Libyans welcome Hugo Chavez on a visit to his friend Muammar Qaddafi

in 2009. The death of Chavez, a leader from the Western Hemisphere

who was regarded as a genuine friend to Muslims, is being taken hard

among Arabs who saw in him a leader far superior to their own.



Hugo Chavez: 'More Arab than the Arabs of Oil' (Al-Wahdawi, Yemen)


"His convictions made him more Arab than the Arabs of petroleum, the slaves of America and the dinar. ... The average Arab citizen, who sees no strength or dignity in his own rulers, is struck by the tragedy of Chavez' death. I have been startled and saddened to find some actually celebrating the death of what they call a tyrant and dictator. They curse, utter profanities, lie, and twist facts, and out of hatred fabricate history - even if Chavez was a man that never stood in their way. Chavez stood with Arabs and Muslims more than the hypocritical groups who lie in the name of Islam."


By Muhammad Al Hakimi


Translated By Nicolas Dagher


March 17, 2013


Yemen - Al-Wahdawi - Original Article (Arabic)

The father of Arab nationalism, Egypt President Gamal Abdul-Nasser, right, with a man who became a close friend of Hugo Chavez, Libyan leader Muammar Qadaffi, years before Qaddafi's successful coup in Libya. Nasser argued for greater unity within the Arab world, rejection of Western colonialism and Zionism, and a transition from capitalism to socialism. Sound familiar?

AL-JAZEERA NEWS VIDEO: Chavez' death raises concern among poor about social programs, Mar. 16, 00:02:25RealVideo

I still can't believe it. I find the question of why great men die to be incomprehensible. Why doesn't the earth bear more people like them after they depart? Chavez left optimistic about life and dreaming of a return to his people. While addressing them before leaving for treatment, he said: "I will return in better shape than you see me today. I have a tremendous desire to live and will not say goodbye. This is not a time to die, but to live.”


But fate decreed he would never say goodbye to his people, nor to those who longed to see him. His departure leaves behind millions of poor and oppressed, who knew that Chavez was absolutely committed to their happiness and victory - yet none of have ever suggested he had let them down.


The Venezuelan people, the Arab Nation and the entire world is in a state of shock and sadness over the passing of a man beloved to their hearts and who never played on their emotions. They knew of his commitment to Arab causes and loved him for it. His convictions made him more Arab than the Arabs of petroleum, the slaves of America and the dinar.


Chavez told Al Jazeera that because of the continuing validity of Gamal Abdul-Nasser ideas, he was an Arab-Nasserite soldier optimistic about the future of Arab nationalism. He proved that he followed the path of Nasser. His Nasserite positions on issues across the Arab world prove his commitment. And despite the distance between our countries and his, his views were very close to our own, particularly when it came to the issue of Palestine, for which he cared deeply. He protested the Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2009 by withdrawing his ambassador, expelling the Israeli ambassador to Venezuela and all Israeli embassy staff. He described the Israeli occupation as cowardly and demanded that Israeli and American presidents be brought before an international tribunal. These positions instilled love for him in the hearts of millions across the Arab world. The average Arab citizen, who sees no strength or dignity in his own rulers, is struck by the tragedy of Chavez' death.

El Universal, Venezuela: Electoral Martyrdom and the Cult of Hugo Chavez
Juventud Rebelde, Cuba: Hugo Chavez Brought 'Era of the Wealth-Centric' to an End
Ahora, Cuba: Glory to the 'Irreversible' and 'Immortal' Hugo Chavez!
Guardian Unlimited, U.K.: Claim that Chavez will be Resurrected with Jesus 'Went Too Far'
El Nacional, Venezuela: Maduro Asserts: U.S. 'Infected' Chavez with Deadly Illness
Novosti, Russia: With Chavez' Death, Communist Chief Sees a U.S. 'Cancer' Plot
Carta Maior, Brazil: Why the Right 'Hates' Latin America
Ahora, Cuba: What Barack Obama Should Be Told about Hugo Chavez
La Tercera, Chile: Death of Hugo Chavez Opens Way for Democratic Recovery in Venezuela
La Razon, Bolivia: President Morales Says 'Empire Has All the Tools' to Poison Chavez
Guardian, U.K.: Death of Chavez Brings Chance of Fresh Start for U.S. and Latin America
Global Times, China: Demonized by the West, Hugo Chavez was a Friend to China
Mehr News Agency, Iran: Ahmadinejad: Chavez Will Be 'Resurrected with Christ the Savior'
Guardian Unlimited, U.K.: Claim that Chavez will be Resurrected with Jesus 'Went Too Far'
El Nacional, Venezuela: Maduro Asserts: U.S. 'Infected' Chavez with Deadly Illness
Novosti, Russia: With Chavez' Death, Communist Chief Sees a U.S. 'Cancer' Plot  
La Voz Mundo, Venezuela: Facing Reelection Fight, Hugo Chavez Plays 'Obama Card'
Diario de Cuyo, Argentina: Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama: A Common Electoral Challenge  
El Tiempo, Colombia: What Good is Our New, U.S.-Free 'Community'?  
Estadao, Brazil: In Latin America, Rhetoric Triumphs Over Reality  
La Razon, Bolivia: Latin America Has Excluded the U.S. … So What Now?
ABC, Spain: Hugo Chavez Calls Terrorism Indictment a U.S.-Spanish Plot  
Folha, Brazil: Latin American Unity Cannot Be Dependent on Excluding the U.S.
La Jornada, Mexico: Latin America's March Toward 'Autonomy from Imperial Center'
La Jornada, Mexico: Militarization of Latin America: Obama 'Ahead of Bush'
O Globo, Brazil: U.S. Navy Shows That What U.S. Can Do, Brazil Can Also Do  
Clarin, Argentina: Resurrected U.S. Fourth Fleet Creates Suspicion Across South America
Le Figaro, France: U.S. Navy 'Resurrects' Fourth Fleet to Patrol Latin America
Semana, Colombia: Hugo Chávez Isn't 'Paranoid' to Fear the U.S. Marines  
Tal Cual, Venezuela: President Chavez 'Puts Early End' to Honeymoon with Obama
El Universal, Venezuela: Obama is No 'Black in Chavez' Pocket'
Gazeta, Russia: Latin Americans Will Sooner or Later Come 'Crawling' to the U.S.
Gazeta, Russia: Castro and Chavez Split Over Obama
El Tiempo, Colombia: 'Tropical Napoleon' Melts Before Obama's 'Empire'
El Tiempo, Colombia: Survey: Obama 'Most Popular Leader' in the Americas
El Espectador, Colombia: Cuba in Obama's Sights
El Mundo, Colombia: Obama: A Man Who Takes His Promises Seriously
La Razon, Bolivia: President Morales Suspects U.S. Behind Attempt on His Life  

As I browse through Facebook, I find that a majority of users are talking about his passing and relating stories about the great positions humanitarian postions taken by Chavez, who worked for the people and contributed to an easing of their suffering. Their postings tell about him standing with the oppressed in the world. They speak of him as a dear and loyal friend who invested all of his life in leading the mocked and oppressed to victory.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


At the same time, I have been startled and saddened to find some actually celebrating the death of what they call a tyrant and dictator. They curse, utter profanities, lie, and twist facts, and out of hatred fabricate history - even if Chavez was a man that never stood in their way. Chavez stood with Arabs and Muslims more than the hypocritical groups who lie in the name of Islam. Muslims know full well that such groups will never approve of anyone who stands in opposition to America.



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Posted By Worldmeets.US Mar. 17, 2013, 6:29am







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