Pancho Cajas, Ecuador

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Trump Echoes 'Every U.S. President' Since James Monroe (Semana, Colombia)


"Either openly or in whispers, every one of them has conducted himself in accord with such thinking. James Monroe established his doctrine defining Latin America as the 'backyard' of the United States. From the 18th century to Obama today, every president has treated Latin America as if it were. … Fearing the spread of freedom, Washington backed French planters in Haiti with arms and money against a revolt by Black slaves. Lincoln wanted, but could not arrange, to rid the country of emancipated slaves by sending them to colonize Central America. Obama continues to use its Guantanamo base in Cuba as an illegal dumping ground for holding prisoners without trial. As far as Trump's proposed wall, this idea was lifted largely from President Bush (the son)."


By Antonio Caballero



Translated By Miguel Gutierrez


July 7, 2015


Colombia - Semana - Original Article (Spanish)

Multi-billionaire Donald Trump, Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States, has insulted Mexican immigrants: "Mexico sends us drugs, crime and rapists," he says. He announced that as president, he will not only build a wall along the border to stop the flow of these unwanted people, but oblige them to pay for it. The response from our side has been mockery of Trump by cartoonists, indignant editorialists, complaints from singers, astonishment from diplomats, threatens of retaliation from beauty queens. All Latin Americans feel collectively humiliated and offended by Trump as if his intolerance were novel.


Perhaps it should be intolerable, but it has always been tolerated before and it's nothing new. What Donald Trump says today are things that almost all presidents of the United States have said before. Either openly or in whispers, every one of them has conducted himself in accord with such thinking. James Monroe established his doctrine [the Monroe Doctrine] defining Latin America as the "backyard" of the United States [1823]. From the 18th century to Obama today, every president has treated Latin America as if it were.



Fearing the spread of freedom, Washington backed French planters in Haiti with arms and money against a revolt by Black slaves. Lincoln wanted, but could not arrange, to rid the country of emancipated slaves by sending them to colonize Central America [aka/Linconia]. Obama continues to use its Guantanamo base in Cuba as an illegal dumping ground for holding prisoners without trial. Why don’t the same things happen on other continents in which the U.S. has military bases - In Japan, for example, or Britain? As far as Trump's proposed wall, this idea was lifted largely from President Bush (the son).

Posted By Worldmeets.US


In this secular contempt for their southern neighbors, U.S. presidents are not alone: they are joined by their entire nation. That is because, yes - the United States is a country of immigrants, but they are rapidly-assimilated immigrants (which is, like all things, both good and bad). They are assimilated to the point that they are considered, by way of the "American dream," real "WASPs" (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) just one generation after arrival. Whether Irish or Polish, Italian or Russian, they are yes - Whites in every respect: neither Negro nor Indian. By way of example, two of the candidates competing with Trump for the Republican nomination are Cuban-Americans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, the immigration policies of which consist of, as usual, taking away the ladder used by those who arrive to gain access to "the American dream." Xenophobia is the first patriotic sentiment of the newly-assimilated immigrant.

Three of a Kind: Trump, Coulter and Dylann Roof (La Jornada, Mexico)

[Click Here to Read]


However, passing from sentiment to reality, what Donald Trump says in only marginally true: there are indeed in the United States Latino drug traffickers. However, they are there because of U.S. demands that they be extradited; and after rendering part of their fortunes to the U.S. Treasury, they settled there permanently. The opposite is much more widely know: our "good" neighbors to the north have historically sent their own pirates and bandits to their 'bad' southern neighbors – and not only drug traffickers, but the entire drug enterprise which was created by their drug addictions and prohibitions - without which there would be no such enterprise.


But even if true - to say such things would be unpopular. Yet Trump's xenophobic insults are no more than an echo of the past, despite having aroused the vocal protests of Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin or Mexican magnate Carlos Slim. So it is indeed possible that the next president of the United States will be Donald Trump, who will make us pay for their Cordon sanitaire [sanitary cordon]. Nor would that be anything new.



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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, June 7, 2015, 9:19pm]






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