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Cuba's Unprecedented Triumph Over Adversity (Vermelho, Brazil)


"Over these five decades, this small Caribbean island showed an unwavering firmness of principle, tenacity, perseverance and resilience in the face of tremendous adversity imposed by an economic, technological and cultural blockade unprecedented in modern times. … The history of Cuba, victim of attacks on its territorial integrity and the sabotage of its agriculture, industry, trade, and so on, including on its leader Fidel Castro who escaped thousands of conspiracies to assassinate him unharmed, is worthy of a long treatise on the art of how not to drown in the face of incomparable storms."


By Eduardo Bomfim



Translated By Brandi Miller


December 18, 2014


Brazil -Vermelho - Original Article (Portuguese)

The decision by the United States to resume diplomatic relations with Cuba after 53 years is one of the major political and diplomatic events in recent decades and a start in the process of repairing one of the greatest injustices committed against a nation in all of time.


Over these five decades, this small Caribbean island showed an unwavering firmness of principle, tenacity, perseverance and resilience in the face of tremendous adversity imposed by an economic, technological and cultural blockade unprecedented in modern times.


Cuba managed to overcome difficulties, survive the great changes in recent history like the debacle of the Soviet Union, the socialist camp in the West, and through geopolitical storms and social torment, persist faithful to its commitment to transform a Caribbean island little by little, just a few hundred kilometers from the great Northern empire, into a utopia for a better world.


Even if as a result of external and domestic factors and implacable boycotts, that dream of a more just society has at times become something of a nightmare for its people, who have suffered from various forms of food rationing and lack of technological devices that have become virtually commonplace around the world.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


But what's really incredible is that Cuba, as much as it suffered from absurd difficulties, promoted great scientific advances in several areas, such as medicine, the eradication of illiteracy and increased life expectancy for its population to levels higher than a majority of countries on the planet and comparable to the select community in the first world.


The history of Cuba, victim of attacks on its territorial integrity and the sabotage of its agriculture, industry, trade, and so on, including on its leader Fidel Castro who escaped thousands of conspiracies to assassinate him unharmed, is worthy of a long treatise on the art of how not to drown in the face of incomparable storms. 


It's no accident that Gabriel Garcia Márquez, along with many other intellectuals and artists, saw Cuba as a source of inspiration, and its people and leaders, seasoned his material with singular material as well as almost inexplicable stories full of magic realism and sensuality.


This is Cuba. It isn't enough to see it; you must dive into its unfathomable mysteries. That is why she survived. And that is how she will be victorious.




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Posted By Worldmeets.US Dec. 18, 2014 7:49pm








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