[Toronto Star, Canada]
The Frontier Post,
CIA's Taliban Proxies
Will Never Snatch Pakistan's Nukes!
"These Taliban proxies of alien intelligence agencies may bloody this nation for a time with their
thuggish assaults. But the idea of their capturing Pakistan is completely out
of the question. They are not capable of it."
December 6, 2009
- The Frontier Post - Home Page (English)
The prime minister is dead
right. Sure, Pakistan is not a vegetable that any Tom, Dick or Harry of this
world could think of snatching. Not even the Taliban. And if some of them try, they
too, will discover what a pipe dream it was. For in its military, Pakistan has a
strong defender. At its hands, the Taliban have learned a chastising lesson in
Swat, Malakand and Bajaur - and they are now feeling the heat in South
Waziristan, Khyber, Kurram and Orakzai Agencies.
These Taliban proxies of
alien intelligence agencies such as India's RAW [Research and Analysis Wing] - and
not excluding the American CIA - may bloody this nation for a time with their
thuggish assaults. But the idea of their capturing Pakistan is completely out
of the question. They are not capable of it. The Pakistan army is there, always,
to put them down.
It's only the Americans, their
Western allies, their media and their think-tank mouthpieces that hold up this hobgoblin
to achieve their unspoken objectives. In their sights is Pakistan's nuclear
prowess - which they find so hard to stomach that they want to snatch it away.
Speciously and deceitfully therefore,
they parade this patently foolish specter of our nuclear prowess falling into
Taliban hands, knowing full well that this nation would take no chances of such
a thing ever occurring. Certainly, they couldn’t be oblivious to how vital these
assets are to Pakistan's defense and territorial integrity, nor to how carefully
it has secured them.
Of course, Pakistan is now blighted
by extremism, militancy and terrorism. But this hasn't always been the case. Like
other nations, Pakistan, too, has had its ups and downs. Some ups that were so
glorious that in the 1960s, Pakistan was held up as a model of economic
development for developing countries around the world - and South Koreans have
never hesitated to admit that their economic miracle was based on the Pakistan Planning
Commission's blueprint for economic development. For decades, Pakistan was
respectfully viewed as the most forward-looking, tolerant and moderate of Muslim
It fell on bad times when self-serving
military dictator General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
lent his back to Americans so they could take a ride and avenge their Vietnam
humiliation with the Soviet invaders of Afghanistan. It is they who torpedoed the
Pakistan polity’s predominant tolerance and moderation, injecting it with the
poison of religious fanaticism and militancy. They roped in zealots from around
the world and planted them here to fight their Afghanistan proxy war. And they
mustered up Saudi and Arab cash for establishing madrassas [Muslim Schools
considered militant] here to produce new fanatics to fight their war. And once
the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, they just forgetfully departed, leaving Pakistan
to contend with these human time bombs that continue to torment our people.
Another self-serving dictator,
General Pervez
Musharraf, hopped on to their spurious war-on-terror bandwagon, giving them
a free run of the country, making a vegetable of us by treating our land as a
colony and our people as colonized slaves. They continue to have all kinds of agencies
here, with a free hand to indulge in all kinds of shenanigans. They move freely
across our land doing whatever they like. This is particularly true of the CIA,
with its indelible notoriety for meddling in the politics of foreign countries,
engineering coups against undesirable foreign governments, sponsoring political
assassinations and operating murder squads in foreign lands.
And although Pakistan's state
authorities are in denial, America’s notorious private security service "Blackwater,"
now renamed "Xe," may be operating here as well, since this murderous
outfit was overwhelmingly represented among the 75,000 private security
contractors on the CIA payroll in Afghanistan.
In any case, there are sure
to be more clandestine CIA activities following President Obama’s speech on his
new Afghan policy. In Afghanistan he appears to be in a no-win situation. And
in all probability, Pakistan will be made to pay the price, not least by becoming
the scapegoat, as it is now, of his failures in that country.
One thing seems certain: CIA
drone attacks are being extended to Baluchistan as well. American diplomats are
already preparing the ground for this, by alleging that the Quetta Shura [the Taliban's
ruling council] isn't just made up of Afghan
Taliban, but al-Qaeda too. It is now up to the prime minister to keep Pakistan from
becoming more of an American vegetable. Surely, it has already become enough of
The Nation, Pakistan :
Obama's Speech:
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U.S. Has its Limits
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Pak Tribune, Pakistan:
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The Frontier Post, Pakistan:
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China Maps
End to the Afghanistan War
Gazeta, Russia:
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The Frontier Post, Pakistan:
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The Frontier Post, Pakistan:
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Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia:
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Le Monde, France:
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Liberation, France:
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Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Dec. 7, 5:48pm