
Iraqi Legislator Mithal al-Alusi: His visit to Israel has sparked an

uproar in Baghdad, with members of the Iraqi Assembly moving

to strip him of his parliamentary immunity and charge him with

treason. The law he is being charged under dates from purges of

Israeli agents by Saddam's Baathist regime during the 1960s.



Kitabat, Iraq

How Iraq's 'American Masters' Drove Us to Compare Israel to Iran


"Now the question of 'visits to Israel' and calls to 'reestablish relations with her' are viable topics of debate, whereas before these were the most taboo of taboos. ... It's like starting a discussion about which neighbor your daughter has committed adultery with - and which of them would be worse …"


By Eshtaar


Translated By James Jacobson and Nicolas Dagher


September 18, 2008


Iraq - Kitabat - Original Article (Arabic)

Kitabat readers are divided between those who support Israel as a friend and those who are opposed. Supporters have even found a verse in the Quran which talks of Israel's rights, elevating the country to the highest class, while opponents hold it in the lowest possible regard.


But the issue is simpler than that. That man [Iraqi Assemblyman Mithal al-Alusi - see Editor's Note below ] who is so loyal to the occupation, which is where he came from and where he will return, like all the others in the National Assembly of donkeys, serve only one religion - complete submission to Uncle Sam. They differ in their support for this or that minor item, but their one and only master is the Lord of the Green Barn [referring to the fortified Green Zone], which is also the Lord of his chosen people and the rapist of occupied Palestine. If it weren't for America, Israel wouldn't have even survived militarily and economically. How can the rapist be a victim, and the instigator and sponsor of the rape be innocent? How can the rapist be desirous of friendship with Israel and averse to friendship with America? Wherein do they differ? They have but one origin, one doctrine, one goal, one sphere of interest and one method of predation.


[Editor's Note: Mithal al-Alusi is a member of the Iraqi National Assembly. He's a Sunni Arab secularist that backs a close alliance with the United States and Israel. On Sunday, members of Iraq's National Assembly strippid Mr. Alusi of his parliamentary immunity from prosecution in order to charge him with treason for visiting the Jewish state. The Assembly has also banned Mithal al-Alusi from traveling outside Iraq or attending Assembly sessions ].


It's the game of the American occupation that's racing around the minds and hearts of the deranged and confused. It is this which has caused them to loose their bearings. This is the game that steers the debate over which side would be better to follow and collaborate with - Iran or Israel.


The mere mention of this issue raises controversy, and forces one to make a choice. It has sparked a psychological war between us and the Zionist entity. Now the question of "visits to Israel" and calls to "reestablish relations with her" are viable topics of debate, whereas before these were the most taboo of taboos. It's like starting a discussion about which neighbor your daughter has committed adultery with - and which of them would be worse …


The "intellectuals" these days offer a very reluctant justification for this: Israel hasn't killed a single Iraqi, so therefore there is no obstacle to establishing relations with her!! Whereas Iran killed and continues to kill Iraqis!


But neither did Hitler kill a single Iraqi. Why then, do we express our hatred for him? Why would you [Mithal al-Alusi] consider Nazism an enemy if someone identifies you with it? Has Iran killed more Iraqis than the Americans have, with her army, her planes, her missiles, her embargo, her invasion and her war, which has continued from 1990 until today? Why then would you brag about your friendship with her and your U.S. citizenship - and why would you assume the role as her agent while denying that you act at her behest?



Most ironically, one writer for this newspaper [see below] shouted that he would visit Israel and stand up for Al-Alusi if only to anger Iran's agents!! As if he wants us to believe that his urgent desire to visit America's beloved Israel requires such trivial justification.


[Editor's Note: The author is undoubtedly referring to Khadir Taahar, the writer of other articles WORLDMEETS.US has translated including, When Will Iraqis Realize that the Enemy is Iran and Not Israel? ; Security Deal With America is Iraq's 'Opportunity of a Lifetime' ; Iraqi Shiites! Stand Up and Reject Iran! ; The American CIA: 'Defender of Humanity'  and Iraq Would Be a Fool to Refuse America's 'Outstretched Hand'].


Friends of Iran have sparked the uproar over this friend of Israel, but it's all just electoral clatter being permitted by the American master to create a huge debate about the advantages of friendship with Israel, especially since the challenge to Al-Alusi's loss of parliamentary immunity was based on a false premise.


Mr. Al-Alusi will escape the crisis like hair from dough [an Arabic expression that means it's easy to remove].after he takes refuge in the Federal Court, as any democrat would. They will find him innocent, he'll be given back his immunity and a point will be score against the heart of the Iranian lobby. Meanwhile, a point will be scored within the heart of the Zionist lobby. 



During all this, we'll need plenty of tissues to wipe away our tears as we bid farewell to Iraq's beloved [General] Petraeus, who will leave an empty spot in our hearts and our homes. And we'll need lots of fake flowers to welcome the bald [General] Odierno , which was promised by the "Lord!" Halleluiah!









































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 21, 9:08pm]