disease (terrorism) by killing its
host (Iraq/Afghanistan)].
Spanish Version Below
Posada Carriles:
una bomba de tiempo
Rolando Sarmiento Ricart
Camagüey, 21 abr. -Para formar un parecido más exacto de su
perfil profesional, Luis
Posada Carriles, es una carga explosiva
de C-4 con mecha rápida que va de Bush en Bush y cuya detonación no han podido acallar
ni maniatar como a la ultrajada justicia norteamericana y la famosa Ley Patriótica.
Y es
que el terrorista Posada Carriles, confeso de tantos crímenes como la voladura del avión de Cubana en pleno vuelo con 73 pasajeros a bordo, y que la administración de George
Bush, pretende “juzgar” por sus mentiritas
migratorias de entrada al país gladiador del antiterrorismo, significa, aunque pretendan minimizarlo, un peligro universal
de muerte para cualquier nación, incluso para los propios Estados Unidos.
Es muy
conocido que Posada Carriles, en el propio corazón de los Estados Unidos, Washington, capital del país
más poderoso del mundo, participó en el atentado con bomba que asesinó al ex ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, Orlando Letelier
y de su asociada estadounidense Ronnie Moffitt.
Afirmaciones de fuentes muy cercanas al terrorista, también lo involucran en la conspiración y muerte del presidente de los Estados Unidos, John F. Kennedy,
sin embargo, el actual gobierno de la “Casa Blanca” -
entre comillas- acoge al nuevo Ben Laden, con la seguridad
de que no representa una amenaza para
Es bueno
recordar que el inveterado dinamitero, en una entrevista ofrecida en 1998 al The New York Times, se adjudicó la jefatura organizativa de una serie de ataques con bombas contra hoteles, tiendas y diversos objetivos civiles en Cuba durante el verano de 1997. Estos hechos vandálicos
causaron la muerte del turista italiano Fabio Di Celmo y heridas a otras personas, entre ellas niños.
víctimas jóvenes hubiera causado el siniestro atentado que planeó y organizó
en el Paraninfo de la Universidad de Panamá para, una vez
más, intentar acabar con la vida del presidente cubano Fidel Castro?
Gracias a la inteligencia cubana
fue detenido a tiempo por las
autoridades panameñas y declarado culpable, pero fue indultado por
la presidenta Mireya Moscoso, justamente días antes de terminar su mandato en agosto
del 2004. Hoy la ex mandataria disfruta
las ganancias de su valiosa contribución
al terrorismo, en los Estados
Cuando papá Bush y baby Bush, se declaran públicamente defensores de la democracia norteamericana, del antiterrorismo
mundial, les crecen sus narices ante un pueblo estadounidense que cada vez más
y con más fuerza, escucha y participa en la indignación internacional creciente para condenar la excarcelación de un
terrible asesino y la liberación
inmediata de los cinco jóvenes cubanos que, desde la propia
madriguera dinamitera miamense, luchaban por evitar el derramamiento
de sangre inocente dentro y fuera de Cuba, como se aprecia en el abultado currículo de crímenes de Posada Carriles.
Se libera
o encarcela, se vuelve a fugar o continúa tranquilamente junto al polvorín de la Florida: es cuestión de tiempo, pero él sabe
mucho de la familia Bush, de la Agencia
Central de Inteligencia (CIA), para
que sea desatendido, desprotegido, descuidado por quienes lo engendraron y alimentan. Muerto el perro se acabaría la rabia, dirían en un arrebato alcohólico George W y sus asesores “antiterroristas” de Afganistán e Irak, pero... ¿Cómo?