Newspaper: Kitabat (Iraq)

[Courrier International, France]



Kitabat, Iraq

Barack Obama … Bird of Peace!


"In the end, the triumphant nations will always control the destinies of those they defeat!! And we Arabs and Muslims will always be 'terrorists' and 'murderers!!' And whatever they do, they'll always be doves and birds of peace!!!"


By Abd Al Razzak Al Rabihi


Translated By Nicolas Dagher


October 13, 2009


Iraq - Kitabat - Original Article (Iraq)

Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Thorbjoen Jagland, shocks the world and apparently the U.S. president himself, by announcing that Barack Obama is the winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Nobel Peace Prize awarded to President Obama for 'his extraordinary efforts to strengthen global diplomacy and co-operation between peoples,' Oct. 9, 00:01:30 RealVideo

News of President Obama's 2009 Nobel Peace Prize win brought to mind the last century after the October War [aka/Yom Kipper War, 1973] when peace talks took place between Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat and U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kissinger was in Cairo and attending a party organized in his honor at which the main attraction was famed belly dancer Suhair Zaki [video below]. Poet Filah Askar is said to have wondered: "If Sadat is the peace hero and Kissinger the peace prophet, wouldn't Suhair Zaki be the peace dove?"


Since Suhair Zaki retired from dancing years ago, the title "Dove of Peace," which was given to her by the poet who was later found murdered with his tongue cut out - had been dormant until Obama came along to fill the vacuum in a world clouded by the prospects of war. Now that the respected Norwegian Academy, at rocket speed, has paid tribute to him with the most distinguished peace award in the world just nine months after he took office - and at a time when it's hard to make sense of which warring side is actually at fault - he's deserving of the title "Bird of Peace"!!


[Editor's Note: The Poet Filah Askar was kidnapped by Iraqi Shiite rebels during the 1991 uprising against Saddam in the pro-Iran south, then tortured, having his tongue cut out and then executed by an angry mob. He was pro-Saddam and wrote poems praising his "great achievements." In one of his poems, he wrote of Saddam, "He is the holy bread on our table," and denigrating Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. He was accused of being "the voice of Saddam's regime."]  



It seems like the Norwegian Academy had become enamored with the notion "your intentions are your actions." And because Obama has made a project of cooling down the raging American bull, the Academy rushed to court him! Not because he did anything in particular, but because he "intends" and more than that, he "lit the candle of hope" according to IAEA chief Mohammad ElBaradei. How hard it would be to live without the comfort of hope!!!


In the same way that America fought Iraq "thinking" it possessed weapons of mass destruction, it has now become a dove of peace because it "intends" to create peace on Earth!!





[Courrier International, France]


Obama has given us reason for hope so he deserves the Nobel prize - but when one considers America's "suspicions" of some countries and good "intentions" toward others, it's hard not to conclude that the U.S. rules the world!!


The truth is that I'm not biased against Obama. I admire his vision although much of it is unknown, despite media coverage and White House press statements - and even while its armies continue to wreak havoc in the lands of Iraq and Afghanistan and other areas of the world, which have been marked with "Jeha’s nail" [see below] when it builds military bases wherever it pleases.


[Jeha's Nail: Jeha is a figure from Arabic folklore. One story about him is that he sold his house for a ridiculously low price. But he had one condition; 'on one of the walls there is a nail I don't want to sell." The buyer agreed; after all, what did he need the nail for? After a few days, Jeha came back to the house "to visit his nail." He soon hung his coat on it, then brought his bed and began sleeping there to stay close to his nail. Then he brought his family to visit his nail … In the end, the only way the new owner could get rid of him was to buy the nail for a price many times higher than that of the house. The author is comparing U.S. military bases to Jeha's nail].


Shouldn't the Norwegian Academy have waited long enough to "differentiate between the white and the black thread" [see clearly whether Obama deserves it - see below] so he could earn and deserve the prize, especially since he has yet to apologize for America’s crimes, from the bombing Hiroshima and the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians all the way up to its crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan?




[Differentiating Between the White and the Black Thread: A popular Arabic saying which means that one should not make decisions during the night (when things aren't clear) but wait until dawn (when they are), so there is enough light to differentiate between black and white.]


So let’s set aside any apologies [Obama has made]. Those are all well and good, as they indicate a humanitarian and ethical dimension. But has he criticized the policy of violence America has followed since its uni-power hegemony over the neck of the world began after the collapse of the Socialist camp [end of the Cold War]? Hasn’t he recently declared that he's considering an increase in the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan?


I totally agree with Heineman Schroeder, researcher at Bonn’s Institute for International Studies and an expert on peace issues, when he said, "In the brief period he's been in office, the American president has been able to achieve an improvement in the international environment. But he has yet to show any success regarding the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs, Afghanistan or the Middle East, not to mention relations with Russia. [unable to confirm the name Heinemann Schroeder or Bonn's Institute for International Studies].


In the end, the triumphant nations control the destinies of those they defeat!! And we Arabs and Muslims will always be "terrorists" and "murderers!!" And whatever they do, they'll always be doves and birds of peace!!!  



El Universal, Venezuela: 'Peace Prize' Winner Should Close All U.S. Military Bases    

Kitabat, Iraq: Barack Obama ... Bird of Peace!  

Dagens Nyheter, Sweden: The Norwegians 'Got Carried Away' with Obama    

Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace, France: Peace Prize Could Cripple Young President  

Le Monde, France: One Must Not Misinterpret Obama's Nobel!

Le Temps, Switzerland: Has Nobel Committee 'Fallen on its Head?'

Corriere della Sera, Italy: Is Obama's Nobel Just to Repudiate George W. Bush?    

Sato, Portugal: President Obama's Nobel - Can He Fulfill World's Expectations?    

Rue 89, France: Nobel 2009: Obama a (Premature) Icon of Peace    

Kayan, Iran: 'Traitorous African Murderer' Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize!    

Estadao, Brazil: Obama's Nobel Won't Help Him Fight Wars    

Zaman, Turkey: Turks Agree: Obama's Nobel Reflects Hope, Not Action    

Der Spiegel, Germany: For Barack Obama, Nobel Prize More of a Burden than an Honor    

Frankfurter Allgemeine, Germany: Nobel Prize Winners May Have to Settle for Less ...  

The Times, U.K.: 'Absurd Decision' on Obama Makes Mockery of Nobel Peace Prize  

The Times, U.K.: 'Pointless' Nobel Reveals How Obama is Lost in His own Mystique    

The Hindustan Times, India: EDITORIAL: Nobel Committee Wins an Obama    

Times of India, India: EDITORIAL: Decoding Obama's Nobel Prize    

The Hindu, India: The Nobel and the Audacity of Hope-Giving  

India Today, India: [Indian] People's Verdict: Obama Not 'Nobel' Enough  

NTV Kenya Video: 'Yes He Can and Yes He Did' Win the Nobel Prize 

Russia Today Video: Nobel Peace Prize for Obama a 'Big Mistake'  

CBC Canada Video: Canada's Nightly News Covers Obama's Nobel Prize Win

France 24 Video: Does Barack Obama Deserve Nobel Peace Prize?  

BBC News Audio: IAEA Chief ElBaradei Says 'No One More Worthy' than Obama    

BBC News Video: After Mandela and Tutu, South Africans Applaud Obama Nobel Victory  

BBC News Video: Israeli President Peres Praises Nobel Prize for Obama  


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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 14, 3:17pm]








































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 14, 10:27pm]


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