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Le Monde, France

After DSK Affair, Feminists Issue New Political Demands


"'What we reacted to was not what happened - or didn’t happen - in New York. The U.S. justice system will decide that. … Why did it take the DSK affair for the political class and the press to ‘discover’ that 75,000 women are raped in France every year? That professional inequality remains the rule? That parity is a mirage?'"


-- Caroline de Haas, co-founder of Dare to Be Feminist!


By Special Correspondent Catherine Simon


Translated By Elise Nussbaum


July 3, 2011


France - Le Monde - Original Article (French)

Jack Lang, Socialist Party lawmaker, former culture minister and friend of Dominique-Strauss Kahn was pilloried for minimizing the charges against DSK.


NEW YORK TIMES TV: The impact of DSK's release on French politics, July 2, 00:01:44RealVideo

EVRY: An unexpected success? A success, at any rate. “Thanks, DSK!” jokes an experienced activist, well-versed in political analysis and delighted at the large turnout. From the beginning of the “Summer conference of Feminist Movements” on Saturday, July 2, at the University of Evry (Essonne), the amphitheater is filled to bursting, as would later be the thirty discussion rooms organized over the weekend; the one entitled “Queers & Gender Fucker: What is the Path for Feminism?” was a huge hit, with people having to be turned away at the door.


Yet certainly, without the furious energy of the Osez le Féminisme! (Dare to Be Feminist!) Association that initiated the conference - and inspired a coalition of forty groups, including the National Federation of Women’s Solidarity and Family Planning - this conference would have never taken place. According to organizers, a total of 600 activists - a handful of them male - made the journey, a third of them from the Paris suburbs. But it's not at all certain that without the upheaval caused by the DSK affair, there would have been quite as many people.


In no way is this to make a big deal about this, and far less a triumph. The revelations printed by The New York Times, which undermine the credibility of the accuser, followed by the parole of Mr. Strauss-Kahn, have obliged feminists, if not to keep a low profile, then at least to observe caution when expressing themselves, to the point of observing a form of "self-censorship," in the words of one participant at the conference who spoke off the record. At a workshop entitled: “Rape: The Shame Must Be Shifted,” the former IMF chief's name was never spoken.




One might laugh at this, when recalling the gaffe of [French Socialist MP] Jack Lang, whose ham-handed “it’s not like he killed a man” sped around the planet [see video below]. To be honest, if one speaks so little of the drama in New York, it's because the shock wave caused by the DSK affair is almost past.



LeJDD, France: DSK Affair Sanitizes 'French Bashing' in New York Media
Huanqiu, China:
Did U.S. 'Frame' DSK Over IMF Economic Forecasts?
Folha, Brazil: DSK: Would You Vote for a Sexual Predator?
Der Standard, Austria: Europeans Must Act Quickly or Lose IMF
Jornal De Negocios, Portugal: DSK Would Have Been Right at Home at Elysee
Liberation, France: Sex, Power and French Journalistic Principles
Der Western, Germany: DSK and Schwarzenegger: Reprehensible 'Breaches of Contract'
Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, France: Strauss-Kahn: He's 'Nothing But a Man'
The Australian, Australia: French 'Code of Silence' Protected Strauss-Kahn
Financial Times, U.K.: VIDEO: After Strauss-Kahn, Will IMF Look East?
Der Spiegel, Germany: French 'Aghast' at Arrest of IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn
Der Spiegel, Germany: Fall of Strauss-Kahn, the Global Economy's Top Steward
Le Monde, France: Infidelity: An American Social and Political Obsession
Nachrichten, Switzerland: Spitzer's Fall: A Tale That 'Never Gets Old'
Folha, Brazil: Spitzer's Fall and America's Archaic Laws About Sex …
Der Spiegel, Germany: Fall of Strauss-Kahn, the Global Economy's Top Steward

The Daily Sun, Nigeria: Explaining Tiger Woods' 'Lust for White Women'  

Rue 89, France: Tiger Woods' Fall from Grace: Only in America

De Volkskrant, The Netherlands: Tiger Woods: Fallen Star for a Public Age

The Times, U.K.: Tiger Woods 'Blackened' By All-White Trophy Cupboard

The Telegraph, U.K.: Tiger's Birdies Make Golf So 'Rock'n'Roll'

Le Journal de Montreal, Canada: Bonds Tiger Sought to Save Weren't of Marriage


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“In a sense, the case has been beneficial. It has awakened the conscience: people are now questioning the reality of the situation of women and the relationship of power and sexuality,” judges the head of the French Movement for Family Planning, Carine Favier, who nevertheless cautioned against the “freedom-killing Puritan discourse” that the DSK affair has inspired.


“In France,” she continued, “as soon as you start talking about sexuality, as soon as you start to mix politics and private life, you hit a roadblock.” She readily admits that this is a complex issue and offers as an example women who press charges for domestic violence: “They do so because there is already a background of assault, insults and humiliation. But they rarely press charges for rape. They don’t immediately perceive it like that, since as everyone knows, sex without desire is just part of marriage,” says the chairwoman of Family Planning. For her, the only question is, “the power that one person exercises over another. For one person to consider someone else just an object is simply unacceptable.”




On May 22 in Paris, this same caution could be found among the activists of Dare to Be Feminist!, who improvised a rally just after the allegations, against sexism, and published, along with other associations, a pamphlet denouncing the misogynistic remarks of certain politicians.


“If there was no rape, well, that’s good news!” exclaims Caroline de Haas, co-founder and former spokesperson for Dare to Be Feminist!. “What we reacted to was not what happened - or didn’t happen - in New York. The American justice system will decide that. What enraged us were the sexist jokes that followed. Contrary to what you may have read, feminists are not looking to point fingers. What we want is for justice to be done,” she insists.


Does it change anything if the maid lied? “If journalists come to us today to talk about DSK - and if they think that this dramatic turn of events has changed our way of seeing things, they’re wrong!” says de Haas in mock anger.   




“Why did all this have to happen before we were invited to appear on television?” she continues. “We’ve existed for two years. The French Movement for Family Planning has been here for decades. We’re not taking advantage of any trends. Why did it take the DSK affair for the political class and the press to ‘discover’ that 75,000 women are raped in France every year? That professional inequality remains the rule? That parity is a mirage?”


These are the same arguments that will be thrown out during the closing speeches early Sunday afternoon. A collective text, which the participating associations have signed, present nine priority demands that the feminist movement intends to submit to presidential candidates between now and the spring of 2012.


Entitled, Equality Now!, the text calls for, notably, the creation of a ministry for women’s rights and for effective implementation of the parity law in regard to political decisions “starting in the legislative elections of 2012,” and recognition, including financial, of the “essential” work conducted by feminist groups.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US July 8, 1:17am]


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