McCain, dove of peace grabs Obama's hand and says:
Have Mercy'
El-Youssef, Egypt]
Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria
Obama: Dreams and
Reality for Arabs
"It is said that in the first
few months of his presidency, America's new head of state plans an address to
the Islamic world to dispel any idea of a clash of civilizations. The intention
is a good one, but any speech will ring hollow as long as the Israeli lobby
continues to dictate American foreign policy toward the Arab world."
By K. Selim
Translated By Elise Nussbaum
November 7, 2008
- Le Quotidien d’Oran -
Original Article (French)
Barack Obama was elected
emphatically, but he won't take office until January 2009. The Obamania
sweeping the world still has a few weeks ahead of it. And without doubt, it is
bound to grow. There is little room for reserved and even prudent voices in the
face of a passion made planetary by the Internet and media.
That is, while we await the
effective exercise of power, symbols take on ever-greater significance. And in
this election, there has been a kind of overload in terms of symbols. A Black
president, when racism was legal in certain American states in the 1960s! What
progress! Has the long civil rights struggle of Martin Luther King finally
reached its culmination?
But if we take note of the
undeniable progress that such an election represents, we must not forget that
Blacks, who constitute only 15 percent of the population, represent no less
than 40 percent of the prison population. The post-racial society that has been
celebrated with such enthusiasm by some columnists has yet to materialize in
the real world. Nothing could be harder.
It nevertheless remains true
that a genuine taboo has fallen with this election. American society and much
of the establishment were ready after the humiliations inflicted on the United
States by ideologues and militaristic neoconservatives. Americans had to choose
between possible progress and certain immobilization, and they have chosen to
move forward. They preferred the young to the old and hope for change rather
than more Bush without Bush. For the American establishment, Obama offers a
formidable opportunity to burnish the very tarnished image of the United
States. Seen from our Arab and African lands, Obama is the least bad choice
when compared to his opponent.
But we should stop there and
observe things with prudence. We must wait for the euphoria to pass and the
time for action to arrive. All evidence suggests that the lines of force in the
American system will impose themselves and the best we can hope for is that
Obama will take account of the disastrous failures of his predecessor.
It is said that in the first
few months of his presidency, America's new head of state plans an address to
the Islamic world to dispel any idea of a clash of civilizations. The intention
is a good one, but any speech will ring hollow as long as the Israeli lobby
continues to dictate American foreign policy toward the Arab world. It's
difficult to forget Obama's speech to AIPAC [American
Israel Public Affairs Committee], when he practically pledged allegiance on the
very day he won the Democratic Party nomination. In this act of allegiance, one
could take the measure of a system in which the Zionist lobby is very powerful.
Another reason not to succumb to Obamania.
Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria
Obama: Dreams and Reality for Arabs
L'Orient Le
Jour, Lebanon
'Astonishing Americans:' The Land of Possibilities
Kitabat, Iraq
Election of Obama a Chance to 'Offset'
Iranian Influence
Kitabat, Iraq
Obama Plan to Withdraw from Iraq
Would Spell Disaster!
Al Wahdawi, Yemen
Arabs Should Not Pin Their Hopes on
Obama - Or McCain
Al-Wahdawi, Yemen
Palestinians Must Campaign to 'Alter
Obama's Position' …
Baztab News, Islamic
Republic of Iran
The Americans Only Look 'Simple-Minded'
Die Welt, Germany
Is Barack Obama a Pro-Arab Pacifist
or a 'Zionist Poodle'?
[Posted by
WORLDMEETS.US November 9, 4:50am]