Donald Trump and Chris Christie talk immigration at GOP debate last night.



Trump Endangers 'Everything' the United States has Achieved (Excelsior, Mexico)


"Born of a dangerous combination of ignorance and intolerance, he seeks to recover the greatness of the United States with public policy worthy of the Middle Ages. ... Donald Trump has awoken the racism which has always been latent in U.S. society, so he may continue to gain in popularity. For this reason, great attention must be paid to this form of polarization. … U.S. society should take care not to fall back into the extremist racial positions that caused such damage just a few decades ago and must demonstrate to the world the legitimacy of the universal values which give form to global coexistence."


By Max Cortázar



Translated By Noelia Padron


September 17, 2015


Mexico – Excelsior – Original Article (Spanish)

A couple of months ago when Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States, his fourth in the last 16 years, people considered it yet another of the multi-billionaire entrepreneur’s extravaganzas and a desperate attempt to attract attention. Today it has become a real danger for the United States.


The start of his candidacy was above all controversial with a clear message against migrants – particularly Mexicans. Trump's chosen line of discourse exalts racial hatred as a method of media positioning. Not only did he call us drug traffickers and kidnappers, but a few days later he said we were murderers to boot. He never retracted those statements. Little did people know that this would be the beginning of an openly-racist campaign that threatens everything his country has achieved.


The fact is - Donald Trump is offering failed approaches to political leadership. Born of a dangerous combination of ignorance and intolerance, he seeks to recover the greatness of the United States with public policy worthy of the Middle Ages. Discrimination and populism - so attractive to the retrograde sectors of North American society - are dead ends that huge sectors of that nation's voters have systematically opposed in the recent past.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


As recently as 2012, the U.S. people said no to potential abuses of power against the migrant population. After its presidential election defeat, the Republican Party had to undertake a strategic repositioning toward various target audiences which is now threatened with derailment due to repeated statements by Trump aimed at ingratiating himself with the most reactionary voter base in the country. This despite the fact that Republicans need at least four in ten Latino votes in order to secure their return to the Oval Office.


Would a Donald Trump presidency be more of a threat to Mexico or to the U.S. body politic itself? La Jornada columnist...

Posted by WorldMeetsUS on Tuesday, September 15, 2015


There is no denying the attention generated by the way Trump has positioned himself. Even now there are people who see him as the best 2016 Republican election candidate. However, Trump’s ideas are echoing now only because the election campaign in still in an early stage, the strong brand recognition the tycoon possesses over other candidates just getting started, and because of his resort to polarizing language in his primary speeches to win the support of primary voters. All these factors explain the "bubble effect" Trump has so far enjoyed.


Yet over and above actions to mobilize and repudiate his efforts that the dynamics of the electoral contest may unleash against his proposals, the Trump “bubble” effect faces institutional barriers that should put the political figure in the place he deserves.


According to a study conducted by Civis Analytics - a consultancy founded by Obama campaign adviser Dan Wagner – Trump has an important base of support from voters who don't regularly participate in primary elections – so his popularity is overstated.


Nevertheless, his impact should not be minimized. Bubble or not, Donald Trump has awoken the racism which has always been latent in U.S. society, so he may continue to gain in popularity. For this reason, great attention must be paid to this form of polarization.


There is still a long way to go. U.S. society should take care not to fall back into the extremist racial positions that caused such damage just a few decades ago and must demonstrate to the world the legitimacy of the universal values which give form to global coexistence.


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany: 'Bullies' like Trump also Rise in Europe
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland:: Trump's Harakari: an 'Orgy' for Bullshit Connoisseurs
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Donald Trump: Candidate from Your Parents' Worst Nightmare
La Jornada, Mexico: Three of a Kind: Trump, Coulter and Dylann Roof
Guardian, U.K.: 'Interview of the Year': Sarah Palin Showers Donald Trump with Adoration
La Jornada,Mexico: Trump's Rise is a Threat to Mexico and Mexicans
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Donald Trump Raises 'Interesting Question' about Heroism in War
Deutsche Welle, Germany: Donald Trump: Presidential Hopeful who Baffles Europe
El Nuevo Diario, Nicaragua: For Jeb, Hillary and the Rest, There's No Escape from Iraq
Scotsman, U.K.: Trump Calls Second Scottish Independence Referendum 'Ridiculous'
La Jornada, Mexico: Thanks to Donald Trump, U.S. Latinos Feel their Oats
Milenio, Mexico: Semana, Colombia: Trump Echoes 'Every U.S. President' Since James Monroe
Milenio, Mexico: Donald Trump: A Rare Unifying Force for Mexicans and Gringos!
Excelsior, Mexico: Donald Trump: Migrants Join Army of those who Despise Him




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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, September 17, 2015, 11:54am]









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