[Le Droit, Canada]



Rheinische Post, Germany

America's 'Intellectual Instigators' of Hatred


"Those who incite things in such a fashion mustn't be surprised when one day, shots ring out. Gabrielle Giffords has paid for this vicious onslaught to within an inch of her life. … At least America is finally looking inward and asking a critical question: what are the implications for democracy when holding public office effectively means putting one's life in danger?"


By Frank Herrmann


Translated By Jonathan Lobsien


January 10, 2010


Germany - Rheinische Post - Original Article (German)

U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords: Gunned down while meeting constituents at a grocery store, she is in critical condition after a bullet passed through her brain.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Assessing the political fallout from the shooting in Arizona, Jan. 9, 00:02:18RealVideo

DUSSELDORF: America is in a state of shock. The bloodbath in Arizona has shaken a nation which must recognize that when hateful rhetoric poisons the political climate, brutal violence may follow. Perhaps this was the act of a lone offender, perhaps it was a conspiracy imprinted in the collective consciousness - who can say for sure upon first reaction. It's obvious, however, that there were intellectual instigators. Ever since Barack Obama moved into the White House, populists on the right have never tired of hitting him below the belt. He has been depicted as an evil force that must be stopped. The demagogues have defined the president and his Democrats as diehard Marxists, who have their minds set on seizing capitalism away from brave Americans.    



It has gone so far that racists are threatening to form armed militias to put an end to the supposed tyrants in Washington. Those who incite things in such a fashion mustn't be surprised when one day, shots ring out. Gabrielle Giffords has paid for this vicious onslaught to within an inch of her life. For months she had been bombarded with threats. At least America is finally looking inward and asking a critical question: what are the implications for democracy when holding public office effectively means putting one's life in danger?   



Berliner Morgenpost: Mutual Respect: What U.S. Owes Itself, World

Polityka, Poland: America in Anger's Clutches

Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria: Massacre in Tucson: 'A Sad Day for U.S.

Guardian, U.K.: Arizona Shootings: Left, Right at Odds Over Effects of Toxic Politics

TLZ, Germany: America's Hate-Filled Rhetoric 'Unworthy of a Democratic Nation'

Telegraph, U.K.: Will Obama Stand Up to Left's Exploitation of National Tragedy?

Guardian, U.K.: Shooting of Giffords Highlights 'Man-Up' Culture in U.S. Politics


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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US January 11, 7:59pm]




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