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Despite 'Disgust' with Obama, U.S. Hispanics Need to Vote (La Jornada, Mexico)


"Hispanics have expressed disgust with the Democratic government of President Obama for failing to keep his promise to reform the immigration system and his policy of deportations, but for Republican candidates, winning means exacerbating the population against Hispanics. If the Senate is lost, however, the project to reform treatment of the undocumented would be forbidden, and in the absence of a congressional counterweight to Republican policies against the undocumented in the House of Representatives, the number of deportations would rise. For those two reasons alone, it is important that Hispanics vote on November 4th."


By Arturo Balderas Rodríguez


Translated By Miguel Gutierrez


October 28, 2014


Mexico – La Jornada – Original Article (Spanish)

In a couple of days elections will be held in the United States, but unlike the presidential race, these don’t generate the same level of excitement. A presidential carried out a survey which found that millions of voters are unaware even that there are elections, and of course what day they are being held. He also noted that African American and Hispanic voters are the principle groups absent from the polls during these types of elections. and disinformation are the key factors. Since votes from these two sectors strongly favor the Democratic Party, GOP candidates are benefiting from their absence at the polls. It's that simple. This time around, added to this one must add one more factor sure to diminish the number of Hispanics and African Americans at the polls. The governments of several states where legislatures and executives are held by the Republican Party have altered the electoral system to discourage these segments of the population from voting, including requiring identification to vote which, unlike our electoral system, had not been necessary in the United States. This is spite of the fact that historically, there has been no fraud in our neighboring country to justify asking voters to identify themselves.


Why this sudden preoccupation? The votes of African Americans and Hispanics made possible Obama's arrival to the presidency, as well as the elections of a handful of liberal lawmakers in Congress. It is therefore no coincidence that they are now being asked to identify themselves in order to vote, as it is common knowledge that for a variety of reasons, many of them lack the required documents.

Posted By Worldmeets.US



Hispanics have expressed disgust with the Democratic government of President Obama for failing to keep his promise to reform the immigration system and his policy of deportations, but for Republican candidates, winning means exacerbating the population against Hispanics. If the Senate is lost, however, the project to reform treatment of the undocumented would be forbidden, and in the absence of a congressional counterweight to Republican policies against the undocumented in the House of Representatives, the number of deportations would rise. For those two reasons alone, it is important that Hispanics vote on November 4th.



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Posted By Worldmeets.US October 28, 2014, 1:59pm


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