Senator Barack Obama speaks at AIPAC -
America-Israel Public Affairs Committee, June 4.
Awan, Kuwait
Obama and Us
[Arabs]: Let's Not Be Taken in Again
"Since the day he announced
his candidacy to win the Democratic Party nomination, Barack Obama has been largely
applauded …We saw nothing but his skin color and his father’s name (Hussein) …
Even editors at our newspapers have waxed poetic, talking sweetly of the
'Brown Knight.'"
"America’s policy,
particularly in regard to us, will not change, neither during the era of Obama
or his successor in four or eight years."
By Adnan
Translated By Nicolas Dagher
November 8, 2008
Kuwait - Awan - Home Page (Arabic)
We always do it …
voluntarily, without being pressured or dictated by anyone. We increase the
amount and sometimes we increase it a lot ... we raise our expectations … we
transform dreams and hopes into expectations … we build on no solid basis and
at best we build on sand.
We repeat it with every U.S. election. We Arabs applaud the newcomer to the White House. We often do this as retribution against the one leaving office who, during his presidency, we accepted like bait put on the hook with our own hands. But not long after the new president arrives we discover that we're kings of illusion as well as kings of impotence. Isn't that what happened with Clinton?
Since the day he announced
his candidacy to win the Democratic Party nomination, Barack Obama has been largely applauded
…We saw nothing but his skin color and his father’s name (Hussein) … Even
editors at our newspapers have waxed poetic, talking sweetly of the “Brown
Knight” as though he was Antara Bin Shaddad reborn.
[Editor's Note: Antara bin Shaddad was born in
5th century Arabia. He was a pre-Islamic Black poet and warrior and is regarded
in the Arab world as the archetypal warrior.]
So here is Obama,
letting us down and letting down our journalists, writers, analysts and
academics who voted for him through the air waves. His first and most important
appointment is “a bad cop”!! We are talking about Rahm Emmanuel who has been
chosen as the White House chief of staff [see video, below right]. To many
Arabs, this man has already become “bad” - just because he's Jewish and has
Israeli in addition to American citizenship.
[Editor's Note: Rahm Emmanuel was born in Chicago and does not have Israeli
citizenship. But he was a civilian volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces
during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. According to Wikipedia, there is
'speculation' that Emanuel was trained during his stay in Israel by the Mossad to be a mole in the Clinton Administration
Some of these excited Arabs
are already beginning to turn their backs on the man who only two days ago was
the Brown Knight in which they had put all of the hopes and aspirations that
have gone unfulfilled for over half a century. These are people who, overnight,
want to achieve that which they have failed to do while sitting along the side
of the road sipping tea or coffee or by blowing smoke from a hookah while
yapping in the coffee shop.
America’s policy, particularly in regard to us, will not change, neither during the era of Obama nor that of his successor in four or eight years. America has changed - yes it is true, but that decision to change taken by the American people is primarily geared toward domestic politics and not foreign affairs.
Obama’s election
also holds a message to us, Arabs and Muslims. And if we don't understand it,
nothing is going to change anytime soon. The world is changing; it isn't only
America. And we're part of this changing world - the worn out, lazy part. In
order for us to change and become a vital and consequential part of this world,
we must emerge from the caves of the Middle Ages that the Islamists and their
new allies, the Nationalists, have pulled us back toward. We are a nation living on the
edge of history … or somewhere in its abyss.
Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria
Obama: Dreams and Reality for Arabs
L'Orient Le
Jour, Lebanon
'Astonishing Americans:' The Land of Possibilities
Kitabat, Iraq
Election of Obama a Chance to
'Offset' Iranian Influence
Kitabat, Iraq
Obama Plan to Withdraw from Iraq
Would Spell Disaster!
Al Wahdawi, Yemen
Arabs Should Not Pin Their Hopes on
Obama - Or McCain
Al-Wahdawi, Yemen
Palestinians Must Campaign to
'Alter Obama's Position' …
Baztab News,
Islamic Republic of Iran
The Americans Only Look
Die Welt, Germany
Is Barack Obama a Pro-Arab Pacifist
or a 'Zionist Poodle'?
[Posted by
WORLDMEETS.US November 11, 8:40pm]