Anti-Trump Uprising:
Miss Universe ... 'Give Up Your Crown'! (El Espectador, Colombia)
"In a bold
decision that other countries should follow, particularly those in Latin
America, Mexico and Costa Rica have withdrawn from Miss Universe. Paulina Vega,
the Colombian who currently wears the Miss Universe crown, said on her Instagram
page that she finds 'Mr. Trump’s comments unjust and hurtful,' but that she
doesn't agree with the idea of renouncing her crown, and that, 'If the Miss
Universe Organization shared any anti-Latin sentiments or any type of racial
biases, I wouldn’t be in this position today.' … That's understandable, but the
reality is that Miss Universe is a pillar of Trump's financial empire that
strengthens his image and alliances. It would be best for Vega to reject workplace
discrimination and give up her crown."
This is like a parody. It is hard to believe that the individual
talking and asserting with complete and utter certainty that Mexicans who
migrate to the United States "are bringing drugs and crime [and are]
rapists" is a serious person. [video, second from top, right].
And this isn't just anyone: it's Donald Trump - the impresario
with an $8.7 billion fortune that was amassed, on top of everything, partly
thanks to his business dealings with Mexico and various other Latin American
countries. But this isn't a satire. In effect, in launching his presidential
candidacy, he is looking to win public sympathy from a segment of the U.S.
population by appealing to stereotypes and xenophobic arguments.
The most worrying thing of all, however, is that it seems to
be working. Last week polls revealed that in Iowa and New Hampshire,
the first states to vote for presidential nominees, Trump is second in the
Republican Party race after Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida and brother of
ex-President George W. Bush.
The race for the White House is just beginning, but the fact
that out of so many candidates, someone making speeches like Trump has been is receiving
a welcoming reception is a symptom of an even larger problem. The Republican
Party has yet to officially rebuke his comments and none of the other
contenders has dared contradict him with the vehemence he deserves. They fear the
portion of the electorate which has confused the ideal of the country with
The Republicans and Mr. Trump forget that the United States
is a country of migrants, that there are in fact 38 million legal immigrants
(12 percent of the total population); that thanks to the economic strengthening
Mexico has experienced in recent years, the rate of Mexican migration into the
United States is now zero (the number of Mexicans that enter the country is
almost equal to those that leave); and that xenophobia has never been a winning
foreign policy, particularly for a country which prides itself on having great global
In an act of righteous indignation, Latinos around the world
have made clear their rejection of Trump's assertions. Univisión, the most widely-watched
channel in the United States, terminated its contract with Trump and refused to
continue broadcasting the Miss United States and Miss Universe competitions,
both of which are organized by Trump. NBC, the TV network that carried one of
his reality shows, has also terminated their relationship. Insisting that NBC
is violating his right to free expression, the magnate is suing, but his
argument is incongruous: if he is completely free to share his prejudices with
the world, the people he alludes to are just as free to choose not to do
business with him.
Posted By Worldmeets.US,
Trump Echoes 'Every U.S. President' Since James Monroe (Semana, Colombia)
In the same way, in a bold decision that other countries should
follow, particularly those in Latin America, Mexico and Costa Rica have
withdrawn from Miss Universe. Paulina Vega, the Colombian who currently wears
the Miss Universe crown, said on her
Instagram page that she finds "Mr. Trump’s comments unjust and hurtful,"
but that she doesn't agree with the idea of renouncing her crown, and that,
"If the Miss Universe Organization shared any anti-Latin sentiments or any
type of racial biases, I wouldn’t be in this position today."
That's understandable, but the reality is that Miss Universe
is a pillar of Trump's financial empire that strengthens his image and
alliances. It would be best for Vega to reject discrimination and give up her
[Editor's Note: Ms.
Vega's message says in part: "I find Mr. Trump’s comments unjust and
hurtful. As a Colombian and as Miss Universe, I want to show my support and
validate the sentiments of the Latin community. The Miss Universe Organization
works independently from its owners. For the past 64 years they have created
partnerships with great charity groups and have helped thousands of
communities. Their legacy of uniting countries from around the world has been
inspiring to many. If the Miss Universe Organization shared any anti-Latin
sentiments or any type of racial biases, I wouldn’t be in this position today.
I strongly believe that dividing and categorizing humankind only holds it back.
Acknowledging and embracing the differences that exist across humanity is the
first step in real and substantial development. We must strive together in
order to improve the common good."]