Newtown: When the pain is too heart-rending to contemplate.



To 'Prove' His Presidency, Obama Must Go Beyond Assault Weapons Ban (Liberation, France)


"It is past time for Obama to show he can act. Restoring the ban on the use of assault rifles would be a first step. But he must go further. He must initiate a national dialogue with Congress and throughout the country on gun control. ... Obama must seize this tragic moment and prove his presidency. This time, speeches will not suffice."


By Fabrice Rousselot



Translated By Pierre Guittard


December 18, 2012


France – Liberation – Original Article (French)

Visibly distraught, President Obama addresses the nation after America's latest gun massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. By asserting that something must be done to stem such attacks, the president has raised expectations that this time, something will be done.

CBC NEWS VIDEO: Townspeople in Newtown, Connecticut, deal with crush of world media, as gun control advocates seek to harness outrage for change, Dec. 17, 00:47:45RealVideo

"It isn't possible. These are kids who were killed in a school. If the president does nothing now, it's crazy. We cannot go on this way."


Saturday, this woman came to Saint Rose de Lima Catholic Church in Newtown, to light a candle in tribute to the victims of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But between the tears, she couldn't hide her anger.


Today, many Americans share that sentiment. The tragedy at Newtown will also be a way of judging the political courage of Obama in confronting the eternal problem of gun control in the United States. "If he doesn't move there, he's a coward," confided a former police officer in the small Connecticut town this weekend.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


For many commentators, the fact that children were killed "changes the game." Even conservative newspapers on Monday remarked, "this is a crucial moment for the debate." (USA Today).


After the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, Barack Obama took more than a week to discuss "the need to do something." Sunday night, in an auditorium at Newtown High School, the president said he was ready to "use all his powers" to stop these types of massacres. And without even once uttering the word "guns."



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Yet it is past time for Obama to show he can act. Restoring the ban on the use of assault rifles would be a first step. But Obama must go further. He must initiate a national dialogue with Congress and throughout the country on gun control.


And he must do so despite the power of the NRA - the lobby for guns. Polls show that even in America, mindsets are changing, especially among women.


Obama must seize this tragic moment and prove his presidency. This time, speeches will not suffice.



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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Dec. 18, 1:09am]