U.S. Flag Raising a Victory for the 'Undying One' Fidel (Folha, Brazil)


"It was Fidel who pulled down the U.S. flag in front of its embassy in Havana, and it is a victory that the regime he embodied survived 54 years of confrontation and destabilization efforts. … But his victory, with the return of that flag to its mast, appears so fallen, so fragile, that one feels moved to pity. If I were Cuba propaganda minister, I would keep Fidel in hiding to maintain his image as it was 40 years ago - thick black beard, victor of Sierra Maestra – and not the stubble of ancient grey and white we saw last week."


By Clóvis Rossi*



Translated By Brandi Miller


August 20, 2015


Brazil – Folha – Original Article (Portuguese)

The image of Fidel Castro [above] exiting a van with the help of [Bolivia President] Evo Morales on the day of his 89th birthday (Aug. 13), triggers two opposing sensations.


First, of a winner.


After all, it was Fidel who pulled down the North American [U.S.] flag in front of its embassy in Havana, and it is a victory that the regime he embodied survived 54 years of confrontation and destabilization efforts.


But his victory, with the return of that flag to its mast, appears so fallen, so fragile, that one feels moved to pity.


If I were Cuba's propaganda minister, I would keep Fidel in hiding to maintain his image as it was 40 years ago - thick black beard, victor of Sierra Maestra [photo below] - not the stubble of ancient grey and white we saw last week.

Fidel Castro near his newly-established rebel base in the mountains of Sierra
Maestra between 1952-1953. For Folha international columnist Clóvis Rossi,
this is the image Havana should have maintained, rather those of Fidel at 89.


Unless Cuban propagandists were trying to say that Fidel is "immortal," as was said 40 years ago of [Spain dictator] Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the “Caudillo [Commander] of Spain by the grace of God,” as he lay dying in his Pardo Palace.


The agony went on so long that Spaniards used to say: “Franco isn't immortal; he is "undying." This was exactly the feeling I got seeing the photos of Fidel with Evo Morales.


After all, it was I who had already forecasted his final agony in 1997, i.e.: nearly a quarter century ago.


All because I encountered him in Geneva after 50th anniversary celebrations for GATT (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, later renamed the World Trade Organization).


He was pale, his beard was already showing huge patches and he had the color of a sick person - exactly as he looked in the photos on this August of 2015.


As has been said ad infinitum for the past week, the handshake and talks of President Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro...

Posted by WorldMeetsUS on Thursday, April 16, 2015


Moreover, he was briefly hospitalized in the Swiss city at the time.


When I returned to Brazil I wrote a report for the editorial director reporting my impressions of the encounter with Fidel, suggesting that they send someone to Cuba to start finding material for after Fidel, which I thought would be soon in coming.


It took 11 years for the illness to really hit, forcing him to transfer power to his brother.


Of course, a 71-year-old man with a diseased appearance, like was the case with Fidel in 1997, is not the same as the same man looking even more decayed at 89.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


So it's possible that Fidel Castro will in fact soon pass away. Yet I continue to think he is "undying."

Clovis Rossi is a special correspondent and member of the Folha editorial board, is a winner of the Maria Moors Cabot award (USA) and is a member of the Foundation for a New Ibero-American Journalism. His column appears on Thursdays and Sundays on page 2 and on Saturdays in the World Notebook section. He is the author, among other works, of Special Envoy: 25 Years Around the World and What is Journalism?






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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Aug. 20, 3:19pm]




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