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FLASHBACK: Report Confirms CIA Ran Secret Prisons in Poland, Romania (Le Monde, France)


"Poland and Romania agreed to equip the installations on these sites with the most advanced forms of security and secrecy, and they gave absolute guarantees of non-interference."


- Senator Dick Marty, author of Council of Europe report on CIA activities in Europe


By Rafaële Rivais, of Le Monde's European Bureau


Translated By Kate Brumback


December 10, 2014


France - Le Monde - Original Article (French)

Knowledge of European involvement in the CIA program of kidnapping and torture at black sites, aka/extraordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation, has been public knowledge in Europe since at least 2005, although until now, these charges have gone largely unresponded to by the United States. Now with the publication of the CIA torture report, these issues will be revisited across the continent, where aircraft used for renditions were kept, and black sites where torture occured were located. This is a June 7, 2007 column from Le Monde that reports on the findings of Dick Marty, the Council of Europe's special investigator into the secret detention and illegal transfer of detainees by the CIA. Below this column you will find links to the rest of the related content we posed at the time.


Brussels, Belgium: Poland and Romania allowed secret detention centers managed by the CIA between 2002 and 2005. What was just a suspicion in June 2006 has become, one year later, a charge that is firmly backed up by Dick Marty, who is investigating the secret detention and illegal transfer of detainees for the Council of Europe.


In the statement of findings included in his draft report, which should be made public on Friday (June 8), Marty says that "the highest authorities" of these two countries knew "about the illegal activities of the CIA on their territory."


In Poland, he accuses former president Aleksander Kwasniewski, a Socialist European deputy who was head of the national security office, Marek Siwiec, former defense minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski, and former head of military intelligence, Marek Dukaczewski.


In Romania, he accuses former president Ion Iliescu, who was in office until December 20, 2004, and current president Traian Basescu, as well as Ioan Talpes, then presidential adviser on national security, Oran Mircea Pascu, a former defense minister and Segiu Tudor Medar, former head of military intelligence.


Mr. Marty, who in June 2006 described the "spider's web of secret detentions and illegal transfers" spun by the United States, with the collaboration of "sixteen Council of Europe countries" since September 11, 2001, recalls that, "on September 6, 2006, President Bush decided to reveal the existence of the secret program implemented by the CIA to arrest, detain and interrogate persons suspected of terrorism on territory outside the United States."




The liberal Swiss senator explains that, "on September 17, 2001, the Sunday following the September 11 attacks, President Bush signed a secret presidential decree" that granted the CIA, "the broadest possible permission and protections" to carry out secret operations aimed at a specific category of terrorism suspects, called "targets of great importance." "Their profile is that of organizers, planners, elite operators and providers of logistics in some of the most devastating terrorist plots attributed to al-Qaeda," Marty says.


The U.S. intelligence agency, "excluding any sharing of information" with other services like the FBI or the army, the Bush Administration had the idea of creating "black sites," in "various parts of the world," where the CIA could be the "exclusive jailer" of prisoners that it wanted to question with the use of force.


Marty doesn't exclude the possibility that, "Thailand and Diego Garcia, an island under the international supervision of the United Kingdom" accommodated such sites. He asserts that the air base in Szymany, Poland and that in Stare-Kiejkuty, Romania, were sites. It is in Szymany that Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, captured in Pakistan and the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks, was held and interrogated. "Agents of Taliban leaders" and then "the heads of branches of support networks for insurgents in Iraq" were transferred to the Romania site.


The detention centers were managed by the CIA, while the Polish and Romanian military intelligence services were only responsible for securing the perimeter. Marty said that NATO is, "the platform through which the United States obtained the necessary permission and protection that it needed for the CIA's secret actions."


On October 4, 2001, the 18 NATO allies - including Poland - and the nine who want to join - including Romania - decided, officially, to give the United States "general flyover authorizations" for "military flights linked to anti-terrorism operations" and to ensure them "access to airfields." In fact, "secret" clauses allowed the granting of these authorizations to planes used by the CIA.


"These authorizations served as a platform for bilateral agreements that were also secret" and which, notably, made it possible to create "black sites," Marty says. "Poland and Romania agreed to equip the installations on these sites with the most advanced forms of security and secrecy, and they gave absolute guarantees of non-interference," he writes.


He estimates that these two countries were chosen because they were "economically vulnerable," that they "depended on American support for their strategic development" and that they were "truly pro-Westerners." He criticizes the attitude of the Romanian authorities, who tried to "hide" information from him on the flights, and the Polish authorities, who refused to give it to him.



Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Former President Kwasniewski Admits Approving CIA Prisons
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Poland Itself Must Investigate Secret CIA Prisons
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Poland Beware: American Colossus Changes Course
NRC Handelsblad, The Netherlands: No Leniency for CIA Torture
Le Monde, France: Report Confirms CIA Ran Secret Prisons in Poland, Romania
Le Monde, France: Governments Across Europe Investigate CIA 'Renditions'
La Jornada, Mexico: Loughner - Carriles: Two Terrorists, One U.S. Double Standard
La Stampa, Italy: Now, Italy Must Gird for the Repercussions Over CIA Convictions  
Publico, Spain: Torture Charges Filed Against Bush Legal Team; Judge Garzon Handles Case

Die Welt, Germany: A Disgrace to the West: CIA Doctors Helped With Torture

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: Obama: Inviting the Next Torture Scandal  

Die Tageszeitung, Germany: America and Torture: 'Just Following Orders'
Hurriyet, Turkey: Dick Cheney's Torture Logic is 'Deeply Offensive'
La Repubblica, Italy: With Robert Seldon Lady, America 'Humiliates' Italy
Gazzetta del Sud, Italy: Former CIA Station Chief Held in Panama Over Italy 'Rendition'
La Stampa, Italy: Now, Italy Must Gird for the Repercussions Over CIA Convictions
Corriere Della Serra, Italy: CIA Agents Convicted of Kidnapping; Italian Officials Walk Free
Corriere Della Serra, Italy: Ex-Intelligence Chief, CIA Agents Indicted for Kidnapping
Le Monde Diplomatique, France: The Law Will Catch Up With CIA's European 'Accomplices'
Izvestia, Russia: 'Servile Europeans' Inflict Huge Insult on Bolivians
Corriere Della Serra, Italy: U.S. Must Fess Up to CIA Kidnapping on Italian Soil
La Repubblica, Italy: Italy's Spymasters Arrested for Aiding CIA Kidnappings
Digital Journal, Canada: U.S. Double Standard - Snowden, Seldon Lady and Jose Carriles

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French Version Below


La Pologne et la Roumanie démentent avoir accueilli des prisons secrètes de la CIA




La Pologne et la Roumanie ont abrité des centres secrets de détention, gérés par la CIA, entre 2002 et 2005. Ce qui, en juin 2006, n'était encore qu'un soupçon est devenu, un an plus tard, une accusation solidement étayée par Dick Marty, rapporteur du Conseil de l'Europe sur les détentions secrètes et les transferts illégaux de détenus.


Dans l'exposé des motifs de son projet de rapport, qui devait être rendu public vendredi 8 juin, M.Marty assure que "les plus hautes autorités" de ces deux pays étaient "au courant des activités illégales de la CIA sur leur territoire".


En Pologne, il accuse Aleksander Kwasniewski, l'ancien président, Marek Siwiec, eurodéputé membre du groupe socialiste, alors chef du bureau de la sécurité nationale, Jerzy Szmajdzinski, alors ministre de la défense nationale, et Marek Dukaczewski, ancien chef du renseignement militaire.


En Roumanie, il met en cause l'ancien président, Ion Iliescu, en poste jusqu'au 20 décembre 2004, et l'actuel président, Traian Basescu, ainsi que Ioan Talpes, alors conseiller présidentiel pour la sécurité nationale, Oran Mircea Pascu, ancien ministre de la défense, et Sergiu Tudor Medar, ancien chef de la direction du renseignement militaire.


M. Marty, qui, en juin 2006, avait décrit la "toile d'araignée de détentions secrètes et de transferts illégaux" tissée par les Etats-Unis, avec la collaboration de "seize Etats du Conseil de l'Europe" depuis le 11 septembre 2001, rappelle que "le 6 septembre 2006, le président Bush a décidé de révéler l'existence du programme secret mis en œuvre par la CIA pour arrêter, détenir et interroger hors du territoire des Etats-Unis des personnes soupçonnées de terrorisme".




Le sénateur libéral suisse explique que, "le 17 septembre 2001, soit le dimanche qui a suivi les attaques du 11-Septembre, le président Bush a signé un décret présidentiel secret" qui accordait à la CIA "des permissions et des protections aussi larges que possible" pour mener des opérations secrètes visant une catégorie particulière de suspects de terrorisme, les "cibles de grande importance". "Leur profil était celui d'orchestrateurs, de planificateurs, d'opérateurs d'élite et de pourvoyeurs logistiques de certains complots terroristes les plus dévastateurs attribués à Al-Qaida", assure M. Marty.


L'agence états-unienne du renseignement "excluant tout partage d'informations" avec d'autres services comme le FBI ou l'armée, l'administration Bush a eu l'idée de créer des "sites noirs", dans "diverses parties du monde", la CIA pourrait être le "geôlier exclusif" des prisonniers qu'elle voudrait interroger, en faisant usage de la force.


M. Marty n'exclut pas que "l'île de Diego Garcia, sous la responsabilité internationale du Royaume-Uni, et la Thaïlande" aient accueilli de tels sites. Il assure que la base aérienne de Szymany, en Pologne, et celle de Stare-Kiejkuty, en Roumanie, l'ont fait. C'est à Szymany que Khaled Cheikh Mohammed, le cerveau des attaques du 11 septembre 2001, capturé au Pakistan, a été détenu et interrogé. En Roumanie ont été transférés "des agents de chefs talibans" puis "les chefs des branches des réseaux de soutien aux insurgés en Irak".


Les centres de détention ont été gérés par la CIA, les services de renseignement militaire polonais et roumain ayant eu pour seule fonction d'assurer la sécurité du périmètre. M. Marty affirme que l'OTAN est "la plate-forme à partir de laquelle les Etats-Unis ont obtenu les permissions et protections essentielles dont ils avaient besoin pour les actions secrètes de la CIA".


Le 4 octobre 2001, les dix-huit alliés de l'OTANdont faisait partie la Pologne – et ses neuf "aspirants"dont faisait partie la Roumaniedécidaient, officiellement, d'accorder aux Etats-Unis des "autorisations de survol générales" pour les "vols militaires liés à des opérations contre le terrorisme" et de leur assurer "l'accès aux aérodromes". En fait, des clauses "secrètes" permettaient d'accorder ces autorisations aux avions exploités par la CIA.


"Ces autorisations ont servi de plate-forme pour des accords bilatéraux, eux aussi secrets", qui ont notamment permis de créer des "sites noirs", affirme M. Marty. "La Pologne et la Roumanie ont accepté de doter les installations de ces sites des formes les plus avancées de sécurité et de secret, et elles ont donné des garanties absolues de non-ingérence", écrit-il.


Il estime que ces deux pays ont été choisis parce qu'ils étaient "économiquement vulnérables", qu'ils "dépendaient du soutien américain pour leur développement stratégique", et qu'ils étaient "vraiment pro-Occidentaux". Il déplore l'attitude des autorités roumaines, qui ont tenté de lui "dissimuler" des informations sur les vols, ainsi que celle des autorités polonaises, qui les lui ont refusées.


Rafaële Rivais, Bruxelles, bureau européen



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