
The combative but talented U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and

Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke: He's not Mr. Popularity in the region.



The Frontier Post, Pakistan

Richard Holbrooke Had Better Cut the 'Baloney'


"He claims that the Taliban insurgency carries out its attacks on American and NATO forces in Afghanistan from sanctuaries inside Pakistan's tribal region. If that's the case, then what fighters are the American commanders so proudly boasting of having vanquished in Marja?"




April 23, 2010


Pakistan - The Frontier Post - Original Article (English)

Pakistan Prime Minister Gilani believes there has been a 'major paradigm shift' in Pakistan-U.S. relations. But it would appear that the 'Pakistan street' has yet to be convinced.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Paksitani air strike kills over 70 civilians, Apr. 17, 00:01:42RealVideo

To parade the patent baloney that he's been implausibly peddling, Obama's AfPak special envoy Richard Holbrooke must think people are stupid, or else he's too clever by half. He claims that the Taliban insurgency carries out its attacks on American and NATO forces in Afghanistan from sanctuaries inside Pakistan's tribal region. If that's the case, then what fighters are the American commanders so proudly boasting of having vanquished in Marja - and who are the fighters they now plan to take on in Kandahar?


They are Afghan Taliban - isn't that what American commanders themselves are saying? And aren't they publicly repeating again and again that they're now working on a strategy in occupied Afghanistan to capture and hold population centers and woo people away from militants by offering them civic services? Isn't this a clear admission that resistance to U.S.-led coalition forces actually lies inside Afghanistan - and that the fighters attacking coalition forces are also based in Afghanistan?


Then where does Holbrook's preposterous talk come from? In the face of the damning realities on the ground, his discourse is demonstrably trite and obsolete. That bogie many might have sold in years gone be, courtesy of the conformist American and Western media which disseminated the uncritical and loyally-motivated musings of CIA plants - like the satrap anointed by the Bush Administration [Karzai] to administer occupied Afghanistan in collaboration with its blue-eyed Northern Alliance and Afghan warlords.


But that's over now - the realities on the ground are too harsh and too difficult to gloss over. Not only are the Afghan Taliban deeply and lethally entrenched in the country's south and east, they have expanded to the north and the west as well. Even Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who lovingly played the role of CIA asset, is finding it hard to ignore this compelling reality. He's making peace overtures to the Taliban, including to their top leaders, who at one time he was averse to talking to.


If the American occupiers had indeed been truthful, they wouldn't have goofed up so terribly in Afghanistan. They would have kept an eye on the developing situation in post-Taliban Afghanistan and taken all needed measures to put things on an even keel. The country wouldn't have become the world's largest poppy grower and drugs supplier, nor would hundreds of thousands of weapons have disappeared inexplicably and unaccountably from its defense ministry's armories and the arsenals of coalition forces. And by now, with its landmass for the most part under government writ, the country would certainly have established a more effective security apparatus and functional administrative machinery. But they willingly and happily allowed themselves to be led down the garden path by the CIA, which instead of endeavoring to pacify Afghanistan, took to adventurist pursuits in the neighborhood - especially Pakistan.



The Nation, Pakistan: No Reason for Pakistan's 'Bigwigs' to Go 'Gung-Ho'  

The Nation, Pakistan: Drones: 'America Goes Too Far'

The Nation, Pakistan: U.S. Drone Attacks Part of 'Anti-Pakistan Scheme'

Frontier Post, Pakistan: CIA's Taliban Proxies Will Never Snatch Pakistan's Nukes!  

The Daily Jang, Pakistan: Why bin Laden Hasn't Been Found

The Nation, Pakistan: Obama's Speech: 'Servility' Toward U.S. Has its Limits

The Nation, Pakistan : Pakistan Can't Allow U.S. Surge Along Afghan Border  

Frontier Post, Pakistan: U.S. Swallows India's 'Lies' on Kashmir  

The Nation, Pakistan: Hillary's 'Unfortunate' PR Stunt Falls Flat  

The Nation, Pakistan: Hillary Clinton Should Mind Her Own Media!  

Pak Tribune, Pakistan: In Waziristan, Americans Must Now Stand Aside  

Frontier Post, Pakistan: 'Rivers of Blood:' West Could Care Less for Afghan Deaths
Frontier Post, Pakistan: Tell America to Stop Backing Terrorist Attacks on Iran
Frontier Post, Pakistan: America Reveals Dark Side of the Human Intellect

Asia Times, Hong Kong: China Maps End to the Afghanistan War  

Gazeta, Russia: U.S. and Russia Share Responsibility for 'Afghan Anthill'

Frontier Post, Pakistan: Americans Will Pay Dearly For 'Flirting' with Afghan War

Frontier Post, Pakistan: This Time, the Americans Have Gone Too Far!  

Frontier Post, Pakistan: It's Obama's Afghanistan Now

Berliner Zeitung, Germany: Obama's Hope is All Afghanistan Has Left  

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia: NATO Still 'Clueless' About What to Do Next


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In collusion with RAW spy agency [India's Research and Analysis Wing], the CIA infested and softened up Pakistan's soft underbelly - the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan - along with its strategically located Baluchistan Province. It cloned monstrosities like Nek Muhammad Wazir, Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Fazlullah, bankrolled them fabulously and then armed them to the teeth, making of them a grave internal security threat to this nation. And while its clones played the game of death with our innocent civilians, the CIA all the while peddled the ruse - courtesy of a pliant Western media - that all was honky dory in Afghanistan and the Taliban were operating from sanctuaries in Pakistan's tribal areas. In fact, the Afghan Taliban were freely entrenching themselves and becoming stronger and stronger in their Afghan havens - where they have grown into a formidable fighting force.


Holbrook would do well to keep his bunk to himself, as now it's too odious to endure, particularly to Pakistani ears - even of the CIA still has compliant minds here to say things that Western listeners crave to hear. The brave Pakistani military is having a hard time picking out the wild oats that the CIA has so meanly and thuggishly sowed. It has demolished the CIA-backed terrorist infrastructure in Swat and Malakand, and is now engaged in a gigantic campaign to do the same to the CIA's best-laid-plans in the tribal region. If Holbrooke is brave at all, he should speak the truth and tell the world of the CIA's vile adventurism in Pakistan. His reviling of this country carries no credibility to any objective observer.

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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 24, 3:08pm]


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