Toronto Star, Canada]
Le Monde, France
One Mustn't
Misinterpret Mr. Obama's Nobel Prize!
multilateralism displayed by the Obama Administration leads it to be less picky
about human rights … it's fine to include Beijing or
Moscow in the resolution of the world’s problems. But these are people who
intend to base the new global order on the absolute inviolability of national
sovereignty. No interference in internal affairs! … Since it could have been
awarded to brave peace advocates in Russia or China - this Nobel should not
confirm the trend."
October 10, 2009
France - Le Monde - Original Article (French)
Why Barack Obama? Why did the
Nobel Peace Prize jury award the 2009 prize to an American president who arrived
at the White House just 10 months ago? They justified their decision with a
wood-tongue worthy of the worst U.N. diplomatic rhetoric. In a concrete-reinforced
statement, the committee said they were honoring Mr. Obama for, "his
extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation
between peoples."
In less than a year, Mr.
Obama, it is true, has done a lot on the international stage. We will not here
accuse him of lacking time and opportunity as far as speeches are concerned. In
politics, words count; diplomacy is a leading issue. But it's also a matter of
form. Mr. Obama has sought to restore the image of the United States after
years of Bushist arrogance. Notably, he has ceased
justifying a constant regression of civil liberties in the name of a war
against terrorism. In two consecutive speeches in Ankara and Cairo, he
addressed Islam in an open-minded, intelligent and respectful way. It is
fundamental to break with the image of Western “Islamophobia"
which has fed Islamism and justified the insane theory of a “clash of
civilizations.” For the first Black president in the history of American
republic - that's already a lot.
Unlike George Bush Jr. and many
loyal Republicans who boast of being ignorant of all things foreign, Obama is a
man of the world raised partly in Asia. The son of an African-Muslim father, he
is representative of a more ethnically-diverse America.
The same DNA leads him to
perceive the world as it is: multipolar, marked by
the emergence of powers like China, India or Brazil - who want to be heard. But
there is another side of the coin: the multilateralism displayed by the Obama Administration
leads it to be less picky about human rights.
For example, it's fine to
include or “commit,” as people in Washington say, Beijing or Moscow in the
resolution of the world’s problems. But these are people who intend to base the
new international order on the absolute inviolability of the principle of
national sovereignty. No interference in internal affairs! Especially not on
behalf of human rights!
Since it could have been
awarded to brave peace advocates in Russia or China - this Nobel should not confirm
the trend.
Dagens Nyheter, Sweden:
The Norwegians 'Got Carried Away' with Obama
Le Temps, Switzerland:
Has Nobel Committee
'Fallen on its Head?'
Corriere della Sera, Italy:
Is Obama's Nobel Just to Repudiate George W. Bush?
Sato, Portugal:
President Obama's Nobel - Can He Fulfill World's Expectations?
Rue 89, France:
Nobel 2009: Obama a (Premature) Icon of Peace
Zaman, Turkey:
Turks Agree: Obama's Nobel Reflects Hope, Not Action
Der Spiegel, Germany:
For Barack Obama, Nobel Prize
More of a Burden than an Honor
The Times, U.K.:
'Absurd Decision'
on Obama Makes Mockery
of Nobel Peace Prize
The Times, U.K.:
'Pointless' Nobel Reveals How Obama is Lost in His own Mystique
India Today, India:
[Indian] People's Verdict:
Obama Not 'Nobel' Enough
NTV Kenya Video:
'Yes He Can and Yes
He Did' Win the Nobel Prize
Russia Today Video:
Nobel Peace Prize
for Obama a 'Big Mistake'
CBC Canada Video:
Canada's Nightly
News Covers Obama's
Nobel Prize Win
France 24 Video:
Does Barack Obama
Deserve Nobel Peace Prize?
BBC News Audio:
IAEA Chief
ElBaradei Says 'No One
More Worthy' than Obama
BBC News Video:
After Mandela and
Tutu, South Africans Applaud
Obama Nobel Victory
BBC News Video:
Israeli President
Peres Praises Nobel Prize for Obama
by WORLDMEETS.US October 11, 6:54pm]